pub/scm/utils/stalld/stalld.git  about / heads / tags
daemon to detect stalled threads and temporarily boost for forward progress
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  main         stalld: v1.19.3 (2024-05-16)
  1_17_lt      stalld: v1.17.2 (2022-12-21)
  clrkwllms_main Merge branch 'docs_update' into 'main' (2020-11-20)
  docs_update  create doc and scripts directory and add info on releases (2020-11-19)
  version_option Add version management and version option (2020-11-17)
  clrkwllms/main Merge branch 'work' into 'master' (2020-11-06)
  clrkwllms/new_sched_debug Merge branch 'work' into 'master' (2020-11-06)
* master       Merge branch 'work' into 'master' (2020-11-06)
  new_parsing  ensure we only count task lines in old-format sched_debug info (2020-10-28)
  release1.1   stalld:  version bump to 1.1 (2020-10-27)
  fixes        src/throttling: Fix a compilation warning (2020-10-27)
  gitlab_master Merge branch 'dyn_fixes' into 'master' (2020-10-21)
  older-sched_debug quick alternative to parsing of /proc/PID/stat (2020-10-21)
  dyn_fixes    src/stalld: Increase the sched_debug read buffer if it gets too small (2020-10-21)
  new_alloc_scheme WIP: new allocation changes (2020-10-20)
  foo          Merge branch 'master' into foo (2020-10-19)
  use_deadline non-working convert to deadline (2020-10-18)
  more_refactoring more refactoring (2020-10-17)
  handle_rt_throttling implement RT throttling management and refactor source files (2020-10-17)
  tests_v2     test01:  initial checkin of self test for stalld (2020-10-05)
  gitlab       stalld.c: fix sched_debug parsing and modify waiting task parsing (2020-10-02)
  tests        test01: run the main thread as a SCHED_FIFO greater than test thread (2020-10-02)
  fifo_v3      update FIFO boosting scheme (v3) (2020-09-17)
  fifo_v2      use FIFO for boosting (v2) (2020-09-16)
  fifo_v1      stalld:  first attempt at emulating DEADLINE using FIFO (2020-09-16)

git clone