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diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Eml.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Eml.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c23bed0
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+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Eml.pm
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+# Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# Lazy MIME parser, it still slurps the full message but keeps short
+# lifetimes.  Unlike Email::MIME, it doesn't pre-split multipart
+# messages or do any up-front parsing of headers besides splitting
+# the header string from the body.
+# Contains ideas and code from Email::Simple and Email::MIME
+# (Perl Artistic License, GPL-1+)
+# This aims to replace Email::MIME for our purposes, similar API
+# but internal field names are differ if they're not 100%-compatible.
+# Includes some proposed fixes for Email::MIME:
+# - header-less sub parts - https://github.com/rjbs/Email-MIME/issues/14
+# - "0" as boundary - https://github.com/rjbs/Email-MIME/issues/63
+# $self = {
+#        bdy => scalar ref for body (may be undef),
+#        hdr => scalar ref for header,
+#        crlf => "\n" or "\r\n" (scalar, not a ref),
+#        # filled in during ->each_part
+#        ct => hash ref returned by parse_content_type
+# }
+package PublicInbox::Eml;
+use strict;
+use v5.10.1;
+use Carp qw(croak);
+use Encode qw(find_encoding decode encode); # stdlib
+use Text::Wrap qw(wrap); # stdlib, we need Perl 5.6+ for $huge
+my $MIME_Header = find_encoding('MIME-Header');
+# TODO remove these dependencies
+use Email::MIME::ContentType;
+use Email::MIME::Encodings;
+$Email::MIME::ContentType::STRICT_PARAMS = 0;
+our $MAXPARTS = 1000; # same as SpamAssassin
+our $MAXDEPTH = 20; # seems enough, Perl sucks, here
+our $MAXBOUNDLEN = 2048; # same as postfix
+my $NO_ENCODE_RE = qr/\A(?:7bit|8bit|binary)[ \t]*(?:;|$)?/i;
+my %DECODE_ADDRESS = map { $_ => 1 } qw(From To Cc Sender Reply-To);
+my %DECODE_FULL = (
+        Subject => 1,
+        'Content-Description' => 1,
+        'Content-Type' => 1, # not correct, but needed, oh well
+our %STR_TYPE = (text => 1);
+our %STR_SUBTYPE = (plain => 1, html => 1);
+my %re_memo;
+sub re_memo ($) {
+        my ($k) = @_;
+        # Do not normalize $k with lc/uc; instead strive to keep
+        # capitalization in our codebase consistent.
+        $re_memo{$k} ||= qr/^\Q$k\E:[ \t]*([^\n]*\r?\n # 1st line
+                                        # continuation lines:
+                                        (?:[^:\n]*?[ \t]+[^\n]*\r?\n)*)
+                                        /ismx
+# compatible with our uses of Email::MIME
+sub new {
+        my $ref = ref($_[1]) ? $_[1] : \(my $cpy = $_[1]);
+        if ($$ref =~ /(?:\r?\n(\r?\n))/gs) { # likely
+                # This can modify $$ref in-place and to avoid memcpy/memmove
+                # on a potentially large $$ref.  It does need to make a
+                # copy for $hdr, though.  Idea stolen from Email::Simple
+                my $hdr = substr($$ref, 0, pos($$ref), ''); # sv_chop on $$ref
+                substr($hdr, -(length($1))) = ''; # lower SvCUR
+                bless { hdr => \$hdr, crlf => $1, bdy => $ref }, __PACKAGE__;
+        } elsif ($$ref =~ /^[a-z0-9-]+[ \t]*:/ims && $$ref =~ /(\r?\n)\z/s) {
+                # body is optional :P
+                bless { hdr => \($$ref), crlf => $1 }, __PACKAGE__;
+        } else { # nothing useful
+                my $hdr = $$ref = '';
+                bless { hdr => \$hdr, crlf => "\n" }, __PACKAGE__;
+        }
+sub new_sub {
+        my (undef, $ref) = @_;
+        # special case for messages like <85k5su9k59.fsf_-_@lola.goethe.zz>
+        $$ref =~ /\A(?:(\r?\n))/gs or goto &new;
+        my $hdr = substr($$ref, 0, pos($$ref), ''); # sv_chop on $$ref
+        bless { hdr => \$hdr, crlf => $1, bdy => $ref }, __PACKAGE__;
+# same output as Email::Simple::Header::header_raw, but we extract
+# headers on-demand instead of parsing them into a list which
+# requires O(n) lookups anyways
+sub header_raw {
+        my $re = re_memo($_[1]);
+        my @v = (${ $_[0]->{hdr} } =~ /$re/g);
+        for (@v) {
+                # for compatibility w/ Email::Simple::Header,
+                s/\s+\z//s;
+                s/\A\s+//s;
+                s/\r?\n[ \t]*/ /gs;
+        }
+        wantarray ? @v : $v[0];
+# pick the first Content-Type header to match Email::MIME behavior.
