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3 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/install/README b/install/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2cdac4d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/README
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tooling for mass package installation
+TL;DR (as root or with sudo):
+        ./install/deps.perl all                # install everything
+        ./install/deps.perl lei                # only what's needed for lei
+        ./install/deps.perl www-search        # for hosting WWW search
+Files in this directory are designed for:
+* users running our code from git or tarballs (and not the OS package manager)
+* lazy users who can't be bothered to read all of INSTALL
+* automated testing scripts (see ci/README)
diff --git a/install/deps.perl b/install/deps.perl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6563c3ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/deps.perl
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# Helper script for mass installing/uninstalling with the OS package manager
+# TODO: figure out how to handle 3rd-party repo packages for CentOS 7.x
+eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' # no shebang
+if 0; # running under some shell
+use v5.12;
+my $help = <<EOM; # make sure this fits in 80x24 terminals
+usage: $^X $0 [-f PKG_FMT] [--allow-remove] PROFILE [PROFILE_MOD]
+  -f PKG_FMT      package format (`deb', `pkg', `pkg_add', `pkgin' or `rpm')
+  --allow-remove  allow removing packages (DANGEROUS, non-production use only)
+  --dry-run | -n  show commands that would be run
+  --yes | -y      non-interactive mode / assume yes to package manager
+PROFILE is typically `www-search', `lei', or `nntpd'
+Some profile names are intended for developer use only and subject to change.
+PROFILE_MOD is only for developers checking dependencies
+OS package installation typically requires administrative privileges
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev);
+BEGIN { require './install/os.perl' };
+my $opt = {};
+GetOptions($opt, qw(pkg-fmt|f=s allow-remove dry-run|n yes|y help|h))
+        or die $help;
+if ($opt->{help}) { print $help; exit }
+my $pkg_fmt = $opt->{'pkg-fmt'} // do {
+        my $fmt = pkg_fmt;
+        warn "# using detected --pkg-fmt=$fmt on $ID/$VERSION_ID\n";
+        $fmt;
+@ARGV or die $help;
+my @test_essential = qw(Test::Simple); # we actually use Test::More
+# package profiles.  Note we specify packages at maximum granularity,
+# which is typically deb for most things, but rpm seems to have the
+# highest granularity for things in the Perl standard library.
+my $profiles = {
+        # the smallest possible profile for testing
+        essential => [ qw(
+                autodie
+                git
+                perl
+                Digest::SHA
+                ExtUtils::MakeMaker
+                IO::Compress
+                Text::ParseWords
+                URI
+                ), @test_essential ],
+        # Everything else is optional for normal use.  Only specify
+        # the minimum to pull in dependencies here:
+        optional => [ qw(
+                Date::Parse
+                BSD::Resource
+                DBD::SQLite
+                Inline::C
+                Mail::IMAPClient
+                Net::Server
+                Parse::RecDescent
+                Plack
+                Plack::Test
+                Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy
+                Xapian
+                curl
+                highlight.pm
+                libgit2-dev
+                libxapian-dev
+                sqlite3
+                xapian-tools
+                ) ],
+                # no pkg-config, libsqlite3, libxapian, libz, etc. since
+                # they'll get pulled in lib*-dev, DBD::SQlite and
+                # Xapian(.pm)  respectively
+        # optional developer stuff
+        devtest => [ qw(
+                XML::TreePP
+                w3m
+                Plack::Test::ExternalServer
+                ) ],
+# only for distro-agnostic dependencies which are always true:
+my $always_deps = {
+        # we only load DBI explicitly
+        'DBD::SQLite' => [ qw(DBI libsqlite3) ],
+        'Mail::IMAPClient' => 'Parse::RecDescent',
+        'Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy' => 'Plack',
+        'Xapian' => 'libxapian',
+        'xapian-tools' => 'libxapian',
+        'libxapian-dev' => [ qw(pkg-config libxapian) ],
+        'libgit2-dev' => 'pkg-config',
+# bare minimum for v2
+$profiles->{v2essential} = [ @{$profiles->{essential}}, qw(DBD::SQLite) ];
+# for old v1 installs
+$profiles->{'www-v1'} = [ @{$profiles->{essential}}, qw(Plack) ];
+$profiles->{'www-thread'} = [ @{$profiles->{v2essential}}, qw(Plack) ];
+# common profile for PublicInbox::WWW
