msgthr.git  about / heads / tags
non-recursive, container-agnostic message threading
$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %s (%cs)%d' v1.1.0 --
c7e0972 msgthr 1.1.0 - simplify usage (2017-12-31)
	(tag: v1.1.0)
7293781 various URL updates (2017-12-31)
d06d8c2 simplify API to avoid (and raise on) user errors (2017-12-28)
ffd573d msgthr 1.0.1 - initial release with decent documentation (2017-06-08)
	(tag: v1.0.1)
1b63395 improve API documentation and testing (2017-06-08)
b52e67f msgthr 1.0.0 - initial (real) release (2017-06-08)
18c001f README: update for for 1.0 release (2017-06-08)
60d44c4 add olddoc support for generating RDoc (2017-05-07)
b6bb20b test: use symproc in test (2017-01-01)
76c10da initial (2017-01-01)

$ git cat-file blob v1.1.0:README
msgthr - container-agnostic, non-recursive message threading

Pure Ruby message threading based on the algorithm described by
JWZ in <> and used in
countless mail and news readers; but with some features removed
and improved flexibility:

* Message format-agnostic, not limited to email or NNTP;
  but even appropriate for forums, blog comments, IM, etc.
  For mail and NNTP messages, that means you must extract
  the Message-ID and parse the References and In-Reply-To
  headers into an array yourself.

* No recursion; all algorithms are non-recursive to avoid
  SystemStackError exceptions in deep message threads.
  Memory usage is bound by the number of lightweight containers
  needed to represent a thread.

* No pruning of non-leaf ghosts.  Readers are not shielded
  from deleted or lost messages.  Equivalent to setting
  "hide_missing" to "no" in mutt.

* No grouping by subject[1].  This makes things ideal for short
  messages such as chat and status updates.  For email, this
  encourages the use of proper client which set In-Reply-To
  or References headers.  Equivalent to setting "strict_threads"
  to "yes" in mutt.

  [1] - Instead, messages with the same Subject can be grouped
        by a search engine.  For email, this would be done using
        a mail search engine like notmuch or mairix.

Source code

Our Ruby 1.9.3+ compatible code is available via git,
no C compiler or other dependencies are required:

	git clone git://
	git clone

Releases may be downloaded via RubyGems:

	gem fetch [-v VERSION] msgthr

The code used in this Ruby library was originally derived from
the Mail::Thread module for Perl 5.x:


Feedback is welcome via plain-text mail (no HTML, images, etc).
Please send comments, user/dev discussion, patches, bug reports,
and pull requests to the open-to-all mailing list at:

No subscription will ever be required to post.  Please Cc: all
recipients as subscription will never be necessary.

Mailing list archives are available via HTTPS and NNTP:

You may optionally subscribe, but will never be required to:

This README is our homepage, we would rather be working on cool
stuff day than worrying about the next browser vulnerability
because CSS/JS/images are all too complicated for us.

RDoc API documentation in simple HTML is available at:


Copyright 2016-2017, all contributors (see git repo).
License: GPL-2.0+ <>

msgthr is copyrighted Free Software by all contributors, see logs in
revision control for names and email addresses of all of them.

msgthr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.

msgthr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, see

# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
* master       homepage: drop index.html and created.rid (2021-10-18)

# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
v1.2.2       msgthr 1.2.2 - fix missing loop check (2018-05-01) tar.gz
v1.2.0       msgthr 1.2.0 - Msgthr#add callback support (2018-01-25) tar.gz
v1.1.0       msgthr 1.1.0 - simplify usage (2017-12-31) tar.gz
v1.0.1       msgthr 1.0.1 - initial release with decent documentation (2017-06-08) tar.gz

# associated public inboxes:
# (number on the left is used for dev purposes)

git clone