# Copyright (C) 2016 all contributors # License: GPL-2.0+ # An internal container class, this is exposed for Msgthr#thread! # Msgthr#order! and Msgthr#walk_thread APIs through block parameters. # They should should not be initialized in your own code. # # One container object will exist for every message you call Msgthr#add! on, # so there can potentially be many of these objects for large sets of # messages. class Msgthr::Container # Unique message identifier, typically the Message-Id header for mail # and news messages. This may be any hashable object, Integer values # are allowed and will not be coerced to string values. attr_reader :mid # Opaque data pointer, may be used by the user for any purpose. # This is +nil+ to denote missing (aka "ghost") messages. attr_accessor :msg # You probably do not need to use this. # It is only safe to access this after Msgthr#order! # This contains an Array of Msgthr::Container objects which have the # +parent+ field pointing to us attr_accessor :children # You probably do not need to use this; and you should only use # this after Msgthr#order! This points to the +parent+ of the # message if one exists, and +nil+ if a message has no parent. # This will only be accurate once all messages are added to # a Msgthr set via Msgthr#add attr_accessor :parent # :nodoc: def initialize(mid) # :nodoc: @mid = mid @children = {} # becomes an Array after order! @parent = nil @msg = nil # opaque pointer supplied by user end # Returns the topmost message container with an opaque message pointer # in it. This may be +nil+ if no message is available. # This is preferable to using the container yielded by Msgthr#order! # directly when handling incomplete message sets. def topmost q = [ self ] while cont = q.shift return cont if cont.msg q.concat(cont.children.values) end nil end def add_child(child) # :nodoc: raise 'cannot become child of self' if child == self cid = child.mid # reparenting: parent = child.parent and parent.children.delete(cid) @children[cid] = child child.parent = self end def has_descendent(child) # :nodoc: seen = Hash.new(0) while child return true if self == child || (seen[child] += 1) != 0 child = child.parent end false end # only called by Msgthr#order! def order! # :nodoc: seen = { @mid => true } q = [ self ] while cur = q.shift c = [] cur.children.each do |cmid, cont| next if seen[cmid] c << cont seen[cmid] = true end.clear yield(c) if c.size > 1 cur.children = c q.concat(c) end end end