#!perl -w # Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # unit tests (no network) for IMAP, see t/imapd.t for end-to-end tests use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; require_git 2.6; require_mods(qw(-imapd)); require_ok 'PublicInbox::IMAP'; require_ok 'PublicInbox::IMAPD'; use PublicInbox::IO qw(write_file); my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); my $cfgfile = "$tmpdir/config"; { write_file '>', $cfgfile, <new; my @w; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, @_ }; $imapd->refresh_groups; my $self = { imapd => $imapd }; is(scalar(@w), 1, 'got a warning for slice-like name'); like($w[0], qr/ignore\.this\.9/i, 'warned about slice-like name'); my $res = PublicInbox::IMAP::cmd_list($self, 'tag', 'x', '%'); is(scalar($$res =~ tr/\n/\n/), 2, 'only one result'); like($$res, qr/ x\r\ntag OK/, 'saw expected'); $res = PublicInbox::IMAP::cmd_list($self, 'tag', 'x.', '%'); is(scalar($$res =~ tr/\n/\n/), 3, 'only one result'); is(scalar(my @x = ($$res =~ m/ x\.[zy]\r\n/g)), 2, 'match expected'); $res = PublicInbox::IMAP::cmd_list($self, 't', 'x.(?{die "RCE"})', '%'); like($$res, qr/\At OK /, 'refname does not match attempted RCE'); $res = PublicInbox::IMAP::cmd_list($self, 't', '', '(?{die "RCE"})%'); like($$res, qr/\At OK /, 'wildcard does not match attempted RCE'); } { my $partial_prepare = \&PublicInbox::IMAP::partial_prepare; my $x = {}; my $n = 0; my $r = $partial_prepare->(\$n, $x, [], my $p = 'BODY[9]'); ok($r, $p); $r = $partial_prepare->(\$n, $x, [], $p = 'BODY[9]<5>'); ok($r, $p); $r = $partial_prepare->(\$n, $x, [], $p = 'BODY[9]<5.1>'); ok($r, $p); $r = $partial_prepare->(\$n, $x, [], $p = 'BODY[1.1]'); ok($r, $p); $r = $partial_prepare->(\$n, $x, [], $p = 'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (DATE FROM)]'); ok($r, $p); $r = $partial_prepare->(\$n, $x, [], $p = 'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS.NOT (TO)]'); ok($r, $p); $r = $partial_prepare->(\$n, $x, [], $p = 'BODY[HEDDER.FIELDS.NOT (TO)]'); ok(!$r, "rejected misspelling $p"); $r = $partial_prepare->(\$n, $x, [], $p = 'BODY[1.1.HEADER.FIELDS (TO)]'); ok($r, $p); my $partial_body = \&PublicInbox::IMAP::partial_body; my $partial_hdr_get = \&PublicInbox::IMAP::partial_hdr_get; my $partial_hdr_not = \&PublicInbox::IMAP::partial_hdr_not; my $hdrs_regexp = \&PublicInbox::IMAP::hdrs_regexp; is_deeply($x, { 'BODY[9]' => [ $partial_body, 9, undef, undef, undef ], 'BODY[9]<5>' => [ $partial_body, 9, undef, 5, undef ], 'BODY[9]<5.1>' => [ $partial_body, 9, undef, 5, 1 ], 'BODY[1.1]' => [ $partial_body, '1.1', undef, undef, undef ], 'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (DATE FROM)]' => [ $partial_hdr_get, undef, $hdrs_regexp->('DATE FROM'), undef, undef ], 'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS.NOT (TO)]' => [ $partial_hdr_not, undef, $hdrs_regexp->('TO'), undef, undef ], 'BODY[1.1.HEADER.FIELDS (TO)]' => [ $partial_hdr_get, '1.1', $hdrs_regexp->('TO'), undef, undef ], }, 'structure matches expected'); } { my $fetch_compile = \&PublicInbox::IMAP::fetch_compile; my ($cb, $ops, $partial) = $fetch_compile->(['BODY[]']); is($partial, undef, 'no partial fetch data'); is_deeply($ops, [ undef, \&PublicInbox::IMAP::op_crlf_bref, 'BODY[]', \&PublicInbox::IMAP::emit_rfc822 ], 'proper key and op compiled for BODY[]'); ($cb, $ops, $partial) = $fetch_compile->(['BODY', 'BODY[]']); is_deeply($ops, [ undef, \&PublicInbox::IMAP::op_crlf_bref, 'BODY[]', \&PublicInbox::IMAP::emit_rfc822, undef, \&PublicInbox::IMAP::op_eml_new, 'BODY', \&PublicInbox::IMAP::emit_body, ], 'placed op_eml_new before emit_body'); } # UID <=> MSN mapping sub uo2m_str_new ($) { no warnings 'uninitialized'; # uom2m_ary_new may have may have undef pack('S*', @{$_[0]->uo2m_ary_new}); # 2 bytes per-MSN } { my $ibx = bless { uid_range => [ 1, 2, 4 ] }, 'Uo2mTestInbox'; my $imap = bless { uid_base => 0, ibx => $ibx }, 'PublicInbox::IMAP'; my $uo2m = $imap->uo2m_ary_new; is_deeply($uo2m, [ 1, 2, undef, 3 ], 'uo2m ary'); $uo2m = uo2m_str_new($imap); is_deeply([ unpack('S*', $uo2m) ], [ 1, 2, 0, 3 ], 'uo2m str'); $ibx->{uid_range} = [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 ]; for ([ 1, 2, undef, 3 ], $uo2m) { $imap->{uo2m} = $_; is($imap->uid2msn(1), 1, 'uid2msn'); is($imap->uid2msn(4), 3, 'uid2msn'); is($imap->uo2m_last_uid, 4, 'uo2m_last_uid'); $imap->uo2m_extend(6); is($imap->uid2msn(5), 4, 'uid2msn 5 => 4'); is($imap->uid2msn(6), 5, 'uid2msn 6 => 5'); is($imap->uo2m_last_uid, 6, 'uo2m_last_uid'); my $msn2uid = $imap->msn2uid; my $range = '1,4:5'; $imap->can('msn_to_uid_range')->($msn2uid, $range); is($range, '1,5:6', 'range converted'); } } done_testing; package Uo2mTestInbox; use strict; require PublicInbox::DummyInbox; our @ISA = qw(PublicInbox::DummyInbox); sub over { shift } sub uid_range { my ($self, $beg, $end, undef) = @_; [ grep { $_ >= $beg && $_ <= $end } @{$self->{uid_range}} ]; }