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1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/CodeSearch.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/CodeSearch.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5fa4480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/CodeSearch.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# read-only external index for coderepos
+# currently, it only indexes commits and repository metadata
+# (pathname, root commits); not blob contents
+package PublicInbox::CodeSearch;
+use v5.12;
+use parent qw(PublicInbox::Search);
+use PublicInbox::Config;
+use PublicInbox::Search qw(retry_reopen int_val xap_terms);
+use PublicInbox::Compat qw(uniqstr);
+use Compress::Zlib qw(uncompress);
+use constant {
+        AT => 0, # author time YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, dt: for mail)
+        CT => 1, # commit time (Unix time stamp, like TS/rt: in mail)
+        CIDX_SCHEMA_VER => 1, # brand new schema for code search
+        # for repos (`Tr'), CT(col=1) is used for the latest tip commit time
+        # in refs/{heads,tags}.  AT(col=0) may be used to store disk usage
+        # in the future, but disk usage calculation is espensive w/ alternates
+our @CODE_NRP;
+our @CODE_VMAP = (
+        [ AT, 'd:' ], # mairix compat
+        [ AT, 'dt:' ], # public-inbox mail compat
+        [ CT, 'ct:' ],
+# note: the non-X term prefix allocations are shared with Xapian omega,
+# see xapian-applications/omega/docs/termprefixes.rst
+# bool_pfx_internal:
+#        type => 'T', # 'c' - commit, 'r' - repo GIT_DIR
+#        tags are not indexed, only normal branches (refs/heads/*), not hidden
+#        'P' # (pathname) GIT_DIR # uniq
+#        'G' # (group) root commit (may have multiple roots)
+my %bool_pfx_external = (
+        oid => 'Q', # type:commit - git OID hex (40|64)-byte SHA-(1|256)
+                # type:repo - rel2abs_collapsed(GIT_DIR)
+        parent => 'XP',
+        %PublicInbox::Search::PATCH_BOOL_COMMON,
+my %prob_prefix = ( # copied from PublicInbox::Search
+        # do we care about committer? or partial commit OID via Xapian?
+        # o => 'XQ', # 'oid:' (bool) is exact, 'o:' (prob) can do partial
+        %PublicInbox::Search::PATCH_PROB_COMMON,
+        # default:
+        '' => 'S A XQUOT XFN ' . $PublicInbox::Search::NON_QUOTED_BODY
+sub new {
+        my ($cls, $dir, $cfg) = @_;
+        # can't have a PublicInbox::Config here due to circular refs
+        bless { topdir => $dir, xpfx => "$dir/cidx".CIDX_SCHEMA_VER,
+                -cfg_f => $cfg->{-f} }, $cls;
+sub join_data_key ($) { "join:$_[0]->{-cfg_f}" }
+sub join_data {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        my $key = join_data_key($self);
+        my $cur = $self->xdb->get_metadata($key) or return;
+        $cur = eval { PublicInbox::Config::json()->decode(uncompress($cur)) };
+        warn "E: $@ (corrupt metadata in `$key' key?)" if $@;
+        my @m = grep { ref($cur->{$_}) ne 'ARRAY' } qw(ekeys roots ibx2root);
+        if (@m) {
+                warn <<EOM;
+W: $self->{topdir} join data for $self->{-cfg_f} missing: @m
+                undef;
+        } elsif (@{$cur->{ekeys}} < @{$cur->{ibx2root}}) {
+                warn <<EOM;
+W: $self->{topdir} join data for $self->{-cfg_f} mismatched ekeys and ibx2root
+                undef;
+        } else {
+                $cur;
+        }
+sub qparse_new ($) {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        my $qp = $self->qp_init_common;
+        my $cb = $qp->can('add_valuerangeprocessor') //
+                $qp->can('add_rangeprocessor'); # Xapian 1.5.0+
+        if (!@CODE_NRP) {
+                @CODE_NRP = map {
+                        $PublicInbox::Search::NVRP->new(@$_)
