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path: root/t/mwrap.t
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/t/mwrap.t b/t/mwrap.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f99715..0000000
--- a/t/mwrap.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-#!perl -w
-# Copyright (C) mwrap hackers <mwrap-perl@80x24.org>
-# License: GPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>
-use v5.12;
-BEGIN { require './t/test_common.perl' };
-use_ok 'Devel::Mwrap';
-my $dump = "$mwrap_tmp/dump";
-        my $env = { MWRAP => "dump_path:$dump,dump_min:10000" };
-        my $nr = 1000;
-        mwrap_run('dump test', $env, '-e', '$x = "hello world" x '.$nr);
-        ok(-s $dump, "dump file written to");
-        my $s = slurp($dump);
-        truncate($dump, 0);
-        my $re = qr/([0-9]+)[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]+-e:1[ \t]*\n/sm;
-        my ($bytes, $n);
-        if ($s =~ $re) {
-                ($bytes, $n) = ($1, $2);
-                ok($bytes >= (length('hello world') * $nr),
-                        "counted 'hello world' x $nr");
-                ok($n >= 1, 'allocation counted');
-        } else {
-                fail("$s failed to match $re");
-        }
-SKIP: { # C++ program which uses malloc via "new"
-        my $exp = `cmake -h`;
-        skip 'cmake missing', 2 if $?;
-        skip "`cmake -h' gave no output", 2 unless $exp =~ /\S/s;
-        mwrap_run('cmake (C++ new)', {}, '-e', 'system(qw(cmake -h)); exit $?');
-        my $res = slurp($mwrap_out);
-        is($res, $exp, "`cmake -h' works");
-        diag slurp($mwrap_err);
-        mwrap_run('total_bytes*', {}, '-e', <<'E1');
-my $A = Devel::Mwrap::total_bytes_allocated();
-my $f = Devel::Mwrap::total_bytes_freed();
-print("$A - $f\n");
-        my $o = slurp($mwrap_out);
-        like($o, qr/^([0-9]+) - ([0-9]+)\n/s, 'got allocated & freed bytes');
-        mwrap_run('source location', {}, 't/source_location.perl');
-        mwrap_run('source location via -d:', {},
-                '-d:Mwrap', 't/source_location.perl');
-mwrap_run('Devel::Mwrap::each', {}, '-e', <<'EOF');
-open my $zero, '<', '/dev/zero' or die "open /dev/zero: $!";
-my $nbytes = 1024 * 512;
-sysread($zero, my $before, $nbytes);
-my (@keep, @uargs);
-my $uarg = 'user-arg';
-eval {
-        Devel::Mwrap::each(0, sub {
-                my $ua = shift;
-                push @uargs, $ua;
-                die "died in each";
-                push @keep, @_;
-        }, $uarg) };
-"$@" =~ /died in each at -e line \d+/ or die "did not propagate die in each";
-scalar(@keep) == 0 or die "nothing if died in sub";
-$uarg eq join('-', @uargs) or die "uarg passed to sub";
-my %h;
-my $iter;
-my $arg = "FOO";
-Devel::Mwrap::each(1, sub {
-        my ($argh, $src_loc, @more) = @_;
-        my $name = $src_loc->name;
-        $h{$name} = $src_loc;
-        sysread($zero, my $iter, $nbytes);
-        die 'extra args from ::each' if @more;
-        die "arg mismatch $arg / $argh" if $argh ne $arg;
-}, $arg);
-my $src_loc = $h{"-e:3"} or die "missing src_loc for -e:3";
-$src_loc->total >= $nbytes or die "allocated <= $nbytes";
-$src_loc = Devel::Mwrap::get("-e:8");
-if ($src_loc && $src_loc->total >= $nbytes) {
-        die "large allocation inside :each should not be tracked";
-my $nr = 0;
-Devel::Mwrap::each($nbytes, sub {
-        $foo += shift;
-        push @keep, @_;
-}, 1);
-scalar(@keep) == 1 or die "got multiple matches for > $nbytes";
-$keep[0]->name eq '-e:3' or die "unexpected location for > $nbytes";
-@keep = ();
-Devel::Mwrap::each($nbytes, sub { push @keep, @_ });
-scalar(@keep) == 0 or die "::reset did not work";
-mwrap_run('Devel::Mwrap::SrcLoc::each', {}, '-e', <<'EOF');
-open my $zero, '<', '/dev/zero' or die "open /dev/zero: $!";
-my @keep;
-my $nr = 10;
-my $nbytes = 1024 * 10;
-sub do_read () {
-        sysread($zero, my $buf, $nbytes);
-        # this forces us to allocate a new buf with every call
-        pop @keep;
-        push @keep, $buf;
-for (1..$nr) { do_read() }
-my $loc = Devel::Mwrap::get('-e:6');
-$loc && $loc->total >= ($nbytes * $nr) or die "wrong line or bad stats";
-my $ml = $loc->mean_lifespan;
-$ml >= 0.0 or die "mean_lifespan broken";
-my @sl_each;
-$loc->each($nbytes, sub { shift; push @sl_each, \@_ });
-my $n = scalar(@sl_each);
-$n == 1 or die "SrcLoc::each returned unexpected: $n";
-$sl_each[0]->[0] >= $nbytes or die "$sl_each[0]->[0] < $nbytes";
-my $age_before = $sl_each[0]->[1];
-$nbytes = 1024 * 1024 * 8;
-do_read() until Devel::Mwrap::current_age() > ($age_before + $nbytes);
-@sl_each = ();
-$loc->each($nbytes, sub { shift; push @sl_each, \@_ });
-$n = scalar(@sl_each);
-$n == 1 or die "SrcLoc::each returned unexpected: $n";
-$sl_each[0]->[0] >= $nbytes or die "$sl_each[0]->[0] < $nbytes";
-my $age_after = $sl_each[0]->[1];
-$age_after >= $age_before or die "age did not increment";
-diag slurp($mwrap_out);
-is(Devel::Mwrap::quiet(1), 0, 'was not quiet, before');
-is(Devel::Mwrap::quiet(0), 1, 'was quiet, before');
-SKIP: {
-        eval { require Inline::C } or skip 'Inline::C not available', 1;
-        $ENV{TEST_ALIASES} or skip 'TEST_ALIASES unset', 1;
-        my $c_src = <<'EOM';
-#include <stdlib.h>
-void cfree(void *); /* lold glibc version */
-int test_aliases()
-        size_t i;
-        void *p;
-        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-                if (i % 3 == 0)
-                        p = aligned_alloc(64, i);
-                else
-                        p = malloc(i);
-                if (i % 2 == 0)
-                        cfree(p);
-                else
-                        free(p);
-        }
-        return 3;
-        eval <<'EOM';
-use Inline C => $c_src, BUILD_NOISY => 1
-        BAIL_OUT "cannot build $@" if $@;
-        is(test_aliases(), 3,
-                'aligned_alloc + cfree function ran w/o crashing');
-is(Devel::Mwrap::bt_depth(), 0, 'default bt depth is zero');
-is(Devel::Mwrap::bt_depth(5), 5, 'set depth to reasonable level');
-is(Devel::Mwrap::bt_depth(), 5, 'depth stays at 5');
-is(Devel::Mwrap::bt_depth(500), 32, 'depth clamped to 32 when 500 attempted');
-is(Devel::Mwrap::bt_depth(), 32, 'depth stayed clamped at 32');
-is(Devel::Mwrap::bt_depth(undef), 32, 'depth stayed clamped at 32');
-is(Devel::Mwrap::bt_depth(-1), 32, 'depth stayed clamped at 32');