+$profiles->{'www-search'} = [ @{$profiles->{'www-thread'}}, qw(Xapian) ];
+# bare mininum for lei
+$profiles->{'lei-core'} = [ @{$profiles->{v2essential}}, qw(Xapian) ];
+push @{$profiles->{'lei-core'}}, 'Inline::C' if $^O ne 'linux';
+# common profile for lei:
+$profiles->{lei} = [ @{$profiles->{'lei-core'}}, qw(Mail::IMAPClient curl) ];
+$profiles->{nntpd} = [ @{$profiles->{v2essential}} ];
+$profiles->{pop3d} = [ @{$profiles->{v2essential}} ];
+$profiles->{'imapd-bare'} = [ @{$profiles->{v2essential}},
+                                qw(Parse::RecDescent) ];
+$profiles->{imapd} = [ @{$profiles->{'imapd-bare'}}, qw(Xapian) ];
+$profiles->{pop3d} = [ @{$profiles->{v2essential}} ];
+$profiles->{watch} = [ @{$profiles->{v2essential}}, qw(Mail::IMAPClient) ];
+$profiles->{'watch-v1'} = [ @{$profiles->{essential}} ];
+$profiles->{'watch-maildir'} = [ @{$profiles->{v2essential}} ];
+# package names which can't be mapped automatically and explicit
+# dependencies to prevent essential package removal:
+my $non_auto = { # git and perl (+autodie) are essential
+        git => {
+                pkg => [ qw(curl p5-TimeDate git) ],
+                rpm => [ qw(curl git) ],
+                pkg_add => [ qw(curl p5-Time-TimeDate git) ],
+        },
+        perl => {
+                apk => [ qw(perl perl-utils) ],
+                pkg => 'perl5',
+                pkgin => 'perl',
+                pkg_add => [], # Perl is part of OpenBSD base
+        },
+        # optional stuff:
+        'BSD::Resource' => {
+                apk => [], # not packaged for Alpine 3.19
+        },
+        'Date::Parse' => {
+                apk => 'perl-timedate',
+                deb => 'libtimedate-perl',
+                pkg => 'p5-TimeDate',
+                rpm => 'perl-TimeDate',
+                pkg_add => 'p5-Time-TimeDate',
+        },
+        'Inline::C' => {
+                apk => [ qw(perl-inline-c perl-dev) ],
+                pkg_add => 'p5-Inline', # tested OpenBSD 7.3
+                rpm => 'perl-Inline', # for CentOS 7.x, at least
+        },
+        'DBD::SQLite' => { deb => 'libdbd-sqlite3-perl' },
+        'Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy' => {
+                apk => [], # not packaged for Alpine 3.19.0
+        },
+        'Plack::Test' => {
+                apk => 'perl-plack',
+                deb => 'libplack-perl',
+                pkg => 'p5-Plack',
+        },
+        'Plack::Test::ExternalServer' => {
+                apk => [], # not packaged for Alpine 3.19.0
+        },
+        'Xapian' => {
+                apk => 'xapian-bindings-perl',
+                deb => 'libsearch-xapian-perl',
+                pkg => 'p5-Xapian',
+                pkg_add => 'xapian-bindings-perl',
+                rpm => [], # xapian14-bindings-perl in 3rd-party repo
+        },
+        'highlight.pm' => {
+                apk => [],
+                deb => 'libhighlight-perl',
+                pkg => [],
+                pkgin => 'p5-highlight',
+                rpm => [],
+        },
+        # `libgit2' is the project name (since git has libgit)
+        'libgit2-dev' => {
+                pkg => 'libgit2',
+                rpm => 'libgit2-devel',
+        },
+        # some distros have both sqlite 2 and 3, we've only ever used 3
+        'libsqlite3' => {
+                apk => [], # handled by apk w/ perl-dbd-sqlite
+                pkg => 'sqlite3',
+                rpm => [], # `sqlite' is not removable due to yum/systemd
+                deb => [], # libsqlite3-0, but no need to specify
+        },
+        # only one version of Xapian distros
+        'libxapian' => { # avoid .so version numbers in our deps
+                deb => [], # libxapian30 atm, but no need to specify
+                pkg => 'xapian-core',
+                pkgin => 'xapian',
+                rpm => 'xapian-core',
+        },
+        'libxapian-dev' => {
+                apk => 'xapian-core-dev',
+                pkg => 'xapian-core',
+                pkgin => 'xapian',
+                rpm => 'xapian-core-devel',
+        },
+        'pkg-config' => {
+                apk => [], # handled by apk w/ xapian-core-dev
+                pkg_add => [], # part of the OpenBSD base system
+                pkg => 'pkgconf', # pkg-config is a symlink to pkgconf
+                pkgin => 'pkg-config',
+        },
+        'sqlite3' => { # this is just the executable binary on deb
+                apk => 'sqlite',
+                rpm => [], # `sqlite' is not removable due to yum/systemd
+        },
+        # we call xapian-compact(1) in public-inbox-compact(1) and
+        # xapian-delve(1) in public-inbox-cindex(1)
+        'xapian-tools' => {
+                apk => 'xapian-core',
+                pkg => 'xapian-core',
+                pkgin => 'xapian',
+                rpm => 'xapian-core', # ???
