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4 files changed, 83 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/DirIdle.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/DirIdle.pm
index 7031e5fd..65896f95 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/DirIdle.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/DirIdle.pm
@@ -56,10 +56,13 @@ sub new {
 sub add_watches {
         my ($self, $dirs, $gone) = @_;
         my $fl = $MAIL_IN | ($gone ? $MAIL_GONE : 0);
+        my @ret;
         for my $d (@$dirs) {
-                $self->{inot}->watch($d, $fl);
+                my $w = $self->{inot}->watch($d, $fl) or next;
+                push @ret, $w;
         PublicInbox::FakeInotify::poll_once($self) if !$ino_cls;
+        @ret
 sub rm_watches {
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/LEI.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/LEI.pm
index b92d7512..52c551cf 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/LEI.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/LEI.pm
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ my $GLP_PASS = Getopt::Long::Parser->new;
 $GLP_PASS->configure(qw(gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev pass_through));
 our %PATH2CFG; # persistent for socket daemon
-our $MDIR2CFGPATH; # /path/to/maildir => { /path/to/config => undef }
+our $MDIR2CFGPATH; # /path/to/maildir => { /path/to/config => [ ino watches ] }
 # TBD: this is a documentation mechanism to show a subcommand
 # (may) pass options through to another command:
@@ -820,6 +820,8 @@ sub _lei_cfg ($;$) {
         $self->{cfg} = $PATH2CFG{$f} = $cfg;
+        refresh_watches($self);
+        $cfg;
 sub _lei_store ($;$) {
@@ -1353,36 +1355,62 @@ sub watch_state_ok ($) {
         $state =~ /\Apause|(?:import|index|tag)-(?:ro|rw)\z/;
+sub cancel_maildir_watch ($$) {
+        my ($d, $cfg_f) = @_;
+        my $w = delete $MDIR2CFGPATH->{$d}->{$cfg_f};
+        scalar(keys %{$MDIR2CFGPATH->{$d}}) or
+                delete $MDIR2CFGPATH->{$d};
+        for my $x (@{$w // []}) { $x->cancel }
 sub refresh_watches {
         my ($lei) = @_;
         my $cfg = _lei_cfg($lei) or return;
-        $cfg->{-env} //= { %{$lei->{env}}, PWD => '/' }; # for cfg2lei
+        my $old = $cfg->{-watches};
         my $watches = $cfg->{-watches} //= {};
-        require PublicInbox::LeiWatch;
+        my %seen;
+        my $cfg_f = $cfg->{'-f'};
         for my $w (grep(/\Awatch\..+\.state\z/, keys %$cfg)) {
                 my $url = substr($w, length('watch.'), -length('.state'));
-                my $lw = $watches->{$w} //= PublicInbox::LeiWatch->new($url);
+                require PublicInbox::LeiWatch;
+                my $lw = $watches->{$url} //= PublicInbox::LeiWatch->new($url);
+                $seen{$url} = undef;
                 my $state = $cfg->get_1("watch.$url", 'state');
                 if (!watch_state_ok($state)) {
                         $lei->err("watch.$url.state=$state not supported");
-                my $f = $cfg->{'-f'};
                 if ($url =~ /\Amaildir:(.+)/i) {
                         my $d = File::Spec->canonpath($1);
                         if ($state eq 'pause') {
-                                delete $MDIR2CFGPATH->{$d}->{$f};
-                                scalar(keys %{$MDIR2CFGPATH->{$d}}) or
-                                        delete $MDIR2CFGPATH->{$d};
-                        } elsif (!exists($MDIR2CFGPATH->{$d}->{$f})) {
-                                $dir_idle->add_watches(["$d/cur", "$d/new"], 1);
-                                $MDIR2CFGPATH->{$d}->{$f} = undef;
+                                cancel_maildir_watch($d, $cfg_f);
+                        } elsif (!exists($MDIR2CFGPATH->{$d}->{$cfg_f})) {
+                                my @w = $dir_idle->add_watches(
+                                                ["$d/cur", "$d/new"], 1);
+                                push @{$MDIR2CFGPATH->{$d}->{$cfg_f}}, @w if @w;
