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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2022-12-01 11:21:32 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2022-12-02 08:07:41 +0000
commit7f70bf3c6aab60f494842504e1267e719515430b (patch)
parent3f7bd6ba4d30f16ef95af9121ad8fe7b47a4f5f7 (diff)
While users may specify relative paths for convenience on the
command-line, absolute paths are required for `lei up' since
that (especially `lei up --all') could run from anywhere.

Note that we need to do this when parsing the command-line
options, since shortcuts for URL matching on URL path components
are allowed for `lei q', and those same shortcuts may remain
in effect across to `lei up' as the underlying external may
be moved to a different URI host.
3 files changed, 36 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiQuery.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiQuery.pm
index 0f839236..358574ea 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiQuery.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiQuery.pm
@@ -74,6 +74,12 @@ sub qstr_add { # PublicInbox::InputPipe::consume callback for --stdin
         $lei->fail($@) if $@;
+# make the URI||PublicInbox::{Inbox,ExtSearch} a config-file friendly string
+sub cfg_ext ($) {
+        my ($x) = @_;
+        $x->isa('URI') ? "$x" : ($x->{inboxdir} // $x->{topdir});
 sub lxs_prepare {
         my ($self) = @_;
         require PublicInbox::LeiXSearch;
@@ -89,21 +95,32 @@ sub lxs_prepare {
         if (@only) {
+                my $only;
                 for my $loc (@only) {
                         my @loc = $self->get_externals($loc) or return;
-                        $lxs->prepare_external($_) for @loc;
+                        for (@loc) {
+                                my $x = $lxs->prepare_external($_);
+                                push(@$only, cfg_ext($x)) if $x;
+                        }
+                $opt->{only} = $only if $only;
         } else {
-                my (@ilocals, @iremotes);
+                my (@ilocals, @iremotes, $incl);
                 for my $loc (@{$opt->{include} // []}) {
                         my @loc = $self->get_externals($loc) or return;
-                        $lxs->prepare_external($_) for @loc;
+                        for (@loc) {
+                                my $x = $lxs->prepare_external($_);
+                                push(@$incl, cfg_ext($x)) if $x;
+                        }
                         @ilocals = @{$lxs->{locals} // []};
                         @iremotes = @{$lxs->{remotes} // []};
+                $opt->{include} = $incl if $incl;
                 # --external is enabled by default, but allow --no-external
                 if ($opt->{external} //= 1) {
                         my $ex = $self->canonicalize_excludes($opt->{exclude});
+                        my @excl = keys %$ex;
+                        $opt->{exclude} = \@excl if scalar(@excl);
                         $self->externals_each(\&prep_ext, $lxs, $ex);
                         $opt->{remote} //= !($lxs->locals - $opt->{'local'});
                         $lxs->{locals} = \@ilocals if !$opt->{'local'};
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiXSearch.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiXSearch.pm
index 8e195c4c..730df1f7 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiXSearch.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiXSearch.pm
@@ -605,15 +605,19 @@ sub add_uri {
                 require IO::Uncompress::Gunzip;
                 require PublicInbox::LeiCurl;
                 push @{$self->{remotes}}, $uri;
+                $uri;
         } else {
                 warn "curl missing, ignoring $uri\n";
+                undef;
+# returns URI or PublicInbox::Inbox-like object
 sub prepare_external {
         my ($self, $loc, $boost) = @_; # n.b. already ordered by boost
         if (ref $loc) { # already a URI, or PublicInbox::Inbox-like object
                 return add_uri($self, $loc) if $loc->can('scheme');
+                # fall-through on Inbox-like objects
         } elsif ($loc =~ m!\Ahttps?://!) {
                 require URI;
                 return add_uri($self, URI->new($loc));
@@ -628,12 +632,13 @@ sub prepare_external {
                 $loc = bless { inboxdir => $loc }, 'PublicInbox::Inbox';
         } elsif (!-e $loc) {
                 warn "W: $loc gone, perhaps run: lei forget-external $loc\n";
-                return;
+                return undef;
         } else {
                 warn "W: $loc ignored, unable to determine external type\n";
-                return;
+                return undef;
         push @{$self->{locals}}, $loc;
+        $loc;
 sub _lcat_i { # LeiMailSync->each_src iterator callback
diff --git a/t/lei-q-save.t b/t/lei-q-save.t
index 3d09fe37..d09c8397 100644
--- a/t/lei-q-save.t
+++ b/t/lei-q-save.t
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #!perl -w
-# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
 use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
 use PublicInbox::Smsg;
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ my $doc2 = eml_load('t/utf8.eml');
 $doc2->header_set('Date', PublicInbox::Smsg::date({ds => time - (86400 * 4)}));
 my $doc3 = eml_load('t/msg_iter-order.eml');
 $doc3->header_set('Date', PublicInbox::Smsg::date({ds => time - (86400 * 4)}));
+my $cat_env = { VISUAL => 'cat', EDITOR => 'cat' };
 my $pre_existing = <<'EOF';
 From x Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
 Message-ID: <import-before@example.com>
@@ -183,7 +183,12 @@ test_lei(sub {
         lei_ok(qw(q z:0.. -o), "v2:$v2");
         like($lei_err, qr/^# ([1-9][0-9]*) written to \Q$v2\E/sm,
                 'non-zero write output to stderr');
-        lei_ok(qw(q z:0.. -o), "mboxrd:$home/before", '--only', $v2, '-j1,1');
+        lei_ok('-C', $v2, qw(q z:0.. -o), "mboxrd:$home/before",
+                '--only', '.', '-j1,1');
+        lei_ok(['edit-search', "$home/before"], $cat_env);
+        like($lei_out, qr/^\tonly = \Q$v2\E$/sm,
+                'relative --only saved to absolute path');
         open my $fh, '<', "$home/before";
         PublicInbox::MboxReader->mboxrd($fh, sub { push @before, $_[0] });
         isnt(scalar(@before), 0, 'initial v2 written');
@@ -207,7 +212,7 @@ test_lei(sub {
         ok($shared < $orig, 'fewer bytes stored with --shared') or
                 diag "shared=$shared orig=$orig";
-        lei_ok([qw(edit-search), $v2s], { VISUAL => 'cat', EDITOR => 'cat' });
+        lei_ok([qw(edit-search), $v2s], $cat_env);
         like($lei_out, qr/^\[lei/sm, 'edit-search can cat');
         lei_ok('-C', "$home/v2s", qw(q -q -o ../s m:testmessage@example.com));