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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/Inotify3.pm
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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2023-12-28 04:23:00 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2023-12-29 16:56:08 +0000
commitcf977e706b07e80f394570a393eb2169b9b9a1a7 (patch)
treecaa1a8a4cad1ec89e59658fc088a3b5054dbf58a /lib/PublicInbox/Inotify3.pm
parent84874a852c80e3d4eb96af14c017b37424cdf840 (diff)
This is a step towards improving the out-of-the-box experience
in achieving notifications without XS, extra downloads, and .so
loading + runtime mmap overhead.

This also fixes loongarch support of all Linux syscalls due to
a bad regexp :x

All the reachable Linux architectures listed at
<https://portal.cfarm.net/machines/list/> should be supported.
At the moment, there appears to be no reachable sparc* Linux
machines available to cfarm users.

Fixes: b0e5093aa3572a86 (syscall: add support for riscv64, 2022-08-11)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/Inotify3.pm')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Inotify3.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Inotify3.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f337a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Inotify3.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# Implements most Linux::Inotify2 functionality we need in pure Perl
+# Anonymous sub support isn't supported since it's expensive in the
+# best case and likely leaky in older Perls (e.g. 5.16.3)
+package PublicInbox::Inotify3;
+use v5.12;
+use autodie qw(open);
+use PublicInbox::Syscall ();
+use Carp;
+use Scalar::Util ();
+# this fails if undefined no unsupported platforms
+use constant $PublicInbox::Syscall::INOTIFY;
+our %events;
+# extracted from devel/sysdefs-list output, these should be arch-independent
+%events = (
+        IN_ACCESS => 0x1,
+        IN_ALL_EVENTS => 0xfff,
+        IN_ATTRIB => 0x4,
+        IN_CLOSE => 0x18,
+        IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE => 0x10,
+        IN_CLOSE_WRITE => 0x8,
+        IN_CREATE => 0x100,
+        IN_DELETE => 0x200,
+        IN_DELETE_SELF => 0x400,
+        IN_DONT_FOLLOW => 0x2000000,
+        IN_EXCL_UNLINK => 0x4000000,
+        IN_IGNORED => 0x8000,
+        IN_ISDIR => 0x40000000,
+        IN_MASK_ADD => 0x20000000,
+        IN_MODIFY => 0x2,
+        IN_MOVE => 0xc0,
+        IN_MOVED_FROM => 0x40,
+        IN_MOVED_TO => 0x80,
+        IN_MOVE_SELF => 0x800,
+        IN_ONESHOT => 0x80000000,
+        IN_ONLYDIR => 0x1000000,
+        IN_OPEN => 0x20,
+        IN_Q_OVERFLOW => 0x4000,
+        IN_UNMOUNT => 0x2000,
+} # /BEGIN
+use constant \%events;
+require PublicInbox::In3Event; # uses %events
+require PublicInbox::In3Watch; # uses SYS_inotify_rm_watch
+use constant autocancel =>
+sub new {
+        open my $fh, '+<&=', syscall(SYS_inotify_init1, IN_CLOEXEC);
+        bless { fh => $fh }, __PACKAGE__;
+sub read {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        my (@ret, $wd, $mask, $len, $name, $size, $buf);
+        my $r = sysread($self->{fh}, my $rbuf, 8192);
+        if ($r) {
+                while ($r) {
+                        ($wd, $mask, undef, $len) = unpack('lLLL', $rbuf);
+                        $size = 16 + $len; # 16: sizeof(struct inotify_event)
+                        substr($rbuf, 0, 16, '');
+                        $name = $len ? unpack('Z*', substr($rbuf, 0, $len, ''))
+                                        : undef;
+                        $r -= $size;
+                        next if $self->{ignore}->{$wd};
+                        my $ev = bless [$mask, $name], 'PublicInbox::In3Event';
+                        push @ret, $ev;
+                        if (my $w = $self->{w}->{$wd}) {
+                                $ev->[2] = $w;
+                                $w->cancel if $ev->mask & autocancel;
+                        } elsif ($mask & IN_Q_OVERFLOW) {
+                                carp 'E: IN_Q_OVERFLOW, too busy? (non-fatal)'
+                        } else {
+                                carp "BUG? wd:$wd unknown (non-fatal)";
+                        }
+                }
+        } elsif (defined($r) || ($!{EAGAIN} || $!{EINTR})) {
+        } else {
+                croak "inotify read: $!";
+        }
+        delete $self->{ignore};
+        @ret;
+sub fileno { CORE::fileno($_[0]->{fh}) }
+sub fh { $_[0]->{fh} }
+sub blocking { shift->{fh}->blocking(@_) }
+sub watch {
+        my ($self, $name, $mask, $cb) = @_;
+        croak "E: $cb not supported" if $cb; # too much memory
+        my $wd = syscall(SYS_inotify_add_watch, $self->fileno, $name, $mask);
+        return if $wd < 0;
+        my $w = bless [ $wd, $mask, $name, $self ], 'PublicInbox::In3Watch';
+        $self->{w}->{$wd} = $w;
+        Scalar::Util::weaken($w->[3]); # ugh
+        $w;
+sub rm_watch {
+        my ($self, $wd) = @_;
+        delete $self->{w}->{$wd};
+        $self->{ignore}->{$wd} = 1; # is this needed?
+        syscall(SYS_inotify_rm_watch, $self->fileno, $wd) < 0 ? undef : 1;