#!perl -w # Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use v5.12; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; require_mods(qw(DBD::SQLite Xapian +SCM_RIGHTS)); # TODO: FIFO support? use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(spawn); use Socket qw(AF_UNIX SOCK_SEQPACKET SOCK_STREAM); require PublicInbox::AutoReap; use PublicInbox::IPC; require PublicInbox::XapClient; use PublicInbox::DS qw(now); use autodie; my ($tmp, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); my $fi_data = './t/git.fast-import-data'; open my $fi_fh, '<', $fi_data; open my $dh, '<', '.'; my $crepo = create_coderepo 'for-cindex', sub { my ($d) = @_; xsys_e([qw(git init -q --bare)]); xsys_e([qw(git fast-import --quiet)], undef, { 0 => $fi_fh }); chdir($dh); run_script([qw(-cindex --dangerous -L medium --no-fsync -q -j1), '-g', $d]) or xbail '-cindex internal'; run_script([qw(-cindex --dangerous -L medium --no-fsync -q -j3 -d), "$d/cidx-ext", '-g', $d]) or xbail '-cindex "external"'; }; $dh = $fi_fh = undef; my $v2 = create_inbox 'v2', indexlevel => 'medium', version => 2, tmpdir => "$tmp/v2", sub { my ($im) = @_; for my $f (qw(t/data/0001.patch t/data/binary.patch t/data/message_embed.eml t/solve/0001-simple-mod.patch t/solve/0002-rename-with-modifications.patch t/solve/bare.patch)) { $im->add(eml_load($f)) or BAIL_OUT; } }; my @ibx_idx = glob("$v2->{inboxdir}/xap*/?"); my @ibx_shard_args = map { ('-d', $_) } @ibx_idx; my (@int) = glob("$crepo/public-inbox-cindex/cidx*/?"); my (@ext) = glob("$crepo/cidx-ext/cidx*/?"); is(scalar(@ext), 2, 'have 2 external shards') or diag explain(\@ext); is(scalar(@int), 1, 'have 1 internal shard') or diag explain(\@int); my $doreq = sub { my ($s, @arg) = @_; my $err = ref($arg[-1]) ? pop(@arg) : \*STDERR; pipe(my $x, my $y); my $buf = join("\0", @arg, ''); my @fds = (fileno($y), fileno($err)); my $n = $PublicInbox::IPC::send_cmd->($s, \@fds, $buf, 0) // xbail "send: $!"; my $exp = length($buf); $exp == $n or xbail "req @arg sent short ($n != $exp)"; $x; }; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my $env = { PERL5LIB => join(':', @INC) }; my $test = sub { my (@cmd) = @_; socketpair(my $s, my $y, AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0); my $pid = spawn(\@cmd, $env, { 0 => $y }); my $ar = PublicInbox::AutoReap->new($pid); diag "$cmd[-1] running pid=$pid"; close $y; my $r = $doreq->($s, qw(test_inspect -d), $ibx_idx[0]); my %info = map { split(/=/, $_, 2) } split(/ /, do { local $/; <$r> }); is($info{has_threadid}, '1', 'has_threadid true for inbox'); like($info{pid}, qr/\A\d+\z/, 'got PID from inbox inspect'); $r = $doreq->($s, qw(test_inspect -d), $int[0]); my %cinfo = map { split(/=/, $_, 2) } split(/ /, do { local $/; <$r> }); is($cinfo{has_threadid}, '0', 'has_threadid false for cindex'); is($cinfo{pid}, $info{pid}, 'PID unchanged for cindex'); my @dump = (qw(dump_ibx -A XDFID), @ibx_shard_args, qw(13 rt:0..)); $r = $doreq->($s, @dump); my @res; while (sysread($r, my $buf, 512) != 0) { push @res, $buf } is(grep(/\n\z/s, @res), scalar(@res), 'line buffered'); pipe(my $err_rd, my $err_wr); $r = $doreq->($s, @dump, $err_wr); close $err_wr; my $res = do { local $/; <$r> }; is(join('', @res), $res, 'got identical response w/ error pipe'); my $stats = do { local $/; <$err_rd> }; is($stats, "mset.size=6 nr_out=6\n", 'mset.size reported') or diag "res=$res"; return wantarray ? ($ar, $s) : $ar if $cinfo{pid} == $pid; # test worker management: kill('TERM', $cinfo{pid}); my $tries = 0; do { $r = $doreq->($s, qw(test_inspect -d), $ibx_idx[0]); %info = map { split(/=/, $_, 2) } split(/ /, do { local $/; <$r> }); } while ($info{pid} == $cinfo{pid} && ++$tries < 10); isnt($info{pid}, $cinfo{pid}, 'spawned new worker'); my %pids; $tries = 0; my @ins = ($s, qw(test_inspect -d), $ibx_idx[0]); kill('TTIN', $pid); until (scalar(keys %pids) >= 2 || ++$tries > 100) { tick; my @r = map { $doreq->(@ins) } (0..100); for my $fh (@r) { my $buf = do { local $/; <$fh> } // die "read: $!"; $buf =~ /\bpid=(\d+)/ and $pids{$1} = undef; } } is(scalar keys %pids, 2, 'have two pids') or diag 'pids='.explain(\%pids); kill('TTOU', $pid); %pids = (); my $delay = $tries * 0.11 * ($ENV{VALGRIND} ? 10 : 1); $tries = 0; diag 'waiting '.$delay.'s for SIGTTOU'; tick($delay); until (scalar(keys %pids) == 1 || ++$tries > 100) { %pids = (); my @r = map { $doreq->(@ins) } (0..100); for my $fh (@r) { my $buf = do { local $/; <$fh> } // die "read: $!"; $buf =~ /\bpid=(\d+)/ and $pids{$1} = undef; } } is(scalar keys %pids, 1, 'have one pid') or diag explain(\%pids); is($info{pid}, (keys %pids)[0], 'kept oldest PID after TTOU'); wantarray ? ($ar, $s) : $ar; }; my @NO_CXX = (1); unless ($ENV{TEST_XH_CXX_ONLY}) { my $ar = $test->($^X, qw[-w -MPublicInbox::XapHelper -e PublicInbox::XapHelper::start('-j0')]); ($ar, my $s) = $test->($^X, qw[-w -MPublicInbox::XapHelper -e PublicInbox::XapHelper::start('-j1')]); no_pollerfd($ar->{pid}); } SKIP: { my $cmd = eval { require PublicInbox::XapHelperCxx; PublicInbox::XapHelperCxx::cmd(); }; skip "XapHelperCxx build: $@", 1 if $@; @NO_CXX = $ENV{TEST_XH_CXX_ONLY} ? (0) : (0, 1); my $ar = $test->(@$cmd, '-j0'); $ar = $test->(@$cmd, '-j1'); }; require PublicInbox::CodeSearch; my $cs_int = PublicInbox::CodeSearch->new("$crepo/public-inbox-cindex"); my $root2id_file = "$tmp/root2id"; my @id2root; { open my $fh, '>', $root2id_file; my $i = -1; for ($cs_int->all_terms('G')) { print $fh $_, "\0", ++$i, "\0"; $id2root[$i] = $_; } close $fh; } my $ar; for my $n (@NO_CXX) { local $ENV{PI_NO_CXX} = $n; my $xhc = PublicInbox::XapClient::start_helper('-j0'); pipe(my $err_r, my $err_w); # git patch-id --stable mkreq([ undef, $err_w ], qw(dump_ibx -A XDFID -A Q), (map { ('-d', $_) } @ibx_idx), 9, "mid:$mid"); close $err_w; my $res = do { local $/; <$r> }; is($res, "$dfid 9\n$mid 9\n", "got expected result ($xhc->{impl})"); my $err = do { local $/; <$err_r> }; is($err, "mset.size=1 nr_out=2\n", "got