pub/scm/utils/stalld/stalld.git  about / heads / tags
daemon to detect stalled threads and temporarily boost for forward progress
# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
v1.19.3      stalld: v1.19.3 (2024-05-16) tar.gz
v1.19.1      stalld: v1.19.1 (2024-02-09) tar.gz
v1.18.0      Merge branch '1.18_mr' into 'main' (2022-12-21) tar.gz
v1.17.2      stalld: v1.17.2 (2022-12-21) tar.gz
v1.17.1      Merge branch 'v1.7.1_send' into 'main' (2022-10-14) tar.gz
v1.7.1       stalld: v1.17.1 (2022-10-14) tar.gz
v1.17.0      Merge branch 'main_v1.17' into 'main' (2022-07-14) tar.gz
v1.16.0      stalld: v1.16 (2022-03-28) tar.gz
v1.15.0      stalld: v1.15 (2021-11-15) tar.gz
v1.14.2      Merge branch 'skip-offline' into 'main' (2021-08-12) tar.gz
v1.14.1      Makefile: Set version to 1.14.1 (2021-07-19) tar.gz
v1.14        Merge branch 'hrtick_v2' into 'main' (2021-07-15) tar.gz
v1.14.0      Merge branch 'hrtick_v2' into 'main' (2021-07-15) tar.gz
v1.13.0      stalld v1.13 (2021-07-02) tar.gz
v1.12.0      stalld v1.12 (2021-06-25) tar.gz
v1.11.0      - redhat/stalld.spec: pick up gating test version for changelog - utils.c: set daemon umask to restrict global write/execute (1934586) - hardening fixes from coverity scan (1934590) (2021-05-13) tar.gz
v1.10.0      utils: Fix bounds check on cpu and end_cpu variables stalld: Support denylisting of tasks in stalld src/utils: use right argument for warning printf (2021-04-27) tar.gz
v1.6.0       systemd handling of RT throttling (2021-02-17) tar.gz
v1.5.0       turn off RT throttling (2021-02-17) tar.gz
v1.9.0       add cycle-reduction, single-thread mode, HRTICK_DL (2021-02-17) tar.gz
v1.8.0       Fix systemd startup and test01 race (2021-02-05) tar.gz
v1.7.0       fix sched_debug format detection logic (2021-02-02) tar.gz
v1.6         add logic for systemd to handle RT throttling (2021-01-26) tar.gz
v1.5         fix signal handler to catch SIGTERM (2021-01-19) tar.gz
v1.4.0       Change timing of disabling RT throttling (2020-12-11) tar.gz
v1.3.0       v1.3.0 release (2020-11-20) tar.gz
v1.2.0       Handle old-style /proc/sched_debug format, code cleanups, tighten up parameter range checking (2020-11-03) tar.gz
v1.1.0       version 1.1 release (2020-10-28) tar.gz
v1.0.0       Initial release of 'stalld' (2020-09-03) tar.gz

git clone