# Copyright (C) all contributors # Licensed the same as Danga::Socket (and Perl5) # License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0-Perl # # use v5.12; use Test::More; use PublicInbox::Syscall qw(EPOLLIN EPOLLOUT EPOLLONESHOT); use autodie qw(close pipe syswrite); my $cls = $ENV{TEST_IOPOLLER} // 'PublicInbox::DSPoll'; use_ok $cls; my $p = $cls->new; my ($r, $w, $x, $y); pipe($r, $w); pipe($x, $y); is($p->ep_add($r, EPOLLIN), 0, 'add EPOLLIN'); my $events = []; $p->ep_wait(0, $events); is_deeply($events, [], 'no events set'); is($p->ep_add($w, EPOLLOUT|EPOLLONESHOT), 0, 'add EPOLLOUT|EPOLLONESHOT'); $p->ep_wait(-1, $events); is(scalar(@$events), 1, 'got POLLOUT event'); is($events->[0], fileno($w), '$w ready'); $p->ep_wait(0, $events); is(scalar(@$events), 0, 'nothing ready after oneshot'); is_deeply($events, [], 'no events set after oneshot'); syswrite($w, '1') == 1 or die; for my $t (0..1) { $p->ep_wait($t, $events); is($events->[0], fileno($r), "level-trigger POLLIN ready #$t"); is(scalar(@$events), 1, "only event ready #$t"); } syswrite($y, '1') == 1 or die; is($p->ep_add($x, EPOLLIN|EPOLLONESHOT), 0, 'EPOLLIN|EPOLLONESHOT add'); $p->ep_wait(-1, $events); is(scalar @$events, 2, 'epoll_wait has 2 ready'); my @fds = sort @$events; my @exp = sort((fileno($r), fileno($x))); is_deeply(\@fds, \@exp, 'got both ready FDs'); is($p->ep_del($r, 0), 0, 'EPOLL_CTL_DEL OK'); $p->ep_wait(0, $events); is(scalar @$events, 0, 'nothing ready after EPOLL_CTL_DEL'); is($p->ep_add($r, EPOLLIN), 0, 're-add'); SKIP: { $cls =~ m!::(?:DSPoll|Select)\z! or skip 'EBADF test for select|poll only', 1; my $old_fd = fileno($r); close $r; my @w; eval { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, @_ }; $p->ep_wait(0, $events); }; ok($@, 'error detected from bad FD'); ok($!{EBADF}, 'EBADF errno set'); @w and ok(grep(/\bFD=$old_fd invalid/, @w), 'carps invalid FD'); } done_testing;