expected status ($xhc->{impl})"); pipe($err_r, $err_w); $r = $xhc->mkreq([ undef, $err_w ], qw(dump_roots -c -A XDFID), (map { ('-d', $_) } @int), $root2id_file, 'dt:19700101'.'000000..'); close $err_w; my @res = <$r>; is(scalar(@res), 5, 'got expected rows'); is(scalar(@res), scalar(grep(/\A[0-9a-f]{40,} [0-9]+\n\z/, @res)), 'entries match format'); $err = do { local $/; <$err_r> }; is $err, "mset.size=6 nr_out=5\n", "got expected status ($xhc->{impl})"; $r = $xhc->mkreq([], qw(mset), @ibx_shard_args, 'dfn:lib/PublicInbox/Search.pm'); chomp((my $hdr, @res) = readline($r)); like $hdr, qr/\bmset\.size=1\b/, "got expected header via mset ($xhc->{impl}"; is scalar(@res), 1, 'got one result'; @res = split /\0/, $res[0]; { my $doc = $v2->search->xdb->get_document($res[0]); ok $doc, 'valid document retrieved'; my @q = PublicInbox::Search::xap_terms('Q', $doc); is_deeply \@q, [ $mid ], 'docid usable'; } ok $res[1] > 0 && $res[1] <= 100, 'pct > 0 && <= 100'; is scalar(@res), 3, 'only 3 columns in result'; $r = $xhc->mkreq([], qw(mset), @ibx_shard_args, 'dt:19700101'.'000000..'); chomp(($hdr, @res) = readline($r)); like $hdr, qr/\bmset\.size=6\b/, "got expected header via multi-result mset ($xhc->{impl}"; is(scalar(@res), 6, 'got 6 rows'); for my $r (@res) { my ($docid, $pct, $rank, @rest) = split /\0/, $r; my $doc = $v2->search->xdb->get_document($docid); ok $pct > 0 && $pct <= 100, "pct > 0 && <= 100 #$docid ($xhc->{impl})"; like $rank, qr/\A\d+\z/, 'rank is a digit'; is scalar(@rest), 0, 'no extra rows returned'; } my $nr; for my $i (7, 8, 39, 40) { pipe($err_r, $err_w); $r = $xhc->mkreq([ undef, $err_w ], qw(dump_roots -c -A), "XDFPOST$i", (map { ('-d', $_) } @int), $root2id_file, 'dt:19700101'.'000000..'); close $err_w; @res = <$r>; my @err = <$err_r>; if (defined $nr) { is scalar(@res), $nr, "got expected results ($xhc->{impl})"; } else { $nr //= scalar @res; ok $nr, "got initial results ($xhc->{impl})"; } my @oids = (join('', @res) =~ /^([a-f0-9]+) /gms); is_deeply [grep { length == $i } @oids], \@oids, "all OIDs match expected length ($xhc->{impl})"; my ($nr_out) = ("@err" =~ /nr_out=(\d+)/); is $nr_out, scalar(@oids), "output count matches $xhc->{impl}" or diag explain(\@res, \@err); } pipe($err_r, $err_w); $r = $xhc->mkreq([ undef, $err_w ], qw(dump_ibx -A XDFPOST7), @ibx_shard_args, qw(13 rt:0..)); close $err_w; @res = <$r>; my @err = <$err_r>; my ($nr_out) = ("@err" =~ /nr_out=(\d+)/); my @oids = (join('', @res) =~ /^([a-f0-9]{7}) /gms); is $nr_out, scalar(@oids), "output count matches $xhc->{impl}" or diag explain(\@res, \@err); if ($ENV{TEST_XH_TIMEOUT}) { diag 'testing timeouts...'; for my $j (qw(0 1)) { my $t0 = now; $r = $xhc->mkreq(undef, qw(test_sleep -K 1 -d), $ibx_idx[0]); is readline($r), undef, 'got EOF'; my $diff = now - $t0; ok $diff < 3, "timeout didn't take too long -j$j"; ok $diff >= 0.9, "timeout didn't fire prematurely -j$j"; $xhc = PublicInbox::XapClient::start_helper('-j1'); } } } done_testing;