                 } else { # TODO: imap/nntp/jmap
                                 "E: watch $url not supported, yet");
+        if ($old) { # cull old non-existent entries
+                for my $url (keys %$old) {
+                        next if exists $seen{$url};
+                        delete $old->{$url};
+                        if ($url =~ /\Amaildir:(.+)/i) {
+                                my $d = File::Spec->canonpath($1);
+                                cancel_maildir_watch($d, $cfg_f);
+                        } else { # TODO: imap/nntp/jmap
+                                $lei->child_error(1, "E: watch $url TODO");
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        if (scalar keys %$watches) {
+                $cfg->{-env} //= { %{$lei->{env}}, PWD => '/' }; # for cfg2lei
+        } else {
+                delete $cfg->{-watches};
+        }
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiNoteEvent.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiNoteEvent.pm
index bf15cd26..d6511cf6 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiNoteEvent.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiNoteEvent.pm
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ sub flush_lei ($) {
         my ($lei) = @_;
         if (my $lne = delete $lei->{cfg}->{-lei_note_event}) {
                 $lne->wq_close(1, undef, $lei); # runs _lei_wq_eof;
-        } else { # lms_clear_src calls only:
+        } elsif ($lei->{sto}) { # lms_clear_src calls only:
                 my $wait = $lei->{sto}->ipc_do('done');
diff --git a/t/lei-watch.t b/t/lei-watch.t
index 3a2f9e64..492f6c1d 100644
--- a/t/lei-watch.t
+++ b/t/lei-watch.t
@@ -13,9 +13,27 @@ $have_fast_inotify or
 my ($ro_home, $cfg_path) = setup_public_inboxes;
 test_lei(sub {
         my $md = "$ENV{HOME}/md";
+        my $cfg_f = "$ENV{HOME}/.config/lei/config";
         my $md2 = $md.'2';
         lei_ok 'ls-watch';
         is($lei_out, '', 'nothing in ls-watch, yet');
+        my ($ino_fdinfo, $ino_contents);
+        SKIP: {
+                $have_fast_inotify && $^O eq 'linux' or
+                        skip 'Linux/inotify-only internals check', 1;
+                lei_ok 'daemon-pid'; chomp(my $pid = $lei_out);
+                skip 'missing /proc/$PID/fd', 1 if !-d "/proc/$pid/fd";
+                my @ino = grep {
+                        readlink($_) =~ /\binotify\b/
+                } glob("/proc/$pid/fd/*");
+                is(scalar(@ino), 1, 'only one inotify FD');
+                my $ino_fd = (split('/', $ino[0]))[-1];
+                $ino_fdinfo = "/proc/$pid/fdinfo/$ino_fd";
+                open my $fh, '<', $ino_fdinfo or xbail "open $ino_fdinfo: $!";
+                $ino_contents = [ <$fh> ];
+        }
         if (0) { # TODO
                 my $url = 'imaps://example.com/foo.bar.0';
                 lei_ok([qw(add-watch --state=pause), $url], undef, {});
@@ -44,6 +62,27 @@ test_lei(sub {
         my $e2 = eml_load($f2[0]);
         my $e1 = eml_load("$f[0]S");
         is_deeply($e2, $e1, 'results match');
+        SKIP: {
+                $ino_fdinfo or skip 'Linux/inotify-only watch check', 1;
+                open my $fh, '<', $ino_fdinfo or xbail "open $ino_fdinfo: $!";
+                my $cmp = [ <$fh> ];
+                ok(scalar(@$cmp) > scalar(@$ino_contents),
+                        'inotify has Maildir watches');
+        }
+        is(xsys(qw(git config -f), $cfg_f,
+                        '--remove-section', "watch.maildir:$md"),
+                0, 'unset config state');
+        lei_ok 'ls-watch', \'refresh watches';
+        is($lei_out, '', 'no watches left');
+        SKIP: {
+                $ino_fdinfo or skip 'Linux/inotify-only removal removal', 1;
+                open my $fh, '<', $ino_fdinfo or xbail "open $ino_fdinfo: $!";
+                my $cmp = [ <$fh> ];
+                is_deeply($cmp, $ino_contents, 'inotify Maildir watches gone');
+        };