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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/RepobrowseGitCommit.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/RepobrowseGitCommit.pm')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/RepobrowseGitCommit.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/RepobrowseGitCommit.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3973392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/RepobrowseGitCommit.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# shows the /commit/ endpoint for git repositories
+package PublicInbox::RepobrowseGitCommit;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(PublicInbox::RepobrowseBase);
+use PublicInbox::Hval qw(utf8_html);
+use PublicInbox::RepobrowseGit qw(git_unquote git_commit_title);
+use constant GIT_FMT => '--pretty=format:'.join('%n',
+        '%H', '%h', '%s', '%an <%ae>', '%ai', '%cn <%ce>', '%ci',
+        '%t', '%p', '%D', '%b%x00');
+sub git_commit_stream {
+        my ($req, $q, $H, $log, $fh) = @_;
+        chomp(my $h = <$log>); # abbreviated commit
+        my $l;
+        chomp(my $s = utf8_html($l = <$log>)); # subject
+        chomp(my $au = utf8_html($l = <$log>)); # author
+        chomp(my $ad = <$log>);
+        chomp(my $cu = utf8_html($l = <$log>));
+        chomp(my $cd = <$log>);
+        chomp(my $t = <$log>); # tree
+        chomp(my $p = <$log>); # parents
+        my @p = split(' ', $p);
+        chomp(my $D = <$log>); # TODO: decorate
+        my $git = $req->{repo_info}->{git};
+        my $rel = $req->{relcmd};
+        my $qs = $q->qs(id => $h);
+        chomp $H;
+        my $x = "<html><head><title>$s</title>" .
+                PublicInbox::Hval::STYLE . '</head><body><pre>' .
+                "   commit $H (<a\nhref=\"${rel}patch$qs\">patch</a>)\n" .
+                "     tree <a\nhref=\"${rel}tree?id=$h\">$t</a>";
+        # extra show path information, if any
+        my $extra = $req->{extra};
+        my $path = '';
+        if (@$extra) {
+                my @t;
+                my $ep;
+                $x .= ' -- ';
+                $x .= join('/', map {
+                        push @t, $_;
+                        my $e = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($_, join('/', @t));
+                        $ep = $e->as_path;
+                        my $eh = $e->as_html;
+                        "<a\nhref=\"${rel}tree/$ep?id=$h\">$eh</a>";
+                } @$extra);
+                $path = "/$ep";
+        }
+        $x .= "\n   author $au\t$ad\ncommitter $cu\t$cd\n";
+        my $np = scalar @p;
+        if ($np == 1) {
+                my $p = $p[0];
+                $x .= git_parent_line('   parent', $p, $q, $git, $rel, $path);
+        } elsif ($np > 1) {
+                my @common = ($q, $git, $rel, $path);
+                my @t = @p;
+                my $p = shift @t;
+                $x .= git_parent_line('  parents', $p, @common);
+                foreach $p (@t) {
+                        $x .= git_parent_line('         ', $p, @common);
+                }
+        }
+        $fh->write($x .= "\n<b>$s</b>\n\n");
+        # body:
+        local $/ = "\0";
+        $l = <$log>;
+        chomp $l;
+        $fh->write(utf8_html($l)."---\n");
+        git_show_diffstat($req, $h, $fh, $log);
+        my $help;
+        $help = " This is a merge, showing combined diff:\n\n" if ($np > 1);
+        # diff
+        local $/ = "\n";
+        my $cmt = '[a-f0-9]+';
+        my $diff = { h => $h, p => \@p, rel => $rel };
+        my $cc_add;
+        while (defined($l = <$log>)) {
+                if ($help) {
+                        $fh->write($help);
+                        $help = undef;
+                }
+                if ($l =~ m{^diff --git ("?a/.+) ("?b/.+)$}) { # regular
+                        $l = git_diff_ab_hdr($diff, $1, $2) . "\n";
+                } elsif ($l =~ m{^diff --(cc|combined) (.+)$}) {
+                        $l = git_diff_cc_hdr($diff, $1, $2) . "\n";
+                } elsif ($l =~ /^index ($cmt)\.\.($cmt)(.*)$/o) { # regular
+                        $l = git_diff_ab_index($diff, $1, $2, $3) . "\n";
+                } elsif ($l =~ /^@@ (\S+) (\S+) @@(.*)$/) { # regular
+                        $l = git_diff_ab_hunk($diff, $1, $2, $3) . "\n";
+                } elsif ($l =~ /^\+/ || ($cc_add && $l =~ $cc_add)) {
+                        $l = git_diff_add($l) . "\n";
+                } elsif ($l =~ /^index ($cmt,[^\.]+)\.\.($cmt)(.*)$/o) { # --cc