+# It's usually the right one based on historical archives.
+sub ct ($) {
+        # Email::MIME::ContentType::content_type:
+        $_[0]->{ct} //= parse_content_type(header($_[0], 'Content-Type'));
+sub body_decode ($$) {
+        my $cte = header_raw($_[0], 'Content-Transfer-Encoding');
+        ($cte) = ($cte =~ /([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)/) if $cte; # For S/MIME, etc
+        (!$cte || $cte =~ $NO_ENCODE_RE) ?
+                $_[1] : Email::MIME::Encodings::decode($cte, $_[1], '7bit');
+# returns a queue of sub-parts iff it's worth descending into
+# TODO: descend into message/rfc822 parts (Email::MIME didn't)
+sub mp_descend ($$) {
+        my ($self, $nr) = @_; # or $once for top-level
+        my $bnd = ct($self)->{attributes}->{boundary} // return; # single-part
+        return if $bnd eq '' || length($bnd) >= $MAXBOUNDLEN;
+        $bnd = quotemeta($bnd);
+        # "multipart" messages can exist w/o a body
+        my $bdy = ($nr ? delete($self->{bdy}) : \(body_raw($self))) or return;
+        # Cut at the the first epilogue, not subsequent ones.
+        # *sigh* just the regexp match alone seems to bump RSS by
+        # length($$bdy) on a ~30M string:
+        $$bdy =~ /((?:\r?\n)?^--$bnd--[ \t]*\r?$)/gsm and
+                substr($$bdy, pos($$bdy) - length($1)) = '';
+        # *Sigh* split() doesn't work in-place and return CoW strings
+        # because Perl wants to "\0"-terminate strings.  So split()
+        # again bumps RSS by length($$bdy)
+        # Quiet warning for "Complex regular subexpression recursion limit"
+        # in case we get many empty parts, it's harmless in this case
+        no warnings 'regexp';
+        my ($pre, @parts) = split(/(?:\r?\n)?(?:^--$bnd[ \t]*\r?\n)+/ms,
+                                $$bdy,
+                                # + 3 since we don't want the last part
+                                # processed to include any other excluded
+                                # parts ($nr starts at 1, and I suck at math)
+                                $MAXPARTS + 3 - $nr);
+        if (@parts) { # the usual path if we got this far:
+                undef $bdy; # release memory ASAP if $nr > 0
+                @parts = grep /[^ \t\r\n]/s, @parts; # ignore empty parts
+                # Keep "From: someone..." from preamble in old,
+                # buggy versions of git-send-email, otherwise drop it
+                # There's also a case where quoted text showed up in the
+                # preamble
+                # <20060515162817.65F0F1BBAE@citi.umich.edu>
+                unshift(@parts, $pre) if $pre =~ /:/s;
+                return \@parts;
+        }
+        # "multipart", but no boundary found, treat as single part
+        $self->{bdy} //= $bdy;
+        undef;
+# $p = [ \@parts, $depth, $idx ]
+# $idx[0] grows as $depth grows, $idx[1] == $p->[-1] == current part
+# (callers need to be updated)
+# \@parts is a queue which empties when we're done with a parent part
+# same usage as PublicInbox::MsgIter::msg_iter
+# $cb - user-supplied callback sub
+# $arg - user-supplied arg (think pthread_create)
+# $once - unref body scalar during iteration
+sub each_part {
+        my ($self, $cb, $arg, $once) = @_;
+        my $p = mp_descend($self, $once // 0) or
+                                        return $cb->([$self, 0, 0], $arg);
+        $p = [ $p, 0 ];
+        my @s; # our virtual stack
+        my $nr = 0;
+        while ((scalar(@{$p->[0]}) || ($p = pop @s)) && ++$nr <= $MAXPARTS) {
+                ++$p->[-1]; # bump index
+                my (undef, @idx) = @$p;
+                @idx = (join('.', @idx));
