# Copyright (C) 2016 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # The main summary/landing page of a git repository viewer package PublicInbox::RepoGitSummary; use strict; use warnings; use PublicInbox::Hval qw(utf8_html); use base qw(PublicInbox::RepoBase); use PublicInbox::Qspawn; sub call_git_summary { my ($self, $req) = @_; my $git = $req->{-repo}->{git}; my $env = $req->{env}; sub { my ($res) = @_; # Plack streaming callback for_each_ref($self, $req, $res, $req->{-repo}->tip); } } use constant EACH_REF_FMT => '--format=' . join(' ', map { "%($_)" } qw(refname objecttype objectname creatordate:short subject)); sub for_each_ref { my ($self, $req, $res, $head_ref) = @_; my $count = 10; # TODO: configurable my $fh; my $repo = $req->{-repo}; my $git = $repo->{git}; my $refs = $git->popen(qw(for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate), EACH_REF_FMT, "--count=$count", qw(refs/heads/ refs/tags/)); $fh = $res->([200, ['Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8']]); # ref names are unpredictable in length and requires tables :< $fh->write($self->html_start($req, "$repo->{repo}: overview") . ''); my $rel = $req->{relcmd}; while (<$refs>) { my ($ref, $type, $hex, $date, $s) = split(' ', $_, 5); my $x = $ref eq $head_ref ? ' (HEAD)' : ''; $ref =~ s!\Arefs/(?:heads|tags)/!!; $ref = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($ref); my $h = $ref->as_html; $ref = $ref->as_href; my $sref; if ($type eq 'tag') { $h = "$h"; $sref = $ref = $rel . 'tag/' . $ref; } elsif ($type eq 'commit') { $sref = $rel . 'commit/' . $ref; $ref = $rel . 'log/' . $ref; } else { # no point in wasting code to support tagged # trees/blobs... next; } chomp $s; $fh->write(qq() . qq('); } $fh->write('
$h$x$date ) . utf8_html($s) . '
'); # some people will use README.md or even README.sh here... my $readme = $repo->{readme}; defined $readme or $readme = [ 'README', 'README.md' ]; $readme = [ $readme ] if (ref($readme) ne 'ARRAY'); foreach my $r (@$readme) { my $doc = $git->cat_file('HEAD:'.$r); defined $doc or next; $fh->write('
' . readme_path_links($req, $rel, $r) .
			" (HEAD)\n\n" . utf8_html($$doc) . '
'); } $fh->write(''); $fh->close; } sub readme_path_links { my ($req, $rel, $readme) = @_; my @path = split(m!/+!, $readme); my $tip = $req->{-repo}->tip; my $s = "tree root/"; my @t; $s .= join('/', (map { push @t, $_; my $e = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($_, join('/', @t)); my $ep = $e->as_path; my $eh = $e->as_html; $e = "$eh"; # bold the last one scalar(@t) == scalar(@path) ? "$e" : $e; } @path)); } 1;