# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # based on notmuch, but with no concept of folders, files or flags # # Read-only search interface for use by the web and NNTP interfaces package PublicInbox::Search; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(retry_reopen int_val get_pct xap_terms); use List::Util qw(max); use POSIX qw(strftime); use Carp (); our $XHC = 0; # defined but false # values for searching, changing the numeric value breaks # compatibility with old indices (so don't change them it) use constant { TS => 0, # Received: in Unix time (IMAP INTERNALDATE, JMAP receivedAt) YYYYMMDD => 1, # redundant with DT below DT => 2, # Date: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (IMAP SENT*, JMAP sentAt) # added for public-inbox 1.6.0+ BYTES => 3, # IMAP RFC822.SIZE UID => 4, # IMAP UID == NNTP article number == Xapian docid THREADID => 5, # RFC 8474, RFC 8621 # TODO # REPLYCNT => ?, # IMAP ANSWERED # SCHEMA_VERSION history # 0 - initial # 1 - subject_path is lower-cased # 2 - subject_path is id_compress in the index, only # 3 - message-ID is compressed if it includes '%' (hack!) # 4 - change "Re: " normalization, avoid circular Reference ghosts # 5 - subject_path drops trailing '.' # 6 - preserve References: order in document data # 7 - remove references and inreplyto terms # 8 - remove redundant/unneeded document data # 9 - disable Message-ID compression (SHA-1) # 10 - optimize doc for NNTP overviews # 11 - merge threads when vivifying ghosts # 12 - change YYYYMMDD value column to numeric # 13 - fix threading for empty References/In-Reply-To # (commit 83425ef12e4b65cdcecd11ddcb38175d4a91d5a0) # 14 - fix ghost root vivification # 15 - see public-inbox-v2-format(5) # further bumps likely unnecessary, we'll suggest in-place # "--reindex" use for further fixes and tweaks: # # public-inbox v1.5.0 adds (still SCHEMA_VERSION=15): # * "lid:" and "l:" for List-Id searches # # v1.6.0 adds BYTES, UID and THREADID values SCHEMA_VERSION => 15, }; use PublicInbox::Smsg; eval { require PublicInbox::Over }; our $QP_FLAGS; our %X = map { $_ => 0 } qw(BoolWeight Database Enquire QueryParser Stem Query); our $Xap; # 'Xapian' or 'Search::Xapian' our $NVRP; # '$Xap::'.('NumberValueRangeProcessor' or 'NumberRangeProcessor') # ENQ_DESCENDING and ENQ_ASCENDING weren't in SWIG Xapian.pm prior to 1.4.16, # let's hope the ABI is stable our $ENQ_DESCENDING = 0; our $ENQ_ASCENDING = 1; our @MAIL_VMAP = ( [ YYYYMMDD, 'd:'], [ TS, 'rt:' ], # these are undocumented for WWW, but lei and IMAP use them [ DT, 'dt:' ], [ BYTES, 'z:' ], [ UID, 'uid:' ] ); our @MAIL_NRP; # Getopt::Long spec, only short options for portability in C++ implementation our @XH_SPEC = ( 'a', # ascending sort 'c', # code search 'd=s@', # shard dirs 'g=s', # git dir (with -c) 'k=i', # sort column (like sort(1)) 'm=i', # maximum number of results 'o=i', # offset 'r', # 1=relevance then column 't', # collapse threads 'A=s@', # prefixes 'K=i', # timeout kill after i seconds 'O=s', # eidx_key 'T=i', # threadid 'Q=s@', # query prefixes "$user_prefix[:=]$XPREFIX" ); sub load_xapian () { return 1 if defined $Xap; # n.b. PI_XAPIAN is intended for development use only for my $x (($ENV{PI_XAPIAN} // 'Xapian'), 'Search::Xapian') { eval "require $x"; next if $@; $x->import(qw(:standard)); $Xap = $x; # `version_string' was added in Xapian 1.1 my $xver = eval('v'.eval($x.'::version_string()')) // eval('v'.eval($x.'::xapian_version_string()')); # NumberRangeProcessor was added in Xapian 1.3.6, # NumberValueRangeProcessor was removed for 1.5.0+, # continue with the older /Value/ variant for now... $NVRP = $x.'::'.