+                my $depth = ($idx[0] =~ tr/././) + 1;
+                my $sub = new_sub(undef, \(shift @{$p->[0]}));
+                if ($depth < $MAXDEPTH && (my $nxt = mp_descend($sub, $nr))) {
+                        push(@s, $p) if scalar @{$p->[0]};
+                        $p = [ $nxt, @idx, 0 ];
+                } else { # a leaf node
+                        $cb->([$sub, $depth, @idx], $arg);
+                }
+        }
+########### compatibility section for existing Email::MIME uses #########
+sub header_obj {
+        bless { hdr => $_[0]->{hdr}, crlf => $_[0]->{crlf} }, __PACKAGE__;
+sub subparts {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        my $parts = mp_descend($self, 0) or return ();
+        my $bnd = ct($self)->{attributes}->{boundary} // die 'BUG: no boundary';
+        my $bdy = $self->{bdy};
+        if ($$bdy =~ /\A(.*?)(?:\r?\n)?^--\Q$bnd\E[ \t]*\r?$/sm) {
+                $self->{preamble} = $1;
+        }
+        if ($$bdy =~ /^--\Q$bnd\E--[ \t]*\r?\n(.+)\z/sm) {
+                $self->{epilogue} = $1;
+        }
+        map { new_sub(undef, \$_) } @$parts;
+sub parts_set {
+        my ($self, $parts) = @_;
+        # we can't fully support what Email::MIME does,
+        # just what our filter code needs:
+        my $bnd = ct($self)->{attributes}->{boundary} // die <<EOF;
+->parts_set not supported for single-part messages
+        my $crlf = $self->{crlf};
+        my $fin_bnd = "$crlf--$bnd--$crlf";
+        $bnd = "$crlf--$bnd$crlf";
+        ${$self->{bdy}} = join($bnd,
+                                delete($self->{preamble}) // '',
+                                map { $_->as_string } @$parts
+                                ) .
+                                $fin_bnd .
+                                (delete($self->{epilogue}) // '');
+        undef;
+sub body_set {
+        my ($self, $body) = @_;
+        my $bdy = $self->{bdy} = ref($body) ? $body : \$body;
+        my $cte = header_raw($self, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding');
+        if ($cte && $cte !~ $NO_ENCODE_RE) {
+                $$bdy = Email::MIME::Encodings::encode($cte, $$bdy)
+        }
+        undef;
+sub body_str_set {
+        my ($self, $body_str) = @_;
+        my $charset = ct($self)->{attributes}->{charset} or
+                Carp::confess('body_str was given, but no charset is defined');
+        body_set($self, \(encode($charset, $body_str, Encode::FB_CROAK)));
+sub content_type { scalar header($_[0], 'Content-Type') }
+# we only support raw header_set
+sub header_set {
+        my ($self, $pfx, @vals) = @_;
+        my $re = re_memo($pfx);
+        my $hdr = $self->{hdr};
+        return $$hdr =~ s!$re!!g if !@vals;
+        $pfx .= ': ';
+        my $len = 78 - length($pfx);
+        @vals = map {;
+                # folding differs from Email::Simple::Header,
+                # we favor tabs for visibility (and space savings :P)
+                if (length($_) >= $len && (/\n[^ \t]/s || !/\n/s)) {
+                        local $Text::Wrap::columns = $len;
+                        local $Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow';
+                        $pfx . wrap('', "\t", $_) . $self->{crlf};
+                } else {
+                        $pfx . $_ . $self->{crlf};
+                }
+        } @vals;
+        $$hdr =~ s!$re!shift(@vals) // ''!ge; # replace current headers, first
+        $$hdr .= join('', @vals); # append any leftovers not replaced
+        # wantarray ? @_[2..$#_] : $_[2]; # Email::Simple::Header compat
+        undef; # we don't care for the return value
+# note: we only call this method on Subject