+                        $l = git_diff_cc_index($diff, $1, $2, $3) . "\n";
+                        $cc_add ||= $diff->{cc_add};
+                } elsif ($l =~ /^(@@@+) (\S+.*\S+) @@@+(.*)$/) { # --cc
+                        $l = git_diff_cc_hunk($diff, $1, $2, $3) . "\n";
+                } else {
+                        $l = utf8_html($l);
+                }
+                $fh->write($l);
+        }
+        if ($help) {
+                $fh->write(" This is a merge, combined diff is empty.\n");
+        }
+        $fh->write('</pre></body></html>');
+sub call_git_commit {
+        my ($self, $req) = @_;
+        my $q = PublicInbox::RepobrowseQuery->new($req->{cgi});
+        my $id = $q->{id};
+        $id eq '' and $id = 'HEAD';
+        my $git = $req->{repo_info}->{git};
+        my @cmd = qw(show -z --numstat -p --encoding=UTF-8
+                        --no-notes --no-color --abbrev=10 -c);
+        my @path;
+        # kill trailing slash
+        my $extra = $req->{extra};
+        if (@$extra) {
+                pop @$extra if $extra->[-1] eq '';
+                @path = (join('/', @$extra));
+                push @cmd, '--follow';
+        }
+        my $log = $git->popen(@cmd, GIT_FMT, $id, '--', @path);
+        my $H = <$log>;
+        # maybe the path didn't exist, yet, zip them back up
+        return git_commit_404($req, $q, $path[0]) unless defined $H;
+        sub {
+                my ($res) = @_; # Plack callback
+                my $fh = $res->([200, ['Content-Type'=>'text/html']]);
+                git_commit_stream($req, $q, $H, $log, $fh);
+                $fh->close;
+        }
+sub git_commit_404 {
+        my ($req, $q, $path) = @_;
+        my $x = 'Missing commit or path';
+        my $pfx = "$req->{relcmd}commit";
+        # print STDERR "path: $path\n";
+        my $try = 'try';
+        $x = "<html><head><title>$x</title></head><body><pre><b>$x</b>\n\n";
+        if (defined $path) {
+                my $qs = $q->qs;
+                $x .= "<a\nhref=\"$pfx$qs\">" .
+                        "try without the path <s>$path</s></a>\n";
+                $try = 'or';
+        }
+        my $qs = $q->qs(id => '');
+        $x .= "<a\nhref=\"$pfx$qs\">$try the latest commit in HEAD</a>\n";
+        $x .= '</pre></body>';
+        [ 404, ['Content-Type'=>'text/html'], [ $x ] ];
+sub git_show_diffstat {
+        my ($req, $h, $fh, $log) = @_;
+        local $/ = "\0\0";
+        my $l = <$log>;
+        chomp $l;
+        my @stat = split("\0", $l);
+        my $nr = 0;
+        my ($nadd, $ndel) = (0, 0);
+        my $rel = $req->{relcmd};
+        while (defined($l = shift @stat)) {
+                $l =~ s/\n?(\S+)\t+(\S+)\t+// or next;
+                my ($add, $del) = ($1, $2);
+                if ($add =~ /\A\d+\z/) {
+                        $nadd += $add;
+                        $ndel += $del;
+                        $add = "+$add";
+                        $del = "-$del";
+                }
+                my $num = sprintf('% 6s/%-6s', $del, $add);
+                if (length $l) {
+                        $l = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($l);
+                        my $lp = $l->as_path;
+                        my $lh = $l->as_html;
+                        $l = "<a\nhref=\"${rel}commit/$lp?id=$h\">$lh</a>";
+                } else {
+                        my $from = shift @stat;
+                        my $to = shift @stat;
+                        $l = git_diffstat_rename($rel, $h, $from, $to);
+                }
+                ++$nr;
+                $fh->write(' '.$num."\t".$l."\n");
+        }
+        $l = "\n $nr ";
+        $l .= $nr == 1 ? 'file changed, ' : 'files changed, ';
+        $l .= $nadd;
+        $l .= $nadd == 1 ? ' insertion(+), ' : ' insertions(+), ';
+        $l .= $ndel;
+        $l .= $ndel == 1 ? " deletion(-)\n\n" : " deletions(-)\n\n";
+        $fh->write($l);
+# index abcdef89..01234567
+sub git_diff_ab_index {
+        my ($diff, $xa, $xb, $end) = @_;
+        # not wasting bandwidth on links here, yet
+        # links in hunk headers are far more useful with line offsets
+        $end = utf8_html($end);
+        "index $xa..<b>$xb</b>$end";
+# diff --git a/foo.c b/bar.c
+sub git_diff_ab_hdr {
+        my ($diff, $fa, $fb) = @_;
+        my $html_a = utf8_html($fa);
+        my $html_b = utf8_html($fb);
+        $fa = git_unquote($fa);
+        $fb = git_unquote($fb);
+        $fa =~ s!\Aa/!!;
+        $fb =~ s!\Ab/!!;