+        },
+        # OS-specific
+        'IO::KQueue' => {
+                apk => [],
+                deb => [],
+                rpm => [],
+        },
+# standard library stuff that CentOS 7.x (and presumably other RPM)
+# split out and can be removed without removing the `perl' RPM:
+for (qw(autodie Digest::SHA ExtUtils::MakeMaker IO::Compress Sys::Syslog
+                Test::Simple Text::ParseWords)) {
+        # n.b.: Compress::Raw::Zlib is pulled in by IO::Compress
+        # qw(constant Encode Getopt::Long Exporter Storable Time::HiRes)
+        # don't need to be here since it's impossible to have `perl'
+        # on CentOS 7.x without them.
+        my $rpm = $_;
+        $rpm =~ s/::/-/g;
+        $non_auto->{$_} = {
+                deb => 'perl', # libperl5.XX, but the XX varies
+                pkg => 'perl5',
+                pkg_add => [], # perl is in the OpenBSD base system
+                apk => 'perl',
+                pkgin => 'perl',
+                rpm => "perl-$rpm",
+        };
+# NetBSD and OpenBSD package names are similar to FreeBSD in most cases
+if ($pkg_fmt =~ /\A(?:pkg_add|pkgin)\z/) {
+        for my $name (keys %$non_auto) {
+                my $fbsd_pkg = $non_auto->{$name}->{pkg};
+                $non_auto->{$name}->{$pkg_fmt} //= $fbsd_pkg if $fbsd_pkg;
+        }
+my %inst_check = ( # subs which return true if a package is intalled
+        apk => sub { system(qw(apk info -q -e), $_[0]) == 0 },
+        deb => sub { system("dpkg -s $_[0] >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 },
+        pkg => sub { system(qw(pkg info -q), $_[0]) == 0 },
+        pkg_add => sub { system(qw(pkg_info -q -e), "$_[0]->=0") == 0 },
+        pkgin => sub { system(qw(pkg_info -q -e), $_[0]) == 0 },
+        rpm => sub { system("rpm -qs $_[0] >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 },
+our $INST_CHECK = $inst_check{$pkg_fmt} || die <<"";
+don't know how to check install status for $pkg_fmt
+my (@pkg_install, @pkg_remove, %all);
+for my $ary (values %$profiles) {
+        my @extra;
+        for my $pkg (@$ary) {
+                my $deps = $always_deps->{$pkg} // next;
+                push @extra, list($deps);
+        }
+        push @$ary, @extra;
+        $all{$_} = \@pkg_remove for @$ary;
+if ($^O =~ /\A(?:free|net|open)bsd\z/) {
+        $all{'IO::KQueue'} = \@pkg_remove;
+$profiles->{all} = [ keys %all ]; # pseudo-profile for all packages
+# parse the profile list from the command-line
+my @profiles = @ARGV;
+while (defined(my $profile = shift @profiles)) {
+        if ($profile =~ s/-\z//) {
+                # like apt-get, trailing "-" means remove
+                profile2dst($profile, \@pkg_remove);
+        } else {
+                profile2dst($profile, \@pkg_install);
+        }
+# fill in @pkg_install and @pkg_remove:
+while (my ($pkg, $dst_pkg_list) = each %all) {
+        push @$dst_pkg_list, list(pkg2ospkg($pkg, $pkg_fmt));
+my (%add, %rm); # uniquify lists
+@pkg_install = grep { !$add{$_}++ && !$INST_CHECK->($_) } @pkg_install;
+@pkg_remove = $opt->{'allow-remove'} ? grep {
+                !$add{$_} && !$rm{$_}++ && $INST_CHECK->($_)
+        } @pkg_remove : ();
+(@pkg_remove || @pkg_install) or warn "# no packages to install nor remove\n";
+# OS-specific cleanups appreciated
+if ($pkg_fmt eq 'apk') {
+        root('apk', 'add', @pkg_install) if @pkg_install;
+        root('apk', 'del', @pkg_remove) if @pkg_remove;
+} elsif ($pkg_fmt eq 'deb') {
+        my @apt_opt = qw(-o APT::Install-Recommends=false
+                        -o APT::Install-Suggests=false);
+        push @apt_opt, '-y' if $opt->{yes};
+        root('apt-get', @apt_opt, qw(install),
+                @pkg_install,
+                # apt-get lets you suffix a package with "-" to
