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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/Gcf2Client.pm
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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2021-01-02 12:12:06 -1400
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2021-01-03 18:30:26 +0000
commitf87d3c32bace1552ab7f3a0437e5d6628d0ab5c5 (patch)
treed0ba496702cdeb71c4f8c7d007bea2cb73fdbf75 /lib/PublicInbox/Gcf2Client.pm
parent8ee251fcd420533c7b69f40c18f3536bcc30abaf (diff)
While Gcf2Client is designed to mimic what git-cat-file writes
to stdout, its request format is different to support requests
with a git repository path included.

We'll highlight the distinction and make the GitAsyncCat support
code easier-to-follow as a result.

Since Gcf2Client relies on DS, we can rely on DS-specific code
here, too, and use a single Unix socket instead of separate
input and output pipes, reducing memory overhead in both users
and kernel space.  Due to the interactive nature of requests and
responses, the buffer size limitations of Unix sockets on Linux
seems inconsequential here (just like it is for existing "git
cat-file --batch" use).
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/Gcf2Client.pm')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Gcf2Client.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Gcf2Client.pm
index 2022293d..397774f9 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/Gcf2Client.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Gcf2Client.pm
@@ -6,33 +6,35 @@ package PublicInbox::Gcf2Client;
 use strict;
 use parent qw(PublicInbox::DS);
 use PublicInbox::Git;
-use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(popen_rd);
-use IO::Handle ();
-use PublicInbox::Syscall qw(EPOLLONESHOT);
-use PublicInbox::DS qw(dwaitpid);
+use PublicInbox::Gcf2; # fails if Inline::C or libgit2-dev isn't available
+use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(spawn);
+use Socket qw(AF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM);
+use PublicInbox::Syscall qw(EPOLLIN EPOLLET);
 # fields:
-#        async_cat => GitAsyncCat ref (read-only pipe)
-#        sock => writable pipe to Gcf2::loop
-#        in => pipe we read from
+#        sock => socket to Gcf2::loop
+# The rest of these fields are compatible with what PublicInbox::Git
+# uses code-sharing
 #        pid => PID of Gcf2::loop process
-#        owner_pid => process which spawned {pid}
+#        pid.owner => process which spawned {pid}
+#        in => same as {sock}, for compatibility with PublicInbox::Git
+#        inflight => array (see PublicInbox::Git)
+#        cat_rbuf => scalarref, may be non-existent or empty
 sub new  {
         my ($rdr) = @_;
         my $self = bless {}, __PACKAGE__;
         # ensure the child process has the same @INC we do:
         my $env = { PERL5LIB => join(':', @INC) };
-        my ($out_r, $out_w);
-        pipe($out_r, $out_w) or die "pipe failed: $!";
+        my ($s1, $s2);
+        socketpair($s1, $s2, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "socketpair $!";
         $rdr //= {};
-        $rdr->{0} = $out_r;
-        my $cmd = [$^X, qw[-MPublicInbox::Gcf2 -e PublicInbox::Gcf2::loop()]];
-        $self->{owner_pid} = $$;
-        @$self{qw(in pid)} = popen_rd($cmd, $env, $rdr);
-        fcntl($out_w, 1031, 4096) if $^O eq 'linux'; # 1031: F_SETPIPE_SZ
-        $out_w->autoflush(1);
-        $out_w->blocking(0);
+        $rdr->{0} = $rdr->{1} = $s2;
+        my $cmd = [$^X, qw[-MPublicInbox::Gcf2 -e PublicInbox::Gcf2::loop]];
+        $self->{'pid.owner'} = $$;
+        $self->{pid} = spawn($cmd, $env, $rdr);
+        $s1->blocking(0);
         $self->{inflight} = [];
-        $self->SUPER::new($out_w, EPOLLONESHOT); # detect errors once
+        $self->{in} = $s1;
+        $self->SUPER::new($s1, EPOLLIN|EPOLLET);
 sub fail {
@@ -41,43 +43,43 @@ sub fail {
         PublicInbox::Git::fail($self, @_);
-sub cat_async ($$$;$) {
+sub gcf2_async ($$$;$) {
         my ($self, $req, $cb, $arg) = @_;
-        my $inflight = $self->{inflight};
+        my $inflight = $self->{inflight} or return $self->close;
         # {wbuf} is rare, I hope:
         cat_async_step($self, $inflight) if $self->{wbuf};
-        if (!$self->write(\"$req\n")) {
-                $self->fail("gcf2c write: $!") if !$self->{sock};
-        }
+        $self->fail("gcf2c write: $!") if !$self->write($req) && !$self->{sock};
         push @$inflight, $req, $cb, $arg;
 # ensure PublicInbox::Git::cat_async_step never calls cat_async_retry
 sub alternates_changed {}
-# this is the write-only end of a pipe, DS->EventLoop will call this
+# DS->EventLoop will call this
 sub event_step {
         my ($self) = @_;
-        $self->close if !$self->{in}; # process died
+        $self->close if !$self->{in} || !$self->{sock}; # process died
+        my $inflight = $self->{inflight};
+        if ($inflight && @$inflight) {
+                cat_async_step($self, $inflight);
+                return $self->close unless $self->{in}; # process died
-no warnings 'once';
+                # ok, more to do, requeue for fairness
+                $self->requeue if @$inflight || exists($self->{cat_rbuf});
+        }
 sub DESTROY {
         my ($self) = @_;
-        delete $self->{in};
-        # GitAsyncCat::event_step may reap us with WNOHANG, too
-        my $pid = delete $self->{pid} or return;
-        if ($$ == $self->{owner_pid}) {
-                PublicInbox::DS->in_loop ? $self->close : delete($self->{sock});
-                dwaitpid $pid;
-        }
+        delete $self->{sock}; # if outside EventLoop
+        PublicInbox::Git::DESTROY($self);
-# used by GitAsyncCat
+no warnings 'once';
 *cat_async_step = \&PublicInbox::Git::cat_async_step;