mwrap-perl.git  about / heads / tags
LD_PRELOAD malloc wrapper + line stats for Perl
tree 11fac737d0674f20453d0e5fe39ac6e1d4d36016
$ git ls-tree -l HEAD:	# shows similar output on the CLI

	size	name
 	135	.gitignore
 	35147	COPYING
 	1338	INSTALL
 	3673	Makefile.PL
 	5319	Mwrap.xs
 	3347	README
 	683	check.h
d	-	examples/
x	407
 	340	gcc.h
 	38211	httpd.h
 	7723	jhash.h
d	-	lib/
 	30968	mwrap_core.h
 	7634	mymalloc.h
 	3524	picohttpparser.h
 	26604	picohttpparser_c.h
 	206407	ppport.h
d	-	script/
d	-	t/
 	1552	trace.h
 	84	typemap
Tree objects belong to commits or other tree objects.  Trees may
reference blobs, sub-trees, or (rarely) commits of submodules.

Path names are stored in tree objects, but trees do not know
their own path name.  A tree's path name comes from their parent tree,
or it is the root tree referenced by a commit object.  Thus, this web UI
relies on the `b=' URI parameter as a hint to display the path name.
git clone