+                # remove it in an "install" sub-command:
+                map { "$_-" } @pkg_remove) if (@pkg_remove || @pkg_install);
+        root('apt-get', @apt_opt, qw(autoremove)) if $opt->{'allow-remove'};
+} elsif ($pkg_fmt eq 'pkg') { # FreeBSD
+        my @pkg_opt = $opt->{yes} ? qw(-y) : ();
+        # don't remove stuff that isn't installed:
+        root(qw(pkg remove), @pkg_opt, @pkg_remove) if @pkg_remove;
+        root(qw(pkg install), @pkg_opt, @pkg_install) if @pkg_install;
+        root(qw(pkg autoremove), @pkg_opt) if $opt->{'allow-remove'};
+} elsif ($pkg_fmt eq 'pkgin') { # NetBSD
+        my @pkg_opt = $opt->{yes} ? qw(-y) : ();
+        root(qw(pkgin), @pkg_opt, 'remove', @pkg_remove) if @pkg_remove;
+        root(qw(pkgin), @pkg_opt, 'install', @pkg_install) if @pkg_install;
+        root(qw(pkgin), @pkg_opt, 'autoremove') if $opt->{'allow-remove'};
+# TODO: yum / rpm support
+} elsif ($pkg_fmt eq 'rpm') {
+        my @pkg_opt = $opt->{yes} ? qw(-y) : ();
+        root(qw(yum remove), @pkg_opt, @pkg_remove) if @pkg_remove;
+        root(qw(yum install), @pkg_opt, @pkg_install) if @pkg_install;
+} elsif ($pkg_fmt eq 'pkg_add') { # OpenBSD
+        my @pkg_opt = $opt->{yes} ? qw(-I) : (); # -I means non-interactive
+        root(qw(pkg_delete), @pkg_opt, @pkg_remove) if @pkg_remove;
+        @pkg_install = map { "$_--" } @pkg_install; # disambiguate w3m
+        root(qw(pkg_add), @pkg_opt, @pkg_install) if @pkg_install;
+        root(qw(pkg_delete -a), @pkg_opt) if $opt->{'allow-remove'};
+} else {
+        die "unsupported package format: $pkg_fmt\n";
+exit 0;
+# map a generic package name to an OS package name
+sub pkg2ospkg {
+        my ($pkg, $fmt) = @_;
+        # check explicit overrides, first:
+        if (my $ospkg = $non_auto->{$pkg}->{$fmt}) {
+                return $ospkg;
+        }
+        # check common Perl module name patterns:
+        if ($pkg =~ /::/ || $pkg =~ /\A[A-Z]/) {
+                if ($fmt eq 'apk') {
+                        $pkg =~ s/::/-/g;
+                        return "perl-\L$pkg"
+                } elsif ($fmt eq 'deb') {
+                        $pkg =~ s/::/-/g;
+                        return "lib\L$pkg-perl";
+                } elsif ($fmt eq 'rpm') {
+                        $pkg =~ s/::/-/g;
+                        return "perl-$pkg"
+                } elsif ($fmt =~ /\Apkg(?:_add|in)?\z/) {
+                        $pkg =~ s/::/-/g;
+                        return "p5-$pkg"
+                } else {
+                        die "unsupported package format: $fmt for $pkg\n"
+                }
+        }
+        # use package name as-is (e.g. 'curl' or 'w3m')
+        $pkg;
+# maps a install profile to a package list (@pkg_remove or @pkg_install)
+sub profile2dst {
+        my ($profile, $dst_pkg_list) = @_;
+        if (my $pkg_list = $profiles->{$profile}) {
+                $all{$_} = $dst_pkg_list for @$pkg_list;
+        } elsif ($all{$profile}) { # $profile is just a package name
+                $all{$profile} = $dst_pkg_list;
+        } else {
+                die "unrecognized profile or package: $profile\n";
+        }
+sub root {
+        warn "# @_\n";
+        return if $opt->{'dry-run'};
+        return if system(@_) == 0;
+        warn "E: command failed: @_\n";
+        exit($? >> 8);
+# ensure result can be pushed into an array:
+sub list {
+        my ($pkg) = @_;
+        ref($pkg) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$pkg : $pkg;
diff --git a/install/os.perl b/install/os.perl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00edbadf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/os.perl
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# Helper library for detecting distro info and mapping to package manager.