+                } @CODE_VMAP;
+        }
+        $cb->($qp, $_) for @CODE_NRP;
+        while (my ($name, $pfx) = each %bool_pfx_external) {
+                $qp->add_boolean_prefix($name, $_) for split(/ /, $pfx);
+        }
+        while (my ($name, $pfx) = each %prob_prefix) {
+                $qp->add_prefix($name, $_) for split(/ /, $pfx);
+        }
+        $qp;
+sub generate_cxx () { # generates snippet for xap_helper.h
+        my $ret = <<EOM;
+# line ${\__LINE__} "${\__FILE__}"
+static NRP *code_nrp[${\scalar(@CODE_VMAP)}];
+static void code_nrp_init(void)
+        for (0..$#CODE_VMAP) {
+                my $x = $CODE_VMAP[$_];
+                $ret .= qq{\tcode_nrp[$_] = new NRP($x->[0], "$x->[1]");\n}
+        }
+$ret .= <<EOM;
+# line ${\__LINE__} "${\__FILE__}"
+static void qp_init_code_search(Xapian::QueryParser *qp)
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < MY_ARRAY_SIZE(code_nrp); i++)
+                qp->ADD_RP(code_nrp[i]);
+        for my $name (sort keys %bool_pfx_external) {
+                for (split(/ /, $bool_pfx_external{$name})) {
+                        $ret .= qq{\tqp->add_boolean_prefix("$name", "$_");\n}
+                }
+        }
+        for my $name (sort keys %prob_prefix) {
+                for (split(/ /, $prob_prefix{$name})) {
+                        $ret .= qq{\tqp->add_prefix("$name", "$_");\n}
+                }
+        }
+        $ret .= "}\n";
+# returns a Xapian::Query to filter by roots
+sub roots_filter { # retry_reopen callback
+        my ($self, $git_dir) = @_;
+        my $xdb = $self->xdb;
+        my $P = 'P'.$git_dir;
+        my ($cur, $end) = ($xdb->postlist_begin($P), $xdb->postlist_end($P));
+        if ($cur == $end) {
+                warn "W: $git_dir not indexed?\n";
+                return;
+        }
+        my @roots = xap_terms('G', $xdb, $cur->get_docid);
+        if (!@roots) {
+                warn "W: $git_dir has no root commits?\n";
+                return;
+        }
+        my $q = $PublicInbox::Search::X{Query}->new('G'.shift(@roots));
+        for my $r (@roots) {
+                $q = $PublicInbox::Search::X{Query}->new(
+                                        PublicInbox::Search::OP_OR(),
+                                        $q, 'G'.$r);
+        }
+        $q;
+sub mset {
+        my ($self, $qry_str, $opt) = @_;
+        my $qp = $self->{qp} //= qparse_new($self);
+        my $qry = $qp->parse_query($qry_str, $self->{qp_flags});
+        # limit to commits with shared roots
+        if (defined(my $git_dir = $opt->{git_dir})) {
+                my $rf = retry_reopen($self, \&roots_filter, $git_dir)
+                        or return;
+                $qry = $PublicInbox::Search::X{Query}->new(
+                                PublicInbox::Search::OP_FILTER(),
+                                $qry, $rf);
+        }
+        # we only want commits:
+        $qry = $PublicInbox::Search::X{Query}->new(
+                                PublicInbox::Search::OP_FILTER(),
+                                $qry, 'T'.'c');
+        $self->do_enquire($qry, $opt, CT);
+sub roots2paths { # for diagnostics
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        my $cur = $self->xdb->allterms_begin('G');
+        my $end = $self->{xdb}->allterms_end('G');
+        my $qrepo = $PublicInbox::Search::X{Query}->new('T'.'r');
+        my $enq = $PublicInbox::Search::X{Enquire}->new($self->{xdb});
+        $enq->set_weighting_scheme($PublicInbox::Search::X{BoolWeight}->new);
+        $enq->set_docid_order($PublicInbox::Search::ENQ_ASCENDING);
+        my %ret;
+        for (; $cur != $end; $cur++) {
+                my $G_oidhex = $cur->get_termname;