($x eq 'Xapian' && $xver ge v1.5 ? 'NumberRangeProcessor' : 'NumberValueRangeProcessor'); $X{$_} = $Xap.'::'.$_ for (keys %X); *sortable_serialise = $x.'::sortable_serialise'; *sortable_unserialise = $x.'::sortable_unserialise'; # n.b. FLAG_PURE_NOT is expensive not suitable for a public # website as it could become a denial-of-service vector # FLAG_PHRASE also seems to cause performance problems chert # (and probably earlier Xapian DBs). glass seems fine... # TODO: make this an option, maybe? # or make indexlevel=medium as default $QP_FLAGS = FLAG_PHRASE() | FLAG_BOOLEAN() | FLAG_LOVEHATE() | FLAG_WILDCARD(); @MAIL_NRP = map { $NVRP->new(@$_) } @MAIL_VMAP; return 1; } undef; } # This is English-only, everything else is non-standard and may be confused as # a prefix common in patch emails our $LANG = 'english'; our %PATCH_BOOL_COMMON = ( dfpre => 'XDFPRE', dfpost => 'XDFPOST', dfblob => 'XDFPRE XDFPOST', patchid => 'XDFID', ); # note: the non-X term prefix allocations are shared with # Xapian omega, see xapian-applications/omega/docs/termprefixes.rst my %bool_pfx_external = ( mid => 'Q', # Message-ID (full/exact), this is mostly uniQue lid => 'G', # newsGroup (or similar entity), just inside <> %PATCH_BOOL_COMMON ); # for mairix compatibility our $NON_QUOTED_BODY = 'XNQ XDFN XDFA XDFB XDFHH XDFCTX XDFPRE XDFPOST XDFID'; our %PATCH_PROB_COMMON = ( s => 'S', f => 'A', b => $NON_QUOTED_BODY . ' XQUOT', bs => $NON_QUOTED_BODY . ' XQUOT S', n => 'XFN', q => 'XQUOT', nq => $NON_QUOTED_BODY, dfn => 'XDFN', dfa => 'XDFA', dfb => 'XDFB', dfhh => 'XDFHH', dfctx => 'XDFCTX', ); my %prob_prefix = ( m => 'XM', # 'mid:' (bool) is exact, 'm:' (prob) can do partial l => 'XL', # 'lid:' (bool) is exact, 'l:' (prob) can do partial t => 'XTO', tc => 'XTO XCC', c => 'XCC', tcf => 'XTO XCC A', a => 'XTO XCC A', %PATCH_PROB_COMMON, # default: '' => 'XM S A XQUOT XFN ' . $NON_QUOTED_BODY, ); # not documenting m: and mid: for now, the using the URLs works w/o Xapian # not documenting lid: for now, either, it is probably redundant with l:, # especially since we don't offer boolean searches for To/Cc/From # headers, either our @HELP = ( 's:' => 'match within Subject e.g. s:"a quick brown fox"', 'd:' => < 'match within message body, including text attachments', 'nq:' => 'match non-quoted text within message body', 'q:' => 'match quoted text within message body', 'n:' => 'match filename of attachment(s)', 't:' => 'match within the To header', 'c:' => 'match within the Cc header', 'f:' => 'match within the From header', 'a:' => 'match within the To, Cc, and From headers', 'tc:' => 'match within the To and Cc headers', 'l:' => 'match contents of the List-Id header', 'bs:' => 'match within the Subject and body', 'dfn:' => 'match filename from diff', 'dfa:' => 'match diff removed (-) lines', 'dfb:' => 'match diff added (+) lines', 'dfhh:' => 'match diff hunk header context (usually a function name)', 'dfctx:' => 'match diff context lines', 'dfpre:' => 'match pre-image git blob ID', 'dfpost:' => 'match post-image git blob ID', 'dfblob:' => 'match either pre or post-image git blob ID', 'patchid:' => "match `git patch-id --stable' output", 'rt:' => <{shard})) { $self->{xpfx}; } else { # v2, extindex, cindex only: "$self->{xpfx}/$self->{shard}"; } } # returns shard directories as an array of strings, does not verify existence sub shard_dirs ($) { my ($self) = @_; my $xpfx = $self->{xpfx}; if ($xpfx =~ m!