+# This should NOT be installed via `make install'.
+# This is used by install/deps.perl and ci/profiles.perl
+package PublicInbox::InstallOS;
+use v5.12;
+use parent qw(Exporter);
+our ($ID, $PRETTY_NAME, $VERSION_ID); # same vars as os-release(5)
+our @EXPORT = qw($ID $VERSION_ID pkg_fmt);
+my ($release, $version); # from uname
+if ($^O eq 'linux') { # try using os-release(5)
+        for my $f (qw(/etc/os-release /usr/lib/os-release)) {
+                next unless -f $f;
+                my @echo = map {
+                        qq{echo "\$"$_" = qq[\$$_];"; }
+                } qw(ID PRETTY_NAME VERSION_ID);
+                # rely on sh(1) to handle interpolation and such:
+                my $vars = `sh -c '. $f; @echo'`;
+                die "sh \$?=$?" if $?;
+                eval $vars;
+                die $@ if $@;
+                $VERSION_ID //= '';
+                $ID //= '';
+                if ($ID eq 'debian' && $VERSION_ID eq '') {
+                        if ($PRETTY_NAME =~ m!/sid\z!) {
+                                $VERSION_ID = 'sid';
+                        } else {
+                                open my $fh, '<', $f or die "open($f): $!";
+                                my $msg = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+                                die <<EOM;
+ID=$ID, but no VERSION_ID
+==> $f <==
+                        }
+                }
+                last if $ID ne '' && $VERSION_ID ne '';
+        }
+        $ID = 'linux' if $ID eq ''; # cf. os-release(5)
+} elsif ($^O =~ m!\A(?:free|net|open)bsd\z! || $^O eq 'dragonfly') {
+        $ID = $^O;
+        require POSIX;
+        (undef, undef, $release, $version) = POSIX::uname();
+        $VERSION_ID = lc $release;
+        $VERSION_ID =~ s/[^0-9a-z\.\_\-]//sg; # cf. os-release(5)
+} else { # only support POSIX-like and Free systems:
+        die "$^O unsupported";
+$VERSION_ID //= 0; # numeric? could be 'sid', actually...
+my %MIN_VER = ( # likely older versions work for many of these...
+        alpine => v3.19,
+        dragonfly => v6.4,
+        freebsd => v11,
+        netbsd => v9.3,
+        openbsd => v7.3,
+if (defined(my $min_ver = $MIN_VER{$^O})) {
+        my $vid = $VERSION_ID;
+        $vid =~ s/-.*\z//s; # no dashes in v-strings
+        my $vstr = eval "v$vid";
+        die "can't convert VERSION_ID=$VERSION_ID to v-string" if $@;
+        die <<EOM if $vstr lt $min_ver;
+ID=$ID VERSION_ID=$VERSION_ID release=$release ($version) too old to support
+sub pkg_fmt () {
+        if ($ID eq 'alpine') { 'apk' }
+        elsif ($ID =~ /\A(?:freebsd|dragonfly)\z/) { 'pkg' }
+        # *shrug*, as long as the (Net|Open)BSD names don't conflict w/ FreeBSD
+        elsif ($ID eq 'netbsd') { 'pkgin' }
+        elsif ($ID eq 'openbsd') { 'pkg_add' }
+        elsif ($ID =~ m!\A(?:debian|ubuntu)\z!) { 'deb' }
+        elsif ($ID =~ m!\A(?:centos|redhat|fedora)\z!) { 'rpm' }
+        else { warn "PKG_FMT undefined for ID=$ID"; undef }
+package main;