+                my $qry = $PublicInbox::Search::X{Query}->new(
+                                PublicInbox::Search::OP_FILTER(),
+                                $qrepo, $G_oidhex);
+                $enq->set_query($qry);
+                my ($size, $off, $lim) = (0, 0, 100000);
+                my $dirs = $ret{substr($G_oidhex, 1)} = [];
+                do {
+                        my $mset = $enq->get_mset($off += $size, $lim);
+                        for my $x ($mset->items) {
+                                push @$dirs, xap_terms('P', $x->get_document);
+                        }
+                        $size = $mset->size;
+                } while ($size);
+                @$dirs = sort(uniqstr(@$dirs));
+        }
+        \%ret;
+sub docids_of_git_dir ($$) {
+        my ($self, $git_dir) = @_;
+        my @ids = $self->docids_by_postlist('P'.$git_dir);
+        warn <<"" if @ids > 1;
+BUG: (non-fatal) $git_dir indexed multiple times in $self->{topdir}
+        @ids;
+sub root_oids ($$) {
+        my ($self, $git_dir) = @_;
+        my @ids = docids_of_git_dir $self, $git_dir or warn <<"";
+BUG? (non-fatal) `$git_dir' not indexed in $self->{topdir}
+        my @ret = map { xap_terms('G', $self->xdb, $_) } @ids;
+        @ret = uniqstr(@ret) if @ids > 1;
+        @ret;
+sub paths2roots {
+        my ($self, $paths) = @_;
+        my %ret;
+        if ($paths) {
+                for my $p (keys %$paths) { @{$ret{$p}} = root_oids($self, $p) }
+        } else {
+                my $tmp = roots2paths($self);
+                for my $root_oidhex (keys %$tmp) {
+                        my $paths = delete $tmp->{$root_oidhex};
+                        push @{$ret{$_}}, $root_oidhex for @$paths;
+                }
+                @$_ = sort(@$_) for values %ret;
+        }
+        \%ret;
+sub load_ct { # retry_reopen cb
+        my ($self, $git_dir) = @_;
+        my @ids = docids_of_git_dir $self, $git_dir or return;
+        for (@ids) {
+                my $doc = $self->get_doc($_) // next;
+                return int_val($doc, CT);
+        }
+sub load_commit_times { # each_cindex callback
+        my ($self, $todo) = @_; # todo = [ [ time, git ], [ time, git ] ...]
+        my (@pending, $rec, $ct);
+        while ($rec = shift @$todo) {
+                $ct = $self->retry_reopen(\&load_ct, $rec->[1]->{git_dir});
+                if (defined $ct) {
+                        $rec->[0] = $ct;
+                } else { # may be in another cindex:
+                        push @pending, $rec;
+                }
+        }
+        @$todo = @pending;
+sub load_coderepos { # each_cindex callback
+        my ($self, $pi_cfg) = @_;
+        my $name = $self->{name};
+        my $cfg_f = $pi_cfg->{-f};
+        my $lpfx = $self->{localprefix} or return warn <<EOM;
+W: cindex.$name.localprefix unset in $cfg_f, ignoring cindex.$name
+        my $lre = join('|', map { $_ .= '/'; tr!/!/!s; quotemeta } @$lpfx);
+        $lre = qr!\A(?:$lre)!;
+        my $coderepos = $pi_cfg->{-coderepos};
+        my $nick_pfx = $name eq '' ? '' : "$name/";
+        my %dir2cr;
+        for my $p ($self->all_terms('P')) {
+                my $nick = $p;
+                $nick =~ s!$lre!$nick_pfx!s or next;
+                $dir2cr{$p} = $coderepos->{$nick} //= do {
+                        my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($p);
+                        my %dedupe = ($nick => undef);
+                        ($git->{nick}) = keys %dedupe; # for git->pub_urls
+                        $git;
+                };
+        }
+        my $jd = $self->retry_reopen(\&join_data, $self) or return warn <<EOM;
+W: cindex.$name.topdir=$self->{topdir} has no usable join data for $cfg_f
+        my ($ekeys, $roots, $ibx2root) = @$jd{qw(ekeys roots ibx2root)};