/xapian[0-9]+\z!) { # v1 inbox ($xpfx); } else { # v2 inbox, eidx, cidx opendir(my $dh, $xpfx) or return (); # not initialized yet # We need numeric sorting so shard[0] is first for reading # Xapian metadata, if needed my $last = max(grep(/\A[0-9]+\z/, readdir($dh))) // return (); map { "$xpfx/$_" } (0..$last); } } # returns all shards as separate Xapian::Database objects w/o combining sub xdb_shards_flat ($) { my ($self) = @_; load_xapian(); $self->{qp_flags} //= $QP_FLAGS; my $slow_phrase; my @xdb = map { $slow_phrase ||= -f "$_/iamchert"; $X{Database}->new($_); # raises if missing } shard_dirs($self); $self->{qp_flags} |= FLAG_PHRASE() if !$slow_phrase; @xdb; } # v2 Xapian docids don't conflict, so they're identical to # NNTP article numbers and IMAP UIDs. # https://trac.xapian.org/wiki/FAQ/MultiDatabaseDocumentID sub mdocid { my ($nshard, $mitem) = @_; my $docid = $mitem->get_docid; int(($docid - 1) / $nshard) + 1; } sub docids_to_artnums { my $nshard = shift->{nshard}; # XXX does array vs arrayref make a difference in modern Perls? map { int(($_ - 1) / $nshard) + 1 } @_; } sub mset_to_artnums { my ($self, $mset) = @_; my $nshard = $self->{nshard}; [ map { mdocid($nshard, $_) } $mset->items ]; } sub xdb ($) { my ($self) = @_; $self->{xdb} // do { my @xdb = $self->xdb_shards_flat or return; $self->{nshard} = scalar(@xdb); my $xdb = shift @xdb; $xdb->add_database($_) for @xdb; $self->{xdb} = $xdb; }; } sub new { my ($class, $ibx) = @_; ref $ibx or die "BUG: expected PublicInbox::Inbox object: $ibx"; my $xap = $ibx->version > 1 ? 'xap' : 'public-inbox/xapian'; my $xpfx = "$ibx->{inboxdir}/$xap".SCHEMA_VERSION; my $self = bless { xpfx => $xpfx }, $class; $self->{altid} = $ibx->{altid} if defined($ibx->{altid}); $self; } sub reopen { my ($self) = @_; if (my $xdb = $self->{xdb}) { $xdb->reopen; } $self; # make chaining easier } # Convert git "approxidate" ranges to something usable with our # Xapian indices. At the moment, Xapian only offers a C++-only API # and neither the SWIG nor XS bindings allow us to use custom code # to parse dates (and libgit2 doesn't expose git__date_parse, either, # so we're running git-rev-parse(1)). # This replaces things we need to send to $git->date_parse with # "\0".$strftime_format.['+'|$idx]."\0" placeholders sub date_parse_prepare { my ($to_parse, $pfx, $range) = @_; # are we inside a parenthesized statement? my $end = $range =~ s/([\)\s]*)\z// ? $1 : ''; my @r = split(/\.\./, $range, 2); # expand "dt:2010-10-02" => "dt:2010-10-02..2010-10-03" and like # n.b. git doesn't do YYYYMMDD w/o '-', it needs YYYY-MM-DD # We upgrade "d:" to "dt:" unconditionally if ($pfx eq 'd') { $pfx = 'dt'; # upgrade YYYYMMDD to YYYYMMDDHHMMSS $_ .= ' 00:00:00' for (grep(m!\A[0-9]{4}[^[:alnum:]] [0-9]{2}[^[:alnum:]] [0-9]{2}\z!x, @r)); $_ .= '000000' for (grep(m!\A[0-9]{8}\z!, @r)); } if ($pfx eq 'dt') { if (!defined($r[1])) { # git needs gaps and not /\d{14}/ if ($r[0] =~ /\A([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})\z/x) { push @$to_parse, "$1-$2-$3 $4:$5:$6"; } else { push @$to_parse, $r[0]; } $r[0] = "\0%Y%m%d%H%M%S$#$to_parse\0"; $r[1] = "\0%Y%m%d%H%M%S+\0"; } else { for my $x (@r) { next if $x eq '' || $x =~ /\A[0-9]{14}\z/; push @$to_parse, $x; $x = "\0%Y%m%d%H%M%S$#$to_parse\0"; } } } else { # (rt|ct), let git interpret "YYYY", deal with Y10K later :P for my $x (@r) { next if $x eq '' || $x =~ /\A[0-9]{5,}\z/; push @$to_parse, $x; $x = "\0%s$#$to_parse\0"; } $r[1] //= "\0%s+\0"; # add 1 day } "$pfx:".join('..', @r).