pub/scm/virt/kvm/mst/virtio-text.git  about / heads / tags
=desc pub/scm/path/to/repo virtio spec 1.0 work in progress in text format. NOTE: this is just a staging area for convenience.
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
* master       virtio-iommu: Remove invalid requirement about padding (2020-05-04)
  mst-next     virtio-iommu: Remove invalid requirement about padding (2020-05-04)
  trunk        virtio-net: add Max MTU configuration field (2016-10-11)
  tags/v1.0-cs04 Create tag v1.0-cs04 (2016-07-22)
  v1.0         REVISION: update for cs04 (2016-07-22)
  tags/v1.0-csprd05 Create tag v1.0-csprd05 (2016-02-16)
  tags/v1.0-cs03 Create tag v1.0-cs03 (2015-08-02)
  tags/v1.0-cs02 Create tag v1.0-cs02 (2015-02-15)
  tags/v1.0-cs01 makediff: fix up using git-svn commit IDs (2014-12-22)
  tags/v1.0-cs01@435 makediff: fix up to cherry-picks (2014-10-19)
  trunk@435    makediff: fix up to cherry-picks (2014-10-19)
  v1.0@435     makediff: fix up to cherry-picks (2014-10-19)

git clone