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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/XapHelper.pm')
1 files changed, 340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/XapHelper.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/XapHelper.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9957f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/XapHelper.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# Perl + SWIG||XS implementation if XapHelperCxx / xap_helper.h isn't usable.
+package PublicInbox::XapHelper;
+use v5.12;
+use Getopt::Long (); # good API even if we only use short options
+our $GLP = Getopt::Long::Parser->new;
+$GLP->configure(qw(require_order bundling no_ignore_case no_auto_abbrev));
+use PublicInbox::Search qw(xap_terms);
+use PublicInbox::CodeSearch;
+use PublicInbox::IPC;
+use PublicInbox::IO qw(read_all);
+use PublicInbox::DS qw(awaitpid);
+use autodie qw(open getsockopt);
+use POSIX qw(:signal_h);
+use Fcntl qw(LOCK_UN LOCK_EX);
+use Carp qw(croak);
+my $X = \%PublicInbox::Search::X;
+our (%SRCH, %WORKERS, $nworker, $workerset, $in);
+our $stderr = \*STDERR;
+sub cmd_test_inspect {
+        my ($req) = @_;
+        print { $req->{0} } "pid=$$ has_threadid=",
+                ($req->{srch}->has_threadid ? 1 : 0)
+sub cmd_test_sleep { select(undef, undef, undef, 0.01) while 1 }
+sub iter_retry_check ($) {
+        if (ref($@) =~ /\bDatabaseModifiedError\b/) {
+                $_[0]->{srch}->reopen;
+                undef; # retries
+        } elsif (ref($@) =~ /\bDocNotFoundError\b/) {
+                warn "doc not found: $@";
+                0; # continue to next doc
+        } else {
+                die;
+        }
+sub term_length_extract ($) {
+        my ($req) = @_;
+        @{$req->{A_len}} = map {
+                my $len = s/([0-9]+)\z// ? ($1 + 0) : undef;
+                [ $_, $len ];
+        } @{$req->{A}};
+sub dump_ibx_iter ($$$) {
+        my ($req, $ibx_id, $it) = @_;
+        my $out = $req->{0};
+        eval {
+                my $doc = $it->get_document;
+                for my $pair (@{$req->{A_len}}) {
+                        my ($pfx, $len) = @$pair;
+                        my @t = xap_terms($pfx, $doc);
+                        @t = grep { length == $len } @t if defined($len);
+                        for (@t) {
+                                print $out "$_ $ibx_id\n" or die "print: $!";
+                                ++$req->{nr_out};
+                        }
+                }
+        };
+        $@ ? iter_retry_check($req) : 0;
+sub emit_mset_stats ($$) {
+        my ($req, $mset) = @_;
+        my $err = $req->{1} or croak "BUG: caller only passed 1 FD";
+        say $err 'mset.size='.$mset->size.' nr_out='.$req->{nr_out}
+sub cmd_dump_ibx {
+        my ($req, $ibx_id, $qry_str) = @_;
+        $qry_str // die 'usage: dump_ibx [OPTIONS] IBX_ID QRY_STR';
+        $req->{A} or die 'dump_ibx requires -A PREFIX';
+        term_length_extract $req;
+        my $max = $req->{'m'} // $req->{srch}->{xdb}->get_doccount;
+        my $opt = { relevance => -1, limit => $max, offset => $req->{o} // 0 };
+        $opt->{eidx_key} = $req->{O} if defined $req->{O};
+        my $mset = $req->{srch}->mset($qry_str, $opt);
+        $req->{0}->autoflush(1);
+        for my $it ($mset->items) {
+                for (my $t = 10; $t > 0; --$t) {
+                        $t = dump_ibx_iter($req, $ibx_id, $it) // $t;
+                }
+        }
+        emit_mset_stats($req, $mset);
+sub dump_roots_iter ($$$) {
+        my ($req, $root2off, $it) = @_;
+        eval {
+                my $doc = $it->get_document;
+                my $G = join(' ', map { $root2off->{$_} } xap_terms('G', $doc));
+                for my $pair (@{$req->{A_len}}) {
+                        my ($pfx, $len) = @$pair;
+                        my @t = xap_terms($pfx, $doc);
+                        @t = grep { length == $len } @t if defined($len);
+                        for (@t) {
+                                $req->{wbuf} .= "$_ $G\n";
+                                ++$req->{nr_out};
+                        }
+                }
+        };
+        $@ ? iter_retry_check($req) : 0;
