mwrap.git  about / heads / tags
LD_PRELOAD malloc wrapper + line stats for Ruby
$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %s (%cs)%d' v2.0.0 --
663605b mwrap 2.0.0 (2018-07-20)
	(tag: v2.0.0)
fb622c3 documentation updates for 2.0.0 release (2018-07-20)
c432e3a mwrap_rack: Rack app to track live allocations (2018-07-16)
7e39783 support Mwrap.quiet to temporarily disable allocation tracking (2018-07-16)
1f1b644 disable memalign tracking by default (2018-07-16)
3c0e9cd do not track allocations for constructor and Init_ (2018-07-16)
b7173a1 use memrchr to extract address under glibc (2018-07-16)
23a6354 fixes for FreeBSD 11.1... (2018-07-16)
dea1a38 mwrap_aref: quiet -Wshorten-64-to-32 warning (2018-07-16)
cc66994 implement accessors for SourceLocation (2018-07-16)

$ git cat-file blob v2.0.0:README
= mwrap - LD_PRELOAD malloc wrapper + line stats for Ruby

mwrap is designed to answer the question:

   Which lines of Ruby are hitting malloc the most?

mwrap wraps all malloc-family calls to trace the Ruby source
location of such calls and bytes allocated at each callsite.
As of mwrap 2.0.0, it can also function as a leak detector
and show live allocations at every call site.  Depending on
your application and workload, the overhead is roughly a 50%
increase memory and runtime.

It works best for allocations under GVL, but tries to track
numeric caller addresses for allocations made without GVL so you
can get an idea of how much memory usage certain extensions and
native libraries use.

It requires the concurrent lock-free hash table from the
Userspace RCU project:

It does not require recompiling or rebuilding Ruby, but only
supports Ruby trunk (2.6.0dev+) on a few platforms:

* GNU/Linux
* FreeBSD (tested 11.1)

It may work on NetBSD, OpenBSD and DragonFly BSD.

== Install

	# FreeBSD: pkg install liburcu

	# Debian-based systems: apt-get liburcu-dev

	# Install mwrap via
	gem install mwrap

== Usage

mwrap works as an LD_PRELOAD and supplies a mwrap RubyGem executable to
improve ease-of-use.  You can set dump_path: in the MWRAP environment
variable to append the results to a log file:

	MWRAP=dump_path:/path/to/log mwrap RUBY_COMMAND

	# And to display the locations with the most allocations:
	sort -k1,1rn </path/to/log | $PAGER

You may also `require "mwrap"' in your Ruby code and use
Mwrap.dump, Mwrap.reset, Mwrap.each, etc.

However, mwrap MUST be loaded via LD_PRELOAD to have any
effect in tracking malloc use.  However, it is safe to keep
"require 'mwrap'" in performance-critical deployments,
as overhead is only incurred when used as an LD_PRELOAD.

The output of the mwrap dump is a text file with 3 columns:

	total_bytes	call_count	location

Where location is a Ruby source location (if made under GVL)
or an address retrieved by backtrace_symbols(3).  It is
recommended to use the sort(1) command on either of the
first two columns to find the hottest malloc locations.

mwrap 2.0.0+ also supports a Rack application endpoint,
it is documented at:

== Known problems

* 32-bit machines are prone to overflow (WONTFIX)

== Mail archives and list:

No subscription will ever be required to post, but HTML mail
will be rejected:

== Hacking

	git clone

Send all patches and pull requests (use "git request-pull" to format) to
the mailing list.  We do not use centralized or proprietary messaging

== License

GPL-2.0+ <>

# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
* master       README: fixup references to the Perl version (2024-01-08)
  heavy        mwrap_rack: Rack app to track live allocations (2018-07-16)

# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
v3.0.0-pre1  mwrap 3.0.0-pre1 (2023-01-09) tar.gz
v2.3.0       mwrap 2.3.0 (2022-09-03) tar.gz
v2.2.0       mwrap 2.2.0 (2022-08-22) tar.gz
v2.1.0       mwrap 2.1.0 - heap_page_body struct tracking (2018-08-11) tar.gz
v2.0.0       mwrap 2.0.0 (2018-07-20) tar.gz
v1.0.0       mwrap 1.0.0 - initial release (2018-07-02) tar.gz

# associated public inboxes:
# (number on the left is used for dev purposes)

git clone