$end; } sub date_parse_finalize { my ($git, $to_parse) = @_; # git-rev-parse can handle any number of args up to system # limits (around (4096*32) bytes on Linux). my @r = $git->date_parse(@$to_parse); # n.b. git respects TZ, times stored in SQLite/Xapian are always UTC, # and gmtime doesn't seem to do the right thing when TZ!=UTC my ($i, $t); $_[2] =~ s/\0(%[%YmdHMSs]+)([0-9\+]+)\0/ $t = $2 eq '+' ? ($r[$i]+86400) : $r[$i=$2+0]; $1 eq '%s' ? $t : strftime($1, gmtime($t))/sge; } # n.b. argv never has NUL, though we'll need to filter it out # if this $argv isn't from a command execution sub query_argv_to_string { my (undef, $git, $argv) = @_; my $to_parse; my $tmp = join(' ', map {; if (s!\b(d|rt|dt):(\S+)\z!date_parse_prepare( $to_parse //= [], $1, $2)!sge) { $_; } elsif (/\s/) { s/(.*?)\b(\w+:)// ? qq{$1$2"$_"} : qq{"$_"}; } else { $_ } } @$argv); date_parse_finalize($git, $to_parse, $tmp) if $to_parse; $tmp } # this is for the WWW "q=" query parameter and "lei q --stdin" # it can't do d:"5 days ago", but it will do d:5.days.ago sub query_approxidate { my (undef, $git) = @_; # $_[2] = $query_string (modified in-place) my $DQ = qq<"\x{201c}\x{201d}>; # Xapian can use curly quotes $_[2] =~ tr/\x00/ /; # Xapian doesn't do NUL, we use it as a placeholder my ($terms, $phrase, $to_parse); $_[2] =~ s{([^$DQ]*)([$DQ][^$DQ]*[$DQ])?}{ ($terms, $phrase) = ($1, $2); $terms =~ s!\b(d|rt|dt):(\S+)! date_parse_prepare($to_parse //= [], $1, $2)!sge; $terms.($phrase // ''); }sge; date_parse_finalize($git, $to_parse, $_[2]) if $to_parse; } # read-only, for mail only (codesearch has different rules) sub mset { my ($self, $qry_str, $opt) = @_; my $qp = $self->{qp} //= $self->qparse_new; my $qry = $qp->parse_query($qry_str, $self->{qp_flags}); if (defined(my $eidx_key = $opt->{eidx_key})) { $qry = $X{Query}->new(OP_FILTER(), $qry, 'O'.$eidx_key); } if (defined(my $uid_range = $opt->{uid_range})) { my $range = $X{Query}->new(OP_VALUE_RANGE(), UID, sortable_serialise($uid_range->[0]), sortable_serialise($uid_range->[1])); $qry = $X{Query}->new(OP_FILTER(), $qry, $range); } if (defined(my $tid = $opt->{threadid})) { $tid = sortable_serialise($tid); $qry = $X{Query}->new(OP_FILTER(), $qry, $X{Query}->new(OP_VALUE_RANGE(), THREADID, $tid, $tid)); } do_enquire($self, $qry, $opt, TS); } sub xhc_start_maybe (@) { require PublicInbox::XapClient; my $xhc = PublicInbox::XapClient::start_helper(@_); require PublicInbox::XhcMset if $xhc; $xhc; } sub xh_opt ($$) { my ($self, $opt) = @_; my $lim = $opt->{limit} || 50; my @ret; push @ret, '-o', $opt->{offset} if $opt->{offset}; push @ret, '-m', $lim; my $rel = $opt->{relevance} // 0; if ($rel == -2) { # ORDER BY docid/UID (highest first) push @ret, '-k', '-1'; } elsif ($rel == -1) { # ORDER BY docid/UID (lowest first) push @ret, '-k', '-1'; push @ret, '-a'; } elsif ($rel == 0) { push @ret, '-k', $opt->{sort_col} // TS; push @ret, '-a' if $opt->{asc}; } else { # rel > 0 push @ret, '-r'; push @ret, '-k', $opt->{sort_col} // TS; push @ret, '-a' if $opt->{asc}; } push @ret, '-t' if $opt->{threads}; push @ret, '-T', $opt->{threadid} if