#!perl -w # Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use v5.10.1; use strict; use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET); use Cwd; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use PublicInbox::Eml; use File::Path qw(remove_tree); require_git(2.6); my $V = 2; require_mods(qw(DBD::SQLite Xapian)); use_ok 'PublicInbox::V2Writable'; my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); my $ibx = { inboxdir => "$tmpdir/inbox", name => 'test-v2writable', address => [ 'test@example.com' ], }; my $mime = PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<'EOF'); From: a@example.com To: test@example.com Subject: this is a subject Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000 Message-ID: List-ID: hello world EOF my $main_bin = getcwd()."/t/main-bin"; my $fail_bin = getcwd()."/t/fail-bin"; local $ENV{PI_DIR} = "$tmpdir/foo"; my $fail_path = "$fail_bin:blib/script:$ENV{PATH}"; local $ENV{PATH} = "$main_bin:blib/script:$ENV{PATH}"; my $faildir = "$tmpdir/fail"; local $ENV{PI_EMERGENCY} = $faildir; ok(mkdir $faildir); my @cmd = (qw(-init), "-V$V", $ibx->{name}, $ibx->{inboxdir}, 'http://localhost/test', $ibx->{address}->[0]); ok(run_script(\@cmd), 'initialized v2 inbox'); my $rdr = { 0 => \($mime->as_string) }; local $ENV{ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT} = 'test@example.com'; ok(run_script(['-mda'], undef, $rdr), 'mda delivered a message'); $ibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new($ibx); my $msgs = $ibx->over->recent; is(scalar(@$msgs), 1, 'only got one message'); my $eml = $ibx->smsg_eml($msgs->[0]); is($eml->as_string, $mime->as_string, 'injected message'); { my @new = glob("$faildir/new/*"); is_deeply(\@new, [], 'nothing in faildir'); local $ENV{PATH} = $fail_path; $mime->header_set('Message-ID', ''); $rdr->{0} = \($mime->as_string); ok(run_script(['-mda'], undef, $rdr), 'mda did not die on "spam"'); @new = glob("$faildir/new/*"); is(scalar(@new), 1, 'got a message in faildir'); $msgs = $ibx->over->recent; is(scalar(@$msgs), 1, 'no new message'); my $config = "$ENV{PI_DIR}/config"; ok(-f $config, 'config exists'); my $k = 'publicinboxmda.spamcheck'; is(xsys('git', 'config', "--file=$config", $k, 'none'), 0, 'disabled spamcheck for mda'); ok(run_script(['-mda'], undef, $rdr), 'mda did not die'); my @again = glob("$faildir/new/*"); is_deeply(\@again, \@new, 'no new message in faildir'); $msgs = $ibx->over->recent; is(scalar(@$msgs), 2, 'new message added OK'); } { my $patch = 't/data/0001.patch'; open my $fh, '<', $patch or die "failed to open $patch: $!\n"; $rdr->{0} = \(do { local $/; <$fh> }); ok(run_script(['-mda'], undef, $rdr), 'mda delivered a patch'); my $post = $ibx->search->reopen->mset('dfpost:6e006fd7'); is($post->size, 1, 'got one result for dfpost'); my $pre = $ibx->search->mset('dfpre:090d998'); is($pre->size, 1, 'got one result for dfpre'); $pre = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $pre); $post = $ibx->search->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $post); is($post->[0]->{blob}, $pre->[0]->{blob}, 'same message in both cases'); # git patch-id --stable search->mset("patchid:$patchid"); is($mset->size, 1, 'patchid search works'); } { my @shards = grep(m!/[0-9]+\z!, glob("$ibx->{inboxdir}/xap*/*")); ok(remove_tree(@shards), 'rm shards to convert to indexlevel=basic'); $ibx->do_cleanup; $rdr->{2} = \(my $err = ''); $rdr->{0} = \<<'EOM'; From: a@example.com To: test@example.com Subject: this is a ham message for learn Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000 Message-ID: yum EOM my ($id, $prev); is($ibx->over->next_by_mid('ham@example', \$id, \$prev), undef, 'no ham@example, yet'); ok(run_script([qw(-learn ham)], undef, $rdr), '-learn runs on basic') or diag $err; my $smsg = $ibx->over->next_by_mid('ham@example', \$id, \$prev); ok($smsg, 'ham message learned w/ indexlevel=basic'); @shards = grep(m!/[0-9]+\z!, glob("$ibx->{inboxdir}/xap*/*")); is_deeply(\@shards, [], 'not converted to medium/full after learn'); } done_testing();