# Copyright (C) 2015 all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # shows the /commit/ endpoint for git repositories # # anchors used: # D - diffstat # P - parents # ...and various filenames from to_attr # The 'D' and 'P' anchors may conflict with odd filenames, but we won't # punish the common case with extra bytes if somebody uses 'D' or 'P' # in filenames. package PublicInbox::RepoGitCommit; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(PublicInbox::RepoBase); use PublicInbox::Hval qw(utf8_html to_attr); use PublicInbox::RepoGit qw(git_unquote git_commit_title); use PublicInbox::RepoGitDiffCommon; use PublicInbox::Qspawn; use constant GIT_FMT => '--pretty=format:'.join('%n', '%H', '%h', '%s', '%an <%ae>', '%ai', '%cn <%ce>', '%ci', '%t', '%p', '%D', '%b%x00'); use constant CC_EMPTY => " This is a merge, and the combined diff is empty.\n"; use constant CC_MERGE => " This is a merge, showing combined diff:\n\n"; sub commit_header { my ($self, $req) = @_; my ($H, $h, $s, $au, $ad, $cu, $cd, $t, $p, $D, $rest) = split("\n", $req->{dbuf}, 11); $s = utf8_html($s); $au = utf8_html($au); $cu = utf8_html($cu); my @p = split(' ', $p); my $rel = $req->{relcmd}; my $x = $self->html_start($req, $s) . "\n" . qq( commit $H (patch)\n) . qq( tree $t); my $git = $req->{-repo}->{git}; # extra show path information, if any my $extra = $req->{extra}; my $path = ''; if (@$extra) { my @t; my $ep; $x .= ' -- '; $x .= join('/', map { push @t, $_; my $e = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($_, join('/', @t)); $ep = $e->as_path; my $eh = $e->as_html; $ep = "${rel}tree/$ep/$h"; qq($eh); } @$extra); $path = "/$ep"; } $x .= "\n author $au\t$ad\ncommitter $cu\t$cd\n"; my $np = scalar @p; if ($np == 1) { my $p = $p[0]; $x .= git_parent_line(' parent', $p, $git, $rel); } elsif ($np > 1) { $req->{mhelp} = CC_MERGE; my @common = ($git, $rel); my @t = @p; my $p = shift @t; $x .= git_parent_line(' parents', $p, @common); foreach $p (@t) { $x .= git_parent_line(' ', $p, @common); } } $x .= "\n"; $x .= $s; $x .= "\n\n"; my $bx00; # FIXME: deal with excessively long commit message bodies ($bx00, $req->{dbuf}) = split("\0", $rest, 2); $req->{anchors} = {}; $req->{h} = $h; $req->{p} = \@p; $x .= utf8_html($bx00) . "---\n"; } sub git_commit_sed ($$) { my ($self, $req) = @_; git_diff_sed_init($req); my $dbuf = \($req->{dbuf}); # this filters for $fh->write or $body->getline (see Qspawn) sub { my $dst = ''; if (defined $_[0]) { # $_[0] == scalar buffer $$dbuf .= $_[0]; if ($req->{dstate} == DSTATE_INIT) { return $dst if index($$dbuf, "\0") < 0; $req->{dstate} = DSTATE_STAT; $dst .= commit_header($self, $req); } git_diff_sed_run(\$dst, $req); } else { # undef means EOF from "git show", flush the last bit git_diff_sed_close(\$dst, $req); $dst .= CC_EMPTY if delete $req->{mhelp}; show_unchanged(\$dst, $req); $dst .= ''; } $dst; } } sub call_git_commit { # RepoBase calls this my ($self, $req) = @_; my $env = $req->{env}; my $expath = $req->{expath}; if ($expath ne '') { my $relup = join('', map { '../' } @{$req->{extra}}); return $self->r(301, $req, "$relup#".to_attr($expath)); } my $git = $req->{-repo}->{git}; my $cmd = $git->cmd(qw(show -z --numstat -p --encoding=UTF-8 --no-notes --no-color -c), $git->abbrev, GIT_FMT, $req->{-repo}->tip, '--'); my $rdr = { 2 => $git->err_begin }; my $qsp = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new($cmd, undef, $rdr); $env->{'qspawn.quiet'} = 1; $qsp->psgi_return($env, undef, sub { # parse header my ($r, $bref) = @_; if (!defined $r) { my $errmsg = $git->err; [ 500, [ 'Content-Type', 'text/html' ], [ $errmsg ] ]; } elsif ($r == 0) { git_commit_404($req); } else { $env->{'qspawn.filter'} = git_commit_sed($self, $req); [ 200, [ 'Content-Type', 'text/html' ] ]; } }); } sub git_commit_404 { my ($req) = @_; my $x = 'Missing commit or path'; my $pfx = "$req->{relcmd}commit"; my $try = 'try'; $x = "$x
	$x .= "$try the latest commit in HEAD\n";
	$x .= '
'; [404, ['Content-Type'=>'text/html'], [ $x ]]; } # FIXME: horrifically expensive... sub git_parent_line { my ($pfx, $p, $git, $rel) = @_; my $t = git_commit_title($git, $p); $t = defined $t ? utf8_html($t) : ''; $pfx . qq( $p $t\n); } # do not break anchor links if the combined diff doesn't show changes: sub show_unchanged { my ($dst, $req) = @_; my @unchanged = sort keys %{$req->{anchors}}; return unless @unchanged; my $anchors = $req->{anchors}; $$dst .= "\n There are uninteresting changes from this merge.\n" . qq( See the parents, ) . "or view final state(s) below:\n\n"; my $rel = $req->{relcmd}; foreach my $anchor (@unchanged) { my $fn = $anchors->{$anchor}; my $p = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8(git_unquote($fn)); $p = $p->as_path; $fn = utf8_html($fn); $$dst .= qq(\t); $$dst .= "$fn\n"; } } 1;