+sub dump_roots_flush ($$) {
+        my ($req, $fh) = @_;
+        if ($req->{wbuf} ne '') {
+                until (flock($fh, LOCK_EX)) { die "LOCK_EX: $!" if !$!{EINTR} }
+                print { $req->{0} } $req->{wbuf} or die "print: $!";
+                until (flock($fh, LOCK_UN)) { die "LOCK_UN: $!" if !$!{EINTR} }
+                $req->{wbuf} = '';
+        }
+sub cmd_dump_roots {
+        my ($req, $root2off_file, $qry_str) = @_;
+        $qry_str // die 'usage: dump_roots [OPTIONS] ROOT2ID_FILE QRY_STR';
+        $req->{A} or die 'dump_roots requires -A PREFIX';
+        term_length_extract $req;
+        open my $fh, '<', $root2off_file;
+        my $root2off; # record format: $OIDHEX "\0" uint32_t
+        my @x = split(/\0/, read_all $fh);
+        while (defined(my $oidhex = shift @x)) {
+                $root2off->{$oidhex} = shift @x;
+        }
+        my $opt = { relevance => -1, limit => $req->{'m'},
+                        offset => $req->{o} // 0 };
+        my $mset = $req->{srch}->mset($qry_str, $opt);
+        $req->{0}->autoflush(1);
+        $req->{wbuf} = '';
+        for my $it ($mset->items) {
+                for (my $t = 10; $t > 0; --$t) {
+                        $t = dump_roots_iter($req, $root2off, $it) // $t;
+                }
+                if (!($req->{nr_out} & 0x3fff)) {
+                        dump_roots_flush($req, $fh);
+                }
+        }
+        dump_roots_flush($req, $fh);
+        emit_mset_stats($req, $mset);
+sub mset_iter ($$) {
+        my ($req, $it) = @_;
+        say { $req->{0} } $it->get_docid, "\0",
+                        $it->get_percent, "\0", $it->get_rank;
+sub cmd_mset { # to be used by WWW + IMAP
+        my ($req, $qry_str) = @_;
+        $qry_str // die 'usage: mset [OPTIONS] QRY_STR';
+        my $opt = { limit => $req->{'m'}, offset => $req->{o} // 0 };
+        $opt->{relevance} = 1 if $req->{r};
+        $opt->{threads} = 1 if defined $req->{t};
+        $opt->{git_dir} = $req->{g} if defined $req->{g};
+        $opt->{eidx_key} = $req->{O} if defined $req->{O};
+        $opt->{threadid} = $req->{T} if defined $req->{T};
+        my $mset = $req->{srch}->mset($qry_str, $opt);
+        say { $req->{0} } 'mset.size=', $mset->size,
+                ' .get_matches_estimated=', $mset->get_matches_estimated;
+        for my $it ($mset->items) {
+                for (my $t = 10; $t > 0; --$t) {
+                        $t = mset_iter($req, $it) // $t;
+                }
+        }
+sub srch_init_extra ($) {
+        my ($req) = @_;
+        my $qp = $req->{srch}->{qp};
+        for (@{$req->{Q}}) {
+                my ($upfx, $m, $xpfx) = split /([:=])/;
+                $xpfx // die "E: bad -Q $_";
+                $m = $m eq '=' ? 'add_boolean_prefix' : 'add_prefix';
+                $qp->$m($upfx, $xpfx);
+        }
+        $req->{srch}->{qp_extra_done} = 1;
+sub dispatch {
+        my ($req, $cmd, @argv) = @_;
+        my $fn = $req->can("cmd_$cmd") or return;
+        $GLP->getoptionsfromarray(\@argv, $req, @PublicInbox::Search::XH_SPEC)
+                or return;
+        my $dirs = delete $req->{d} or die 'no -d args';
+        my $key = join("\0", @$dirs);
+        my $new;
+        $req->{srch} = $SRCH{$key} //= do {
+                $new = { qp_flags => $PublicInbox::Search::QP_FLAGS };
+                my $first = shift @$dirs;
+                my $slow_phrase = -f "$first/iamchert";
+                $new->{xdb} = $X->{Database}->new($first);
+                for (@$dirs) {
+                        $slow_phrase ||= -f "$_/iamchert";
+                        $new->{xdb}->add_database($X->{Database}->new($_));
+                }
+                $slow_phrase or
+                        $new->{qp_flags} |= PublicInbox::Search::FLAG_PHRASE();
+                bless $new, $req->{c} ? 'PublicInbox::CodeSearch' :
+                                        'PublicInbox::Search';
+                $new->{qp} = $new->qparse_new;
+                $new;
+        };
+        $req->{srch}->{xdb}->reopen unless $new;
+        $req->{Q} && !$req->{srch}->{qp_extra_done} and
+                srch_init_extra $req;
+        my $timeo = $req->{K};