defined $opt->{threadid}; push @ret, '-O', $opt->{eidx_key} if defined $opt->{eidx_key}; my $apfx = $self->{-alt_pfx} //= do { my @tmp; for (grep /\Aserial:/, @{$self->{altid} // []}) { my (undef, $pfx) = split /:/, $_; push @tmp, '-Q', "$pfx=X\U$pfx"; } # TODO: arbitrary header indexing goes here \@tmp; }; (@ret, @$apfx); } # returns a true value if actually handled asynchronously, # and a falsy value if handled synchronously sub async_mset { my ($self, $qry_str, $opt, $cb, @args) = @_; if ($XHC) { # unconditionally retrieving pct + rank for now xdb($self); # populate {nshards} my @margs = ($self->xh_args, xh_opt($self, $opt)); my $ret = eval { my $rd = $XHC->mkreq(undef, 'mset', @margs, $qry_str); PublicInbox::XhcMset->maybe_new($rd, $self, $cb, @args); }; $cb->(@args, undef, $@) if $@; $ret; } else { # synchronous my $mset = $self->mset($qry_str, $opt); $cb->(@args, $mset); undef; } } sub do_enquire { # shared with CodeSearch my ($self, $qry, $opt, $col) = @_; my $enq = $X{Enquire}->new(xdb($self)); $enq->set_query($qry); my $rel = $opt->{relevance} // 0; if ($rel == -2) { # ORDER BY docid/UID (highest first) $enq->set_weighting_scheme($X{BoolWeight}->new); $enq->set_docid_order($ENQ_DESCENDING); } elsif ($rel == -1) { # ORDER BY docid/UID (lowest first) $enq->set_weighting_scheme($X{BoolWeight}->new); $enq->set_docid_order($ENQ_ASCENDING); } elsif ($rel == 0) { $enq->set_sort_by_value_then_relevance($col, !$opt->{asc}); } else { # rel > 0 $enq->set_sort_by_relevance_then_value($col, !$opt->{asc}); } # `lei q -t / --threads' or JMAP collapseThreads; but don't collapse # on `-tt' ({threads} > 1) which sets the Flagged|Important keyword (($opt->{threads} // 0) == 1 && has_threadid($self)) and $enq->set_collapse_key(THREADID); retry_reopen($self, \&enquire_once, $enq, $opt->{offset} || 0, $opt->{limit} || 50); } sub retry_reopen { my ($self, $cb, @arg) = @_; for my $i (1..10) { if (wantarray) { my @ret = eval { $cb->($self, @arg) }; return @ret unless $@; } else { my $ret = eval { $cb->($self, @arg) }; return $ret unless $@; } # Exception: The revision being read has been discarded - # you should call Xapian::Database::reopen() if (ref($@) =~ /\bDatabaseModifiedError\b/) { reopen($self); } else { # let caller decide how to spew, because ExtMsg queries # get wonky and trigger: # "something terrible happened at .../Xapian/Enquire.pm" Carp::croak($@); } } Carp::croak("Too many Xapian database modifications in progress\n"); } # returns true if all docs have the THREADID value sub has_threadid ($) { my ($self) = @_; (xdb($self)->get_metadata('has_threadid') // '') eq '1'; } sub enquire_once { # retry_reopen callback my (undef, $enq, $offset, $limit) = @_; $enq->get_mset($offset, $limit); } sub mset_to_smsg { my ($self, $ibx, $mset) = @_; my $nshard = $self->{nshard}; my $i = 0; my %order = map { mdocid($nshard, $_) => ++$i } $mset->items; my @msgs = sort { $order{$a->{num}} <=> $order{$b->{num}} } @{$ibx->over->get_all(keys %order)}; wantarray ? ($mset->get_matches_estimated, \@msgs) : \@msgs; } # read-write sub stemmer { $X{Stem}->new($LANG) } sub qp_init_common { my ($self) = @_; my $qp = $X{QueryParser}->new; $qp->set_default_op(OP_AND()); $qp->set_database(xdb($self)); $qp->set_stemmer(stemmer($self)); $qp->set_stemming_strategy(STEM_SOME()); my $cb = $qp->can('set_max_wildcard_expansion') // $qp->can('set_max_expansion'); # Xapian 1.5.0+ $cb->($qp, 