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path: root/t/lei-convert.t
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1 files changed, 94 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/t/lei-convert.t b/t/lei-convert.t
index e1849ff7..4670e47f 100644
--- a/t/lei-convert.t
+++ b/t/lei-convert.t
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
 #!perl -w
-# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
-use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
+use v5.12; use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
 use PublicInbox::MboxReader;
 use PublicInbox::MdirReader;
 use PublicInbox::NetReader;
 use PublicInbox::Eml;
 use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(which run_qx);
+use File::Compare;
+use autodie qw(open);
 require_mods(qw(lei -imapd -nntpd Mail::IMAPClient Net::NNTP));
 my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir;
 my $sock = tcp_server;
@@ -25,8 +29,36 @@ test_lei({ tmpdir => $tmpdir }, sub {
         my $d = $ENV{HOME};
         lei_ok('convert', '-o', "mboxrd:$d/foo.mboxrd",
+        my ($nc0) = ($lei_err =~ /converted (\d+) messages/);
         ok(-f "$d/foo.mboxrd", 'mboxrd created from imap://');
+        lei_ok qw(convert -o), "v2:$d/v2-test", "mboxrd:$d/foo.mboxrd";
+        my ($nc) = ($lei_err =~ /converted (\d+) messages/);
+        is $nc, $nc0, 'converted all messages messages';
+        lei_ok qw(q z:0.. -f jsonl --only), "$d/v2-test";
+        is(scalar(split(/^/sm, $lei_out)), $nc, 'got all messages in v2-test');
+        lei_ok qw(convert -o), "mboxrd:$d/from-v2.mboxrd", "$d/v2-test";
+        like $lei_err, qr/converted $nc messages/;
+        is(compare("$d/foo.mboxrd", "$d/from-v2.mboxrd"), 0,
+                'convert mboxrd -> v2 ->mboxrd roundtrip') or
+                        diag run_qx([qw(git diff --no-index),
+                                        "$d/foo.mboxrd", "$d/from-v2.mboxrd"]);
+        lei_ok [qw(convert -F eml -o), "$d/v2-test"], undef,
+                { 0 => \<<'EOM', %$lei_opt };
+From: f@example.com
+To: t@example.com
+Subject: append-to-v2-on-convert
+Message-ID: <append-to-v2-on-convert@example>
+Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000
+        like $lei_err, qr/converted 1 messages/, 'only one message added';
+        lei_ok qw(q z:0.. -f jsonl --only), "$d/v2-test";
+        is(scalar(split(/^/sm, $lei_out)), $nc + 1,
+                'got expected number of messages after append convert');
+        like $lei_out, qr/append-to-v2-on-convert/;
         lei_ok('convert', '-o', "mboxrd:$d/nntp.mboxrd",
         ok(-f "$d/nntp.mboxrd", 'mboxrd created from nntp://');
@@ -125,5 +157,65 @@ test_lei({ tmpdir => $tmpdir }, sub {
         like($md[0], qr/:2,S\z/, "`seen' flag set in Maildir");
         lei_ok(qw(convert -o mboxrd:/dev/stdout), "$d/md2");
         like($lei_out, qr/^Status: RO/sm, "`seen' flag preserved");
+        SKIP: {
+                my $ok;
+                for my $x (($ENV{GZIP}//''), qw(pigz gzip)) {
+                        $x && (`$x -h 2>&1`//'') =~ /--rsyncable\b/s or next;
+                        $ok = $x;
+                        last;
+                }
+                skip 'pigz || gzip do not support --rsyncable', 1 if !$ok;
+                lei_ok qw(convert --rsyncable), "mboxrd:$d/qp.gz",
+                        '-o', "mboxcl2:$d/qp2.gz";
+                undef $fh; # necessary to make IO::Uncompress::Gunzip happy
+                open $fh, '<', "$d/qp2.gz";
+                $fh = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new($fh, MultiStream => 1);
+                my @tmp;
+                PublicInbox::MboxReader->mboxcl2($fh, sub {
+                        my ($eml) = @_;
+                        $eml->header_set($_) for qw(Content-Length Lines);
+                        push @tmp, $eml;
+                });
+                is_deeply(\@tmp, \@bar, 'read rsyncable-gzipped mboxcl2');
+        }
+        my $cp = which('cp') or xbail 'cp(1) not available (WTF?)';
+        for my $v (1, 2) {
+                my $ibx_dir = "$ro_home/t$v";
+                lei_ok qw(convert -f mboxrd), $ibx_dir,
+                                \"dump v$v inbox to mboxrd";
+                my $out = $lei_out;
+                lei_ok qw(convert -f mboxrd), "v$v:$ibx_dir",
+                                \"dump v$v inbox to mboxrd w/ v$v:// prefix";
+                is $out, $lei_out, "v$v:// prefix accepted";
+                open my $fh, '<', \$out;
+                my (@mb, @md, @md2);
+                PublicInbox::MboxReader->mboxrd($fh, sub {
+                        $_[0]->header_set('Status');
+                        push @mb, $_[0]->as_string;
+                });
+                undef $out;
+                ok(scalar(@mb), 'got messages output');
+                my $mdir = "$d/v$v-mdir";
+                lei_ok qw(convert -o), $mdir, $ibx_dir,
+                        \"dump v$v inbox to Maildir";
+                PublicInbox::MdirReader->new->maildir_each_eml($mdir, sub {
+                        push @md, $_[2]->as_string;
+                });
+                @md = sort { $a cmp $b } @md;
+                @mb = sort { $a cmp $b } @mb;
+                is_deeply(\@mb, \@md, 'got matching inboxes');
+                xsys_e([$cp, '-Rp', $ibx_dir, "$d/tv$v" ]);
+                remove_tree($mdir, "$d/tv$v/public-inbox",
+                                glob("$d/tv$v/xap*"));
+                lei_ok qw(convert -o), $mdir, "$d/tv$v",
+                        \"dump u indexed v$v inbox to Maildir";
+                PublicInbox::MdirReader->new->maildir_each_eml($mdir, sub {
+                        push @md2, $_[2]->as_string;
+                });
+                @md2 = sort { $a cmp $b } @md2;
+                is_deeply(\@md, \@md2, 'got matching inboxes even unindexed');
+        }