#!perl -w # Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ use v5.12; use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev); my $help = < upgrade or reshard Xapian DB(s) used by public-inbox options: --compact | -c run public-inbox-compact(1) after indexing --all copy all configured inboxes --reshard=NUM change number the number of shards --jobs=NUM limit parallelism to JOBS count --verbose | -v increase verbosity (may be repeated) --sequential-shard copy+index Xapian shards sequentially (for slow HDD) index options (see public-inbox-index(1) man page for full description): --no-fsync speed up indexing, risk corruption on power outage --batch-size=BYTES flush changes to OS after a given number of bytes --max-size=BYTES do not index messages larger than the given size See public-inbox-xcpdb(1) man page for full documentation. EOF my $opt = { quiet => -1, compact => 0, fsync => 1, -eidx_ok => 1, -cidx_ok => 1 }; GetOptions($opt, qw( fsync|sync! compact|c reshard|R=i max_size|max-size=s batch_size|batch-size=s sequential-shard|seq-shard jobs|j=i quiet|q verbose|v blocksize|b=s no-full|n fuller|F all C=s@ help|h)) or die $help; if ($opt->{help}) { print $help; exit 0 }; use PublicInbox::Admin; PublicInbox::Admin::require_or_die('-search'); PublicInbox::Admin::do_chdir(delete $opt->{C}); require PublicInbox::Config; my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new; my ($ibxs, $eidxs, $cidxs) = PublicInbox::Admin::resolve_inboxes(\@ARGV, $opt, $cfg); unless (@$ibxs || @$eidxs || @$cidxs) { print STDERR $help; exit 1 } my $idx_env = PublicInbox::Admin::index_prepare($opt, $cfg); # we only set XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD for index, since cpdb doesn't # know sizes, only doccounts $opt->{-idx_env} = $idx_env; if ($opt->{'sequential-shard'} && ($opt->{jobs} // 1) > 1) { warn "W: --jobs=$opt->{jobs} ignored with --sequential-shard\n"; $opt->{jobs} = 0; } require PublicInbox::InboxWritable; require PublicInbox::Xapcmd; # we rely on --no-renumber to keep docids synched for NNTP(artnum) + IMAP(UID) for my $ibx (@$ibxs) { $ibx = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($ibx); PublicInbox::Xapcmd::run($ibx, 'cpdb', $opt); } for my $ibxish (@$eidxs, @$cidxs) { my $restore = $ibxish->can('prep_umask') ? $ibxish->prep_umask : undef; PublicInbox::Xapcmd::run($ibxish, 'cpdb', $opt); }