# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: AGPL-3.0+ # WQ worker for dealing with LeiImport IMAP flags on already-imported messages # WQ key: {ikw} package PublicInbox::LeiImportKw; use strict; use v5.10.1; use parent qw(PublicInbox::IPC); use PublicInbox::Compat qw(uniqstr); sub new { my ($cls, $lei) = @_; my $self = bless { -wq_ident => 'lei import_kw worker' }, $cls; my $j = $self->detect_nproc // 4; $j = 4 if $j > 4; my ($op_c, $ops) = $lei->workers_start($self, $j); $op_c->{ops} = $ops; # for PktOp->event_step $self->{lei_sock} = $lei->{sock}; $lei->{ikw} = $self; } sub ipc_atfork_child { my ($self) = @_; my $lei = $self->{lei}; $lei->_lei_atfork_child; my $net = delete $lei->{net} // die 'BUG: no lei->{net}'; $self->{sto} = $lei->{sto} // die 'BUG: no lei->{sto}'; $self->{verbose} = $lei->{opt}->{verbose}; $self->{lse} = $self->{sto}->search; $self->{over} = $self->{lse}->over; $self->{-lms_rw} = $net->{-lms_rw} || die 'BUG: net->{-lms_rw} FALSE'; $self->SUPER::ipc_atfork_child; } sub ck_update_kw { # via wq_io_do my ($self, $url, $uid, $kw) = @_; my @oidbin = $self->{-lms_rw}->num_oidbin($url, $uid); my $uid_url = index($url, 'mh:') == 0 ? $url.$uid : "$url/;UID=$uid"; @oidbin > 1 and warn("W: $uid_url not unique:\n", map { "\t".unpack('H*', $_)."\n" } @oidbin); my @docids = sort { $a <=> $b } uniqstr map { $self->{over}->oidbin_exists($_) } @oidbin; $self->{lse}->kw_changed(undef, $kw, \@docids) or return; $self->{verbose} and $self->{lei}->qerr("# $uid_url => @$kw\n"); $self->{sto}->wq_do('set_eml_vmd', undef, { kw => $kw }, \@docids); } sub _lei_wq_eof { # EOF callback for main lei daemon $_[0]->wq_eof('ikw'); } 1;