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path: root/t
DateCommit message (Expand)
2019-07-03Net::NNTP: support COMPRESS DEFLATE (RFC8054) nntp-compress
2016-07-28Remove the default Net::Cmd::timeout()
2016-07-07Provide (and document) a default Net::Cmd::timeout()
2016-06-22Adapt tests to Test2 revision of Test::More::note().
2015-07-16Fix Net::Cmd::datasend() for octets stored in an upgraded string
2015-04-01Remove accidental vi "insert" detritus from a test script
2015-03-24Add licence files; clarify licence statements
2015-03-10Convert tabs to spaces
2015-01-12libnet: less test noise on STDERR
2014-12-20No need for the "1" at the end of "eval { require XXX; 1 }"
2014-11-13No need to repeat checks for IO::Socket::SSL in t/*_ssl.t
2014-10-28Add optional Changes testing (skipped unless AUTHOR_TESTING)
2014-10-09use version 1.999 of IO::Socket::SSL, because it protects against bad version...
2014-10-09Skip Perl Critic, Pod and Pod Coverage tests unless AUTHOR_TESTING
2014-10-09Specify the default Perl::Critic configuration
2014-10-09Better skipping of more tests requiring fork()
2014-10-03Better skipping of tests requiring fork()
2014-06-26IPv6 and SSL support for Net::NNTP
2014-06-26Merge pull request #5 from noxxi/ipv6_ssl_ftp
2014-06-24added IPv6 and SSL support for Net::FTP too
2014-06-21Test all files, not just files in blib/, with Perl::Critic
2014-06-11Add optional POD coverage testing
2014-06-05Add optional Perl::Critic testing
2014-06-05Add optional POD testing
2014-06-04Make code Perl::Critic clean
2014-06-04Note in more places that Perl 5.8.1 is now required
2014-06-04Use 5.008001, strict and warnings throughout
2014-06-02Avoid "Use of uninitialized value $parent in numeric eq (==)" warning when al...
2014-06-02Avoid "Name "IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_ERROR" used only once: possible typo" warnings
2014-06-02Rename new test scripts from *.pl to *.t as per MANIFEST
2014-06-02Merge branch 'ipv6_ssl' of https://github.com/noxxi/perl-libnet into noxxi-ip...
2014-05-30Convert tabs to spaces
2014-05-16added external test for pop3 ssl
2014-05-16SSL and IPv6 support for POP3 incl. tests
2014-05-16added tests for Net::SMTP SSL and IPv6, save arguments in Net::SMTP to apply ...
2014-05-09SSL and IPv6 support for Net::SMTP
2013-08-06Sync test suite with bleadperl
2012-07-16Use correct TAP syntax to show reason for skipping (ftp) tests.
2010-05-31fix netrc tests
2009-02-24Update to handle PERL_CORE
2009-02-24Doc update for Net::Domain and additional test from Steve Peters
2009-02-24test return values of datasend and dataend
2009-02-24Make test output more readable
2009-02-24Avoid undef warnings
2001-12-10More test updates from the core
2001-11-27Skip tests if we are on an EBCDIC machine, but Convert::EBCDIC is not installed