+        alarm($timeo) if $timeo;
+        $fn->($req, @argv);
+        alarm(0) if $timeo;
+sub recv_loop {
+        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print $stderr @_ };
+        my $rbuf;
+        local $SIG{TERM} = sub { undef $in };
+        local $SIG{USR1} = \&reopen_logs;
+        while (defined($in)) {
+                PublicInbox::DS::sig_setmask($workerset);
+                my @fds = eval { # we undef $in in SIG{TERM}
+                        $PublicInbox::IPC::recv_cmd->($in, $rbuf, 4096*33)
+                };
+                if ($@) {
+                        exit if !$in; # hit by SIGTERM
+                        die;
+                }
+                scalar(@fds) or exit(66); # EX_NOINPUT
+                die "recvmsg: $!" if !defined($fds[0]);
+                PublicInbox::DS::block_signals(POSIX::SIGALRM);
+                my $req = bless {}, __PACKAGE__;
+                my $i = 0;
+                open($req->{$i++}, '+<&=', $_) for @fds;
+                local $stderr = $req->{1} // \*STDERR;
+                die "not NUL-terminated" if chop($rbuf) ne "\0";
+                my @argv = split(/\0/, $rbuf);
+                $req->{nr_out} = 0;
+                $req->dispatch(@argv) if @argv;
+        }
+sub reap_worker { # awaitpid CB
+        my ($pid, $nr) = @_;
+        delete $WORKERS{$nr};
+        if (($? >> 8) == 66) { # EX_NOINPUT
+                undef $in;
+        } elsif ($?) {
+                warn "worker[$nr] died \$?=$?\n";
+        }
+        PublicInbox::DS::requeue(\&start_workers) if $in;
+sub start_worker ($) {
+        my ($nr) = @_;
+        my $pid = eval { PublicInbox::DS::fork_persist } // return(warn($@));
+        if ($pid == 0) {
+                undef %WORKERS;
+                $SIG{TTIN} = $SIG{TTOU} = 'IGNORE';
+                $SIG{CHLD} = 'DEFAULT'; # Xapian may use this
+                recv_loop();
+                exit(0);
+        } else {
+                $WORKERS{$nr} = $pid;
+                awaitpid($pid, \&reap_worker, $nr);
+        }
+sub start_workers {
+        for my $nr (grep { !defined($WORKERS{$_}) } (0..($nworker - 1))) {
+                start_worker($nr) if $in;
+        }
+sub do_sigttou {
+        if ($in && $nworker > 1) {
+                --$nworker;
+                my @nr = grep { $_ >= $nworker } keys %WORKERS;
+                kill('TERM', @WORKERS{@nr});
+        }
+sub reopen_logs {
+        my $p = $ENV{STDOUT_PATH};
+        defined($p) && open(STDOUT, '>>', $p) and STDOUT->autoflush(1);
+        $p = $ENV{STDERR_PATH};
+        defined($p) && open(STDERR, '>>', $p) and STDERR->autoflush(1);
+sub parent_reopen_logs {
+        reopen_logs();
+        kill('USR1', values %WORKERS);
+sub xh_alive { $in || scalar(keys %WORKERS) }
+sub start (@) {
+        my (@argv) = @_;
+        my $c = getsockopt(local $in = \*STDIN, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE);
+        unpack('i', $c) == SOCK_SEQPACKET or die 'stdin is not SOCK_SEQPACKET';
+        local (%SRCH, %WORKERS);
+        PublicInbox::Search::load_xapian();
+        $GLP->getoptionsfromarray(\@argv, my $opt = { j => 1 }, 'j=i') or
+                die 'bad args';
+        local $workerset = POSIX::SigSet->new;
+        $workerset->fillset or die "fillset: $!";
+        for (@PublicInbox::DS::UNBLOCKABLE, POSIX::SIGUSR1) {
+                $workerset->delset($_) or die "delset($_): $!";
+        }
+        local $nworker = $opt->{j};
+        return recv_loop() if $nworker == 0;
+        die '-j must be >= 0' if $nworker < 0;
+                $workerset->delset($_) or die "delset($_): $!";
+        }
+        my $sig = {
+                TTIN => sub {
+                        if ($in) {
+                                ++$nworker;
+                                PublicInbox::DS::requeue(\&start_workers)
+                        }
+                },
+                TTOU => \&do_sigttou,
+                CHLD => \&PublicInbox::DS::enqueue_reap,
+                USR1 => \&parent_reopen_logs,
+        };
+        PublicInbox::DS::block_signals();
+        start_workers();
+        @PublicInbox::DS::post_loop_do = \&xh_alive;
+        PublicInbox::DS::event_loop($sig);