#!perl -w # Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use v5.12; use PublicInbox::TestCommon; use autodie; use Socket qw(AF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM SOCK_SEQPACKET); pipe(my $r, my $w); my ($send, $recv); require_ok 'PublicInbox::Spawn'; require POSIX; my $do_test = sub { SKIP: { my ($type, $flag, $desc) = @_; my ($s1, $s2); my $src = 'some payload' x 40; socketpair($s1, $s2, AF_UNIX, $type, 0); my $sfds = [ fileno($r), fileno($w), fileno($s1) ]; $send->($s1, $sfds, $src, $flag); my (@fds) = $recv->($s2, my $buf, length($src) + 1); is($buf, $src, 'got buffer payload '.$desc); my ($r1, $w1, $s1a); my $opens = sub { ok(open($r1, '<&=', $fds[0]), 'opened received $r'); ok(open($w1, '>&=', $fds[1]), 'opened received $w'); ok(open($s1a, '+>&=', $fds[2]), 'opened received $s1'); }; $opens->(); my @exp = stat $r; my @cur = stat $r1; is("$exp[0]\0$exp[1]", "$cur[0]\0$cur[1]", '$r dev/ino matches'); @exp = stat $w; @cur = stat $w1; is("$exp[0]\0$exp[1]", "$cur[0]\0$cur[1]", '$w dev/ino matches'); @exp = stat $s1; @cur = stat $s1a; is("$exp[0]\0$exp[1]", "$cur[0]\0$cur[1]", '$s1 dev/ino matches'); if ($type == SOCK_SEQPACKET) { $r1 = $w1 = $s1a = undef; $src = (',' x 1023) . '-' .('.' x 1024); $send->($s1, $sfds, $src, $flag); (@fds) = $recv->($s2, $buf, 1024); is($buf, (',' x 1023) . '-', 'silently truncated buf'); $opens->(); $r1 = $w1 = $s1a = undef; $s2->blocking(0); @fds = $recv->($s2, $buf, length($src) + 1); ok($!{EAGAIN}, "EAGAIN set by ($desc)"); is($buf, '', "recv buffer emptied on EAGAIN ($desc)"); is_deeply(\@fds, [ undef ], "EAGAIN $desc"); $s2->blocking(1); if ('test ALRM') { my $alrm = 0; local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { $alrm++ }; my $tgt = $$; my $pid = fork; if ($pid == 0) { # need to loop since Perl signals are racy # (the interpreter doesn't self-pipe) my $n = 3; while (tick(0.01 * $n) && --$n) { kill('ALRM', $tgt) } close $s1; POSIX::_exit(1); } close $s1; @fds = $recv->($s2, $buf, length($src) + 1); waitpid($pid, 0); is_deeply(\@fds, [], "EINTR->EOF $desc"); ok($alrm, 'SIGALRM hit'); } @fds = $recv->($s2, $buf, length($src) + 1); is_deeply(\@fds, [], "no FDs on EOF $desc"); is($buf, '', "buffer cleared on EOF ($desc)"); socketpair($s1, $s2, AF_UNIX, $type, 0); $s1->blocking(0); my $nsent = 0; my $srclen = length($src); while (defined(my $n = $send->($s1, $sfds, $src, $flag))) { $nsent += $n; fail "sent $n bytes of $srclen" if $srclen != $n; } ok($!{EAGAIN} || $!{ETOOMANYREFS} || $!{EMSGSIZE}, "hit EAGAIN || ETOOMANYREFS || EMSGSIZE on send $desc") or diag "send failed with: $! (nsent=$nsent)"; ok($nsent > 0, 'sent some bytes'); socketpair($s1, $s2, AF_UNIX, $type, 0); is($send->($s1, [], $src, $flag), length($src), 'sent w/o FDs'); $buf = 'nope'; @fds = $recv->($s2, $buf, length($src)); is(scalar(@fds), 0, 'no FDs received'); is($buf, $src, 'recv w/o FDs'); my $nr = 2 * 1024 * 1024; while (1) { vec(my $vec = '', $nr - 1, 8) = 1; my $n = $send->($s1, [], $vec, $flag); if (defined($n)) { $n == length($vec) or fail "short send: $n != ".length($vec); diag "sent $nr, retrying with more"; $nr += 2 * 1024 * 1024; } else { ok($!{EMSGSIZE} || $!{ENOBUFS}, 'got EMSGSIZE or ENOBUFS') or diag "$nr bytes fails with: $!"; last; } } } } }; my $send_ic = PublicInbox::Spawn->can('send_cmd4'); my $recv_ic = PublicInbox::Spawn->can('recv_cmd4'); SKIP: { ($send_ic && $recv_ic) or skip 'Inline::C not installed/enabled', 12; $send = $send_ic; $recv = $recv_ic; $do_test->(SOCK_STREAM, 0, 'Inline::C stream'); $do_test->(SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0, 'Inline::C seqpacket'); } SKIP: { require_mods('Socket::MsgHdr', 13); require_ok 'PublicInbox::CmdIPC4'; $send = PublicInbox::CmdIPC4->can('send_cmd4'); $recv = PublicInbox::CmdIPC4->can('recv_cmd4'); $do_test->(SOCK_STREAM, 0, 'MsgHdr stream'); $do_test->(SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0, 'MsgHdr seqpacket'); SKIP: { ($send_ic && $recv_ic) or skip 'Inline::C not installed/enabled', 12; $recv = $recv_ic; $do_test->(SOCK_STREAM, 0, 'Inline::C -> MsgHdr stream'); $do_test->(SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0, 'Inline::C -> MsgHdr seqpacket'); } } SKIP: { require_ok 'PublicInbox::Syscall'; $send = PublicInbox::Syscall->can('send_cmd4') or skip "send_cmd4 not defined for $^O arch", 1; $recv = PublicInbox::Syscall->can('recv_cmd4') or skip "recv_cmd4 not defined for $^O arch", 1; $do_test->(SOCK_STREAM, 0, 'pure Perl stream'); $do_test->(SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0, 'pure Perl seqpacket'); } done_testing;