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1 files changed, 117 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/WwwCoderepo.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/WwwCoderepo.pm
index 8df6116a..d28b1a03 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/WwwCoderepo.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/WwwCoderepo.pm
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 # cloning + command-line usage.
 package PublicInbox::WwwCoderepo;
 use v5.12;
+use parent qw(PublicInbox::WwwStream);
 use File::Temp 0.19 (); # newdir
 use PublicInbox::ViewVCS;
@@ -19,9 +20,22 @@ use PublicInbox::RepoSnapshot;
 use PublicInbox::RepoAtom;
 use PublicInbox::RepoTree;
-my $EACH_REF = "git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate --format='%(HEAD)%00".
-        join('%00', map { "%($_)" }
-        qw(objectname refname:short subject creatordate:short))."'";
+my @EACH_REF = (qw(git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate),
+                "--format=%(HEAD)%00".join('%00', map { "%($_)" }
+                qw(objectname refname:short subject creatordate:short)));
+my $EACH_REF = "@EACH_REF[0..2] '$EACH_REF[3]'";
+my $HEADS_CMD = <<'';
+# heads (aka `branches'):
+$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
+        --format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
+my $TAGS_CMD = <<'';
+# tags:
+$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
+        --format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
+my $NO_HEADS = "# no heads (branches), yet...\n";
+my $NO_TAGS = "# no tags, yet...\n";
 # shared with PublicInbox::Cgit
 sub prepare_coderepos {
@@ -73,6 +87,39 @@ sub new {
+sub _snapshot_link_prep {
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
+        my @s = sort keys %{$ctx->{wcr}->{snapshots}} or return ();
+        my $n = $ctx->{git}->local_nick // die "BUG: $ctx->{git_dir} nick";
+        $n =~ s!\.git/*\z!!;
+        ($n) = ($n =~ m!([^/]+)/*\z!);
+        (ascii_html($n).'-', @s);
+sub _refs_heads_link {
+        my ($line, $upfx) = @_;
+        my ($pfx, $oid, $ref, $s, $cd) = split(/\0/, $line);
+        my $align = length($ref) < 12 ? ' ' x (12 - length($ref)) : '';
+        ("$pfx <a\nhref=$upfx$oid/s/>", ascii_html($ref),
+                "</a>$align ", ascii_html($s), " ($cd)\n")
+sub _refs_tags_link {
+        my ($line, $upfx, $snap_pfx, @snap_fmt) = @_;
+        my (undef, $oid, $ref, $s, $cd) = split(/\0/, $line);
+        my $align = length($ref) < 12 ? ' ' x (12 - length($ref)) : '';
+        if (@snap_fmt) {
+                my $v = $ref;
+                $v =~ s/\A[vV]//;
+                @snap_fmt = map {
+                        qq{ <a href="${upfx}snapshot/$snap_pfx$v.$_">$_</a>}
+                } @snap_fmt;
+                substr($snap_fmt[0], 0, 1) = "\t";
+        }
+        ("<a\nhref=$upfx$oid/s/>", ascii_html($ref),
+                "</a>$align ", ascii_html($s), " ($cd)", @snap_fmt, "\n");
 sub summary_finish {
         my ($ctx) = @_;
         my $wcb = delete($ctx->{env}->{'qspawn.wcb'}) or return; # already done
@@ -116,51 +163,21 @@ EOM
         # refs/heads
-        print $zfh "<a id=heads># heads (aka `branches'):</a>\n\$ " .
-                "git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads" .
-                " \\\n\t--format='%(HEAD) ". # no space for %(align:) hint
-                "%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'\n";
+        print $zfh '<a id=heads>', $HEADS_CMD , '</a>';
         @r = split(/^/sm, shift(@x) // '');
         $last = pop(@r) if scalar(@r) > $ctx->{wcr}->{summary_branches};
-        for (@r) {
-                my ($pfx, $oid, $ref, $s, $cd) = split(/\0/);
-                chomp $cd;
-                my $align = length($ref) < 12 ? ' ' x (12 - length($ref)) : '';
-                print $zfh "$pfx <a\nhref=./$oid/s/>", ascii_html($ref),
-                        "</a>$align ", ascii_html($s), " ($cd)\n";
-        }
-        print $zfh "# no heads (branches) yet...\n" if !@r;
-        print $zfh "...\n" if $last;
-        print $zfh "\n<a id=tags># tags:</a>\n\$ " .
-                "git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags" .
