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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/WwwCoderepo.pm
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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2022-10-04 19:12:35 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2022-10-05 21:15:26 +0000
commit6dec9bf8c0e1b859703d7a5dfb87052cf4e87846 (patch)
tree7d0e0c7bf96da3a3fe494eaaaaf1c714b5aa1775 /lib/PublicInbox/WwwCoderepo.pm
parenta002384a74382df2649d6a1f8dfba4f291af032e (diff)
This will allow it to easily map a single coderepo to multiple
inboxes (or multiple coderepos to any number of inboxes).
For now, this is just a summary, but $REPO/$OID/s/ support
will be added, along with archive downloads.

Indexing of coderepos will probably be supported via -extindex,
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/WwwCoderepo.pm')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/WwwCoderepo.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/WwwCoderepo.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b1a4f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/WwwCoderepo.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# Standalone code repository viewer for users w/o cgit
+package PublicInbox::WwwCoderepo;
+use v5.12;
+use File::Temp 0.19 (); # newdir
+use PublicInbox::ViewVCS;
+use PublicInbox::WwwStatic qw(r);
+use PublicInbox::GitHTTPBackend;
+use PublicInbox::Git;
+use PublicInbox::GitAsyncCat;
+use PublicInbox::WwwStream;
+use PublicInbox::Hval qw(ascii_html);
+my $EACH_REF = "git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate --format='%(HEAD)%00".
+        join('%00', map { "%($_)" }
+        qw(objectname refname:short subject creatordate:short))."'";
+# shared with PublicInbox::Cgit
+sub prepare_coderepos {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        my $pi_cfg = $self->{pi_cfg};
+        # TODO: support gitweb and other repository viewers?
+        if (defined(my $cgitrc = $pi_cfg->{-cgitrc_unparsed})) {
+                $pi_cfg->parse_cgitrc($cgitrc, 0);
+        }
+        my $code_repos = $pi_cfg->{-code_repos};
+        for my $k (grep(/\Acoderepo\.(?:.+)\.dir\z/, keys %$pi_cfg)) {
+                $k = substr($k, length('coderepo.'), -length('.dir'));
+                $code_repos->{$k} //= $pi_cfg->fill_code_repo($k);
+        }
+        while (my ($nick, $repo) = each %$code_repos) {
+                $self->{"\0$nick"} = $repo;
+        }
+sub new {
+        my ($cls, $pi_cfg) = @_;
+        my $self = bless { pi_cfg => $pi_cfg }, $cls;
+        prepare_coderepos($self);
+        $self->{$_} = 10 for qw(summary_branches summary_tags);
+        $self->{$_} = 10 for qw(summary_log);
+        $self;
+sub summary_finish {
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
+        my $wcb = delete($ctx->{env}->{'qspawn.wcb'}) or return; # already done
+        my @x = split(/\n\n/sm, delete($ctx->{-each_refs}));
+        PublicInbox::WwwStream::html_init($ctx);
+        my $zfh = $ctx->zfh;
+        # git log
+        my @r = split(/\n/s, pop(@x) // '');
+        my $last = pop(@r) if scalar(@r) > $ctx->{wcr}->{summary_log};
+        print $zfh '<pre><a id=log>$</a> '.
+                "git log --pretty=format:'%h %s (%cs)%d'\n";
+        for (@r) {
+                my $d; # decorations
+                s/^ \(([^\)]+)\)// and $d = $1;
+                substr($_, 0, 1, '');
+                my ($H, $h, $cs, $s) = split(/ /, $_, 4);
+                print $zfh "<a\nhref=./$H/s/>$h</a> ", ascii_html($s),
+                        " (", $cs, ")\n";
+                print $zfh "\t(", ascii_html($d), ")\n" if $d;
+        }
+        print $zfh "# no commits, yet\n" if !@r;
+        print $zfh "...\n" if $last;
+        # README
+        my ($bref, $oid, $ref_path) = @{delete $ctx->{-readme}};
+        if ($bref) {
+                my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new;
+                $$bref =~ s/\s*\z//sm;
+                print $zfh "\n<a id=readme>\$</a> " .
+                        "git cat-file blob <a href=./$oid/s/>",
+                        ascii_html($ref_path), "</a>\n",
+                        $l->to_html($$bref), '</pre><hr><pre>';
+        }
+        # refs/heads
+        print $zfh "<a id=heads># heads (aka `branches'):</a>\n\$ " .
+                "git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads" .