+        $fa = $diff->{fa} = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($fa);
+        $fb = $diff->{fb} = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8($fb);
+        $diff->{path_a} = $fa->as_path;
+        $diff->{path_b} = $fb->as_path;
+        # not wasting bandwidth on links here, yet
+        # links in hunk headers are far more useful with line offsets
+        "diff --git $html_a <b>$html_b</b>";
+# @@ -1,2 +3,4 @@ (regular diff)
+sub git_diff_ab_hunk {
+        my ($diff, $ca, $cb, $ctx) = @_;
+        my ($na) = ($ca =~ /\A-(\d+)/);
+        my ($nb) = ($cb =~ /\A\+(\d+)/);
+        my $rel = $diff->{rel};
+        my $rv = '@@ ';
+        if ($na == 0) { # new file
+                $rv .= $ca;
+        } else {
+                my $p = $diff->{p}->[0];
+                $rv .= "<a\nhref=\"${rel}tree/$diff->{path_a}?id=$p#n$na\">";
+                $rv .= "$ca</a>";
+        }
+        $rv .= ' ';
+        if ($nb == 0) { # deleted file
+                $rv .= $cb;
+        } else {
+                my $h = $diff->{h};
+                $rv .= "<a\nhref=\"${rel}tree/$diff->{path_b}?id=$h#n$nb\">";
+                $rv .= "<b>$cb</b></a>";
+        }
+        $rv . ' @@' . utf8_html($ctx);
+sub git_diff_cc_hdr {
+        my ($diff, $combined, $path) = @_;
+        my $html_path = utf8_html($path);
+        my $cc = $diff->{cc} = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8(git_unquote($path));
+        $diff->{path_cc} = $cc->as_path;
+        "diff --$combined <b>$html_path</b>";
+# index abcdef09,01234567..76543210
+sub git_diff_cc_index {
+        my ($diff, $before, $last, $end) = @_;
+        $end = utf8_html($end);
+        my @before = split(',', $before);
+        $diff->{pobj_cc} = \@before;
+        $diff->{cc_add} ||= eval {
+                my $n = scalar(@before) - 1;
+                qr/^ {0,$n}[\+]/;
+        };
+        # not wasting bandwidth on links here, yet
+        # links in hunk headers are far more useful with line offsets
+        "index $before..<b>$last</b>$end";
+# @@@ -1,2 -3,4 +5,6 @@@ (combined diff)
+sub git_diff_cc_hunk {
+        my ($diff, $at, $offs, $ctx) = @_;
+        my @offs = split(' ', $offs);
+        my $last = pop @offs;
+        my @p = @{$diff->{p}};
+        my @pobj = @{$diff->{pobj_cc}};
+        my $path = $diff->{path_cc};
+        my $rel = $diff->{rel};
+        my $rv = $at;
+        # special 'cc' action as we don't have reliable paths from parents
+        my $ppath = "${rel}cc/$path";
+        foreach my $off (@offs) {
+                my $p = shift @p;
+                my $obj = shift @pobj; # blob SHA-1
+                my ($n) = ($off =~ /\A-(\d+)/); # line number
+                if ($n == 0) { # new file (does this happen with --cc?)
+                        $rv .= " $off";
+                } else {
+                        $rv .= " <a\nhref=\"$ppath?id=$p&obj=$obj#n$n\">";
+                        $rv .= "$off</a>";
+                }
+        }
+        # we can use the normal 'tree' endpoint for the result
+        my ($n) = ($last =~ /\A\+(\d+)/); # line number
+        if ($n == 0) { # deleted file (does this happen with --cc?)
+                $rv .= " <b>$last</b>";
+        } else {
+                my $h = $diff->{h};
+                $rv .= " <a\nhref=\"${rel}tree/$path?id=$h#n$n\">";
+                $rv .= "<b>$last</b></a>";
+        }
+        $rv .= " $at" . utf8_html($ctx);
+sub git_diffstat_rename {
+        my ($rel, $h, $from, $to) = @_;
+        my @from = split('/', $from);
+        my @to = split('/', $to);
+        my $orig_to = $to;
+        my ($base, @base);
+        while (@to && @from && $to[0] eq $from[0]) {
+                push @base, shift(@to);
+                shift @from;
+        }
+        $base = utf8_html(join('/', @base)) if @base;
+        $from = utf8_html(join('/', @from));
+        $to = PublicInbox::Hval->utf8(join('/', @to), $orig_to);
+        my $tp = $to->as_path;
+        my $th = $to->as_html;
+        $to = "<a\nhref=\"${rel}/commit/$tp?id=$h\">$th</a>";
+        @base ? "$base/{$from =&gt; $to}" : "$from =&gt; $to";
+sub git_diff_add {
+        my ($l) = @_;
+        chomp $l;
+        '<b>'.utf8_html($l).'</b>';
+sub git_parent_line {
+        my ($pfx, $p, $q, $git, $rel, $path) = @_;
+        my $qs = $q->qs(id => $p);
+        my $t = git_commit_title($git, $p);
+        $t = defined $t ? utf8_html($t) : '';
+        $pfx . " <a\nhref=\"${rel}commit$path$qs\">$p</a> ". $t . "\n";