# Copyright (C) 2016 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use strict; use warnings; my $test = require './t/repobrowse_common_git.perl'; test_psgi($test->{app}, sub { my ($cb) = @_; my $req = 'http://example.com/test.git/src/HEAD/dir'; my $res = $cb->(GET($req)); is(200, $res->code, 'got 200 response from dir'); my $noslash_body = dechunk($res); like($noslash_body, qr{href="dir/dur">dur/}, 'path ok w/o slash'); $req = 'http://example.com/test.git/src'; $res = $cb->(GET($req)); is(302, $res->code, 'got 302 response from dir'); is("$req/master", $res->header('Location'), 'redirected to tip'); my $slash = $req . '/'; my $r2 = $cb->(GET($slash)); is(301, $r2->code, 'got 301 response from dir with slash'); is($req, $r2->header('Location'), 'redirected w/o slash'); $req = 'http://example.com/test.git/src/master/foo.txt'; my $blob = $cb->(GET($req)); is($blob->header('Content-Type'), 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'got text/html blob'); my $body = dechunk($blob); foreach (qw(----- hello world)) { ok(index($body, $_) >= 0, "substring $_ in body"); } }); done_testing();