+                " \\\n\t--format='%(HEAD) ". # no space for %(align:) hint
+                "%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'\n";
+        @r = split(/^/sm, shift(@x) // '');
+        $last = pop(@r) if scalar(@r) > $ctx->{wcr}->{summary_branches};
+        for (@r) {
+                my ($pfx, $oid, $ref, $s, $cd) = split(/\0/);
+                utf8::decode($_) for ($ref, $s);
+                chomp $cd;
+                my $align = length($ref) < 12 ? ' ' x (12 - length($ref)) : '';
+                print $zfh "$pfx <a\nhref=./$oid/s/>", ascii_html($ref),
+                        "</a>$align ", ascii_html($s), " ($cd)\n";
+        }
+        print $zfh "# no heads (branches) yet...\n" if !@r;
+        print $zfh "...\n" if $last;
+        print $zfh "\n<a id=tags># tags:</a>\n\$ " .
+                "git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags" .
+                " \\\n\t--format='". # no space for %(align:) hint
+                "%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'\n";
+        @r = split(/^/sm, shift(@x) // '');
+        $last = pop(@r) if scalar(@r) > $ctx->{wcr}->{summary_tags};
+        for (@r) {
+                my (undef, $oid, $ref, $s, $cd) = split(/\0/);
+                utf8::decode($_) for ($ref, $s);
+                chomp $cd;
+                my $align = length($ref) < 12 ? ' ' x (12 - length($ref)) : '';
+                print $zfh "<a\nhref=./$oid/s/>", ascii_html($ref),
+                        "</a>$align ", ascii_html($s), " ($cd)\n";
+        }
+        print $zfh "# no tags yet...\n" if !@r;
+        print $zfh "...\n" if $last;
+        $wcb->($ctx->html_done('</pre>'));
+sub capture_refs ($$) { # psgi_qx callback to capture git-for-each-ref + git-log
+        my ($bref, $ctx) = @_;
+        my $qsp_err = delete $ctx->{-qsp_err};
+        $ctx->{-each_refs} = $$bref;
+        summary_finish($ctx) if $ctx->{-readme};
+sub set_readme { # git->cat_async callback
+        my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $ctx) = @_;
+        my $ref_path = shift @{$ctx->{-nr_readme_tries}}; # e.g. HEAD:README
+        if ($type eq 'blob' && !$ctx->{-readme}) {
+                $ctx->{-readme} = [ $bref, $oid, $ref_path ];
+        } elsif (scalar @{$ctx->{-nr_readme_tries}} == 0) {
+                $ctx->{-readme} //= []; # nothing left to try
+        } # or try another README...
+        summary_finish($ctx) if $ctx->{-each_refs} && $ctx->{-readme};
+sub summary {
+        my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
+        $ctx->{wcr} = $self;
+        my $nb = $self->{summary_branches} + 1;
+        my $nt = $self->{summary_tags} + 1;
+        my $nl = $self->{summary_log} + 1;
+        my $qsp = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new([qw(/bin/sh -c),
+                "$EACH_REF --count=$nb refs/heads; echo && " .
+                "$EACH_REF --count=$nt refs/tags; echo && " .
+                "git log -$nl --pretty=format:'%d %H %h %cs %s' --" ],
+                { GIT_DIR => $ctx->{git}->{git_dir} });
+        $qsp->{qsp_err} = \($ctx->{-qsp_err} = '');
+        my @try = qw(HEAD:README HEAD:README.md); # TODO: configurable
+        $ctx->{-nr_readme_tries} = [ @try ];
+        $ctx->{git}->cat_async($_, \&set_readme, $ctx) for @try;
+        if ($ctx->{env}->{'pi-httpd.async'}) {
+                PublicInbox::GitAsyncCat::watch_cat($ctx->{git});
+        } else { # synchronous
+                $ctx->{git}->cat_async_wait;
+        }
+        sub { # $_[0] => PublicInbox::HTTP::{Identity,Chunked}
+                $ctx->{env}->{'qspawn.wcb'} = $_[0];
+                $qsp->psgi_qx($ctx->{env}, undef, \&capture_refs, $ctx);
+        }
+sub srv { # endpoint called by PublicInbox::WWW
+        my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
+        my $path_info = $ctx->{env}->{PATH_INFO};
+        my $git;
+        # handle clone requests
+        if ($path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)/($PublicInbox::GitHTTPBackend::ANY)\z!x) {
+                $git = $self->{"\0$1"} and return
+                        PublicInbox::GitHTTPBackend::serve($ctx->{env},$git,$2);
+        }
+        $path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)/\z! and
+                ($ctx->{git} = $self->{"\0$1"}) and return summary($self, $ctx);
+        if ($path_info =~ m!\A/(.+?)\z! and ($git = $self->{"\0$1"})) {
+                my $qs = $ctx->{env}->{QUERY_STRING};
+                my $url = $git->base_url($ctx->{env});
+                $url .= "?$qs" if $qs ne '';
+                [ 301, [ Location => $url, 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ],
+                        [ "Redirecting to $url\n" ] ];
+        } else {
+                r(404);
+        }