+        my $roots2paths = roots2paths($self);
+        my %dedupe; # 50x alloc reduction w/ lore + gko mirror (Mar 2024)
+        for my $root_offs (@$ibx2root) {
+                my $ekey = shift(@$ekeys) // die 'BUG: {ekeys} empty';
+                scalar(@$root_offs) or next;
+                my $ibx = $pi_cfg->lookup_eidx_key($ekey) // do {
+                        warn "W: `$ekey' gone from $cfg_f\n";
+                        next;
+                };
+                my $gits = $ibx->{-repo_objs} //= [];
+                my $cr_score = $ibx->{-cr_score} //= {};
+                my %ibx_p2g = map { $_->{git_dir} => $_ } @$gits;
+                my $ibx2self; # cindex has an association w/ inbox?
+                for (@$root_offs) { # sorted by $nr descending
+                        my ($nr, $root_off) = @$_;
+                        my $root_oid = $roots->[$root_off] // do {
+                                warn <<EOM;
+BUG: root #$root_off invalid in join data for `$ekey' with $cfg_f
+                                next;
+                        };
+                        my $git_dirs = $roots2paths->{$root_oid};
+                        my @gits = map { $dir2cr{$_} // () } @$git_dirs;
+                        $cr_score->{$_->{nick}} //= $nr for @gits;
+                        @$git_dirs = grep { !$ibx_p2g{$_} } @$git_dirs;
+                        # @$git_dirs or warn "W: no matches for $root_oid\n";
+                        for (@$git_dirs) {
+                                if (my $git = $dir2cr{$_}) {
+                                        $ibx_p2g{$_} = $git;
+                                        $ibx2self = 1;
+                                        if (!$ibx->{-hide_www}) {
+                                                # don't stringify $nr directly
+                                                # to avoid long-lived PV
+                                                my $k = ($nr + 0)."\0".
+                                                        ($ibx + 0);
+                                                my $s = $dedupe{$k} //=
+                                                        [ $nr, $ibx->{name} ];
+                                                push @{$git->{ibx_score}}, $s;
+                                        }
+                                        push @$gits, $git;
+                                } else {
+                                        warn <<EOM;
+W: no coderepo available for $_ (localprefix=@$lpfx)
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+                if (@$gits) {
+                        push @{$ibx->{-csrch}}, $self if $ibx2self;
+                } else {
+                        delete $ibx->{-repo_objs};
+                        delete $ibx->{-cr_score};
+                }
+        }
+        for my $git (values %dir2cr) {
+                my $s = $git->{ibx_score};
+                @$s = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @$s if $s;
+        }
+        my $ALL = $pi_cfg->ALL or return;
+        my @alls_gits = sort {
+                scalar @{$b->{ibx_score} // []} <=>
+                        scalar @{$a->{ibx_score} // []}
+        } values %$coderepos;
+        my $gits = $ALL->{-repo_objs} //= [];
+        push @$gits, @alls_gits;
+        my $cr_score = $ALL->{-cr_score} //= {};
+        $cr_score->{$_->{nick}} //= scalar(@{$_->{ibx_score}//[]}) for @$gits;
+sub repos_sorted {
+        my $pi_cfg = shift;
+        my @recs = map { [ 0, $_ ] } @_; # PublicInbox::Git objects
+        my @todo = @recs;
+        $pi_cfg->each_cindex(\&load_commit_times, \@todo);
+        @recs = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @recs; # sort by commit time