#!perl -w # Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use v5.12; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use PublicInbox::DS qw(now); use File::Path qw(make_path); use_ok 'PublicInbox::DirIdle'; my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir(); make_path("$tmpdir/a/b", "$tmpdir/c"); my @x; my $cb = sub { push @x, \@_ }; my $di = PublicInbox::DirIdle->new($cb); $di->add_watches(["$tmpdir/a", "$tmpdir/c"], 1); $PublicInbox::DS::loop_timeout = 1000; my $end = 3 + now; local @PublicInbox::DS::post_loop_do = (sub { scalar(@x) == 0 && now < $end }); rmdir("$tmpdir/a/b") or xbail "rmdir $!"; PublicInbox::DS::event_loop(); if (is(scalar(@x), 1, 'got an rmdir event')) { is($x[0]->[0]->fullname, "$tmpdir/a/b", 'got expected fullname') and ok($x[0]->[0]->IN_DELETE, 'IN_DELETE set'); } else { check_broken_tmpfs; xbail explain(\@x); } rmdir("$tmpdir/a") or xbail "rmdir $!"; @x = (); $end = 3 + now; PublicInbox::DS::event_loop(); if (is(scalar(@x), 1, 'got an event after rmdir')) { is($x[0]->[0]->fullname, "$tmpdir/a", 'got expected fullname') and ok($x[0]->[0]->IN_DELETE_SELF, 'IN_DELETE_SELF set'); } else { check_broken_tmpfs; diag explain(\@x); } rename("$tmpdir/c", "$tmpdir/j") or xbail "rmdir $!"; @x = (); $end = 3 + now; PublicInbox::DS::event_loop(); is(scalar(@x), 1, 'got an event') and is($x[0]->[0]->fullname, "$tmpdir/c", 'got expected fullname') and ok($x[0]->[0]->IN_DELETE_SELF || $x[0]->[0]->IN_MOVE_SELF, 'IN_DELETE_SELF set on move'); done_testing;