+sub header_str_set {
+        my ($self, $name, @vals) = @_;
+        for (@vals) {
+                next unless /[^\x20-\x7e]/;
+                utf8::encode($_); # to octets
+                # 39: int((75 - length("Subject: =?UTF-8?B?".'?=') ) / 4) * 3;
+                s/(.{1,39})/'=?UTF-8?B?'.encode_base64($1, '').'?='/ges;
+        }
+        header_set($self, $name, @vals);
+sub mhdr_decode ($) { eval { $MIME_Header->decode($_[0]) } // $_[0] }
+sub filename {
+        my $dis = header_raw($_[0], 'Content-Disposition');
+        my $attrs = parse_content_disposition($dis)->{attributes};
+        my $fn = $attrs->{filename};
+        $fn = ct($_[0])->{attributes}->{name} if !defined($fn) || $fn eq '';
+        (defined($fn) && $fn =~ /=\?/) ? mhdr_decode($fn) : $fn;
+sub xs_addr_str { # helper for ->header / ->header_str
+        for (@_) { # array from header_raw()
+                next unless /=\?/;
+                my @g = parse_email_groups($_); # [ foo => [ E::A::X, ... ]
+                for (my $i = 0; $i < @g; $i += 2) {
+                        if (defined($g[$i]) && $g[$i] =~ /=\?/) {
+                                $g[$i] = mhdr_decode($g[$i]);
+                        }
+                        my $addrs = $g[$i + 1];
+                        for my $eax (@$addrs) {
+                                for my $m (qw(phrase comment)) {
+                                        my $v = $eax->$m;
+                                        $eax->$m(mhdr_decode($v)) if
+                                                        $v && $v =~ /=\?/;
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+                $_ = format_email_groups(@g);
+        }
+eval {
+        require Email::Address::XS;
+        Email::Address::XS->import(qw(parse_email_groups format_email_groups));
+        1;
+} or do {
+        # fallback to just decoding everything, because parsing
+        # email addresses correctly w/o C/XS is slow
+        %DECODE_ADDRESS = ();
+*header = \&header_str;
+sub header_str {
+        my ($self, $name) = @_;
+        my @v = header_raw($self, $name);
+        if ($DECODE_ADDRESS{$name}) {
+                xs_addr_str(@v);
+        } elsif ($DECODE_FULL{$name}) {
+                for (@v) {
+                        $_ = mhdr_decode($_) if /=\?/;
+                }
+        }
+        wantarray ? @v : $v[0];
+sub body_raw { ${$_[0]->{bdy} // \''}; }
+sub body { body_decode($_[0], body_raw($_[0])) }
+sub body_str {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        my $ct = ct($self);
+        my $charset = $ct->{attributes}->{charset};
+        if (!$charset) {
+                if ($STR_TYPE{$ct->{type}} && $STR_SUBTYPE{$ct->{subtype}}) {
+                        return body($self);
+                }
+                Carp::confess("can't get body as a string for ",
+                        join("\n\t", header_raw($self, 'Content-Type')));
+        }
+        decode($charset, body($self), Encode::FB_CROAK);
+sub as_string {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        my $ret = ${ $self->{hdr} };
+        return $ret unless defined($self->{bdy});
+        $ret .= $self->{crlf};
+        $ret .= ${$self->{bdy}};
+# Unlike Email::MIME::charset_set, this only changes the parsed
+# representation of charset used for search indexing and HTML display.
+# This does NOT affect what ->as_string returns.
+sub charset_set {
+        ct($_[0])->{attributes}->{charset} = $_[1];
+sub crlf { $_[0]->{crlf} // "\n" }
+sub willneed { re_memo($_) for @_ }
+willneed(qw(From To Cc Date Subject Content-Type In-Reply-To References
+                Message-ID X-Alt-Message-ID));