100); $qp; } # read-only sub qparse_new { my ($self) = @_; my $qp = qp_init_common($self); my $cb = $qp->can('add_valuerangeprocessor') // $qp->can('add_rangeprocessor'); # Xapian 1.5.0+ $cb->($qp, $_) for @MAIL_NRP; while (my ($name, $prefix) = each %bool_pfx_external) { $qp->add_boolean_prefix($name, $_) foreach split(/ /, $prefix); } # we do not actually create AltId objects, # just parse the spec to avoid the extra DB handles for now. if (my $altid = $self->{altid}) { my $user_pfx = $self->{-user_pfx} = []; for (@$altid) { # $_ = 'serial:gmane:/path/to/gmane.msgmap.sqlite3' # note: Xapian supports multibyte UTF-8, /^[0-9]+$/, # and '_' with prefixes matching \w+ /\Aserial:(\w+):/ or next; my $pfx = $1; push @$user_pfx, "$pfx:", < XGMANE $qp->add_boolean_prefix($pfx, 'X'.uc($pfx)); } chomp @$user_pfx; } while (my ($name, $prefix) = each %prob_prefix) { $qp->add_prefix($name, $_) foreach split(/ /, $prefix); } $qp; } sub generate_cxx () { # generates snippet for xap_helper.h my $ret = <[0], "$x->[1]");\n} } $ret .= <ADD_RP(mail_nrp[i]); EOM for my $name (sort keys %bool_pfx_external) { for (split(/ /, $bool_pfx_external{$name})) { $ret .= qq{\tqp->add_boolean_prefix("$name", "$_");\n} } } # altid support is handled in xh_opt and srch_init_extra in XH for my $name (sort keys %prob_prefix) { for (split(/ /, $prob_prefix{$name})) { $ret .= qq{\tqp->add_prefix("$name", "$_");\n} } } $ret .= "}\n"; } sub help { my ($self) = @_; $self->{qp} //= $self->qparse_new; # parse altids my @ret = @HELP; if (my $user_pfx = $self->{-user_pfx}) { push @ret, @$user_pfx; } \@ret; } # always returns a scalar value sub int_val ($$) { my ($doc, $col) = @_; my $val = $doc->get_value($col) or return undef; # undef is '' in Xapian sortable_unserialise($val) + 0; # PV => IV conversion } sub get_pct ($) { # mset item # Capped at "99%" since "100%" takes an extra column in the # thread skeleton view. says the value isn't # very meaningful, anyways. my $n = $_[0]->get_percent; $n > 99 ? 99 : $n; } sub xap_terms ($$;@) { my ($pfx, $xdb_or_doc, @docid) = @_; # @docid may be empty () my $end = $xdb_or_doc->termlist_end(@docid); my $cur = $xdb_or_doc->termlist_begin(@docid); $cur->skip_to($pfx); my (@ret, $tn); my $pfxlen = length($pfx); for (; $cur != $end; $cur++) { $tn = $cur->get_termname; index($tn, $pfx) ? last : push(@ret, substr($tn, $pfxlen)); } wantarray ? @ret : +{ map { $_ => undef } @ret }; } # get combined docid from over.num: # (not generic Xapian, only works with our sharding scheme for mail) sub num2docid ($$) { my ($self, $num) = @_; my $nshard = $self->{nshard}; ($num - 1) * $nshard + $num % $nshard + 1; } sub all_terms { my ($self, $pfx) = @_; my $cur = xdb($self)->allterms_begin($pfx); my $end = $self->{xdb}->allterms_end($pfx); my $pfxlen = length($pfx); my @ret; for (; $cur != $end; $cur++) { push @ret, substr($cur->get_termname, $pfxlen); } wantarray ? @ret : +{ map { $_ => undef } @ret }; } sub xh_args { # prep getopt args to feed to xap_helper.h socket map { ('-d', $_) } shard_dirs($_[0]); } sub docids_by_postlist ($$) { my ($self, $q) = @_; my $cur = $self->xdb->postlist_begin($q); my $end = $self->{xdb}->postlist_end($q); my @ids; for (; $cur != $end; $cur++) { push(@ids, $cur->get_docid) }; @ids; } sub get_doc ($$) { my ($self, $docid) = @_; eval { $self->{xdb}->get_document($docid) } // do { die $@ if $@ && ref($@) !~ /\bDocNotFoundError\b/; undef; } } 1;