-                " \\\n\t--format='". # no space for %(align:) hint
-                "%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'\n";
+        chomp(@r);
+        for (@r) { print $zfh _refs_heads_link($_, './') }
+        print $zfh $NO_HEADS if !@r;
+        print $zfh qq(<a href="refs/heads/">...</a>\n) if $last;
+        print $zfh "\n<a id=tags>", $TAGS_CMD, '</a>';
         @r = split(/^/sm, shift(@x) // '');
         $last = pop(@r) if scalar(@r) > $ctx->{wcr}->{summary_tags};
-        my @s = sort keys %{$ctx->{wcr}->{snapshots}};
-        my $n;
-        if (@s) {
-                $n = $ctx->{git}->local_nick // die "BUG: $ctx->{git_dir} nick";
-                $n =~ s!\.git/*\z!!;
-                ($n) = ($n =~ m!([^/]+)/*\z!);
-                $n = ascii_html($n).'-';
-        }
-        for (@r) {
-                my (undef, $oid, $ref, $s, $cd) = split(/\0/);
-                chomp $cd;
-                my $align = length($ref) < 12 ? ' ' x (12 - length($ref)) : '';
-                print $zfh "<a\nhref=./$oid/s/>", ascii_html($ref),
-                        "</a>$align ", ascii_html($s), " ($cd)";
-                if (@s) {
-                        my $v = $ref;
-                        $v =~ s/\A[vV]//;
-                        print $zfh "\t",  join(' ', map {
-                                qq{<a href="snapshot/$n$v.$_">$_</a>} } @s);
-                }
-                print $zfh "\n";
-        }
-        print $zfh "# no tags yet...\n" if !@r;
-        print $zfh "...\n" if $last;
+        my ($snap_pfx, @snap_fmt) = _snapshot_link_prep($ctx);
+        chomp @r;
+        for (@r) { print $zfh _refs_tags_link($_, './', $snap_pfx, @snap_fmt) }
+        print $zfh $NO_TAGS if !@r;
+        print $zfh qq(<a href="refs/tags/">...</a>\n) if $last;
@@ -213,6 +230,59 @@ sub summary {
+# called by GzipFilter->close after translate
+sub zflush { $_[0]->SUPER::zflush('</pre>', $_[0]->_html_end) }
+# called by GzipFilter->write or GetlineBody->getline
+sub translate {
+        my $ctx = shift;
+        my $rec = $_[0] // return zflush($ctx); # getline
+        my @out;
+        my $fbuf = delete($ctx->{fbuf}) // shift;
+        $fbuf .= shift while @_;
+        if ($ctx->{-heads}) {
+                while ($fbuf =~ s/\A([^\n]+)\n//s) {
+                        utf8::decode(my $x = $1);
+                        push @out, _refs_heads_link($x, '../../');
+                }
+        } else {
+                my ($snap_pfx, @snap_fmt) = _snapshot_link_prep($ctx);
+                while ($fbuf =~ s/\A([^\n]+)\n//s) {
+                        utf8::decode(my $x = $1);
+                        push @out, _refs_tags_link($x, '../../',
+                                                $snap_pfx, @snap_fmt);
+                }
+        }
+        $ctx->{fbuf} = $fbuf;
+        $ctx->SUPER::translate(@out);
+sub _refs_parse_hdr { # {parse_hdr} for Qspawn
+        my ($r, $bref, $ctx) = @_;
+        my ($code, $top);
+        if ($r == 0) {
+                $code = 404;
+                $top = $ctx->{-heads} ? $NO_HEADS : $NO_TAGS;
+        } else {
+                $code = 200;
+                $top = $ctx->{-heads} ? $HEADS_CMD : $TAGS_CMD;
+        }
+        PublicInbox::WwwStream::html_init($ctx);
+        bless $ctx, __PACKAGE__; # re-bless for ->translate
+        print { $ctx->{zfh} } '<pre>', $top;
+        [ $code, delete($ctx->{-res_hdr}), $ctx ]; # [2] is qspawn.filter
+sub refs_foo { # /$REPO/refs/{heads,tags} endpoints
+        my ($self, $ctx, $pfx) = @_;
+        $ctx->{wcr} = $self;
+        $ctx->{-upfx} = '../../';
+        $ctx->{-heads} = 1 if $pfx eq 'refs/heads';
+        my $qsp = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new([@EACH_REF, $pfx ],
+                                        { GIT_DIR => $ctx->{git}->{git_dir} });
+        $qsp->psgi_return($ctx->{env}, undef, \&_refs_parse_hdr, $ctx);
 sub srv { # endpoint called by PublicInbox::WWW
         my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
         my $path_info = $ctx->{env}->{PATH_INFO};
@@ -242,6 +312,9 @@ sub srv { # endpoint called by PublicInbox::WWW
         } elsif ($path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)/tags\.atom\z! and
                         ($ctx->{git} = $cr->{$1})) {
+        } elsif ($path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)/(refs/(?:heads|tags))/\z! and
+                        ($ctx->{git} = $cr->{$1})) {
+                refs_foo($self, $ctx, $2);
         } elsif ($path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)\z! and ($git = $cr->{$1})) {
                 my $qs = $ctx->{env}->{QUERY_STRING};
                 my $url = $git->base_url($ctx->{env});