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# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  main         Makefile: fix make -s detection (2024-05-23)
* master       Makefile: fix make -s detection (2024-05-23)
  mdadm-3.3.x  Release mdadm-3.3.4 (2015-08-03)
  cluster      Reuse calc_bitmap_size to reduce code size (2015-06-17)
  mdadm-3.2.x  Release 3.2.6 - stability release (2012-10-25)
  data_offset  mdadm: Fix Segmentation fault. (2012-06-05)
  r10-reshape  super1: reserve  at least 2 chunks for reshape headroom. (2012-05-09)
  devel-3.3    Bad block log (2011-07-27)
  devel-3.2    open_dev_excl: allow device to be read-only. (2011-03-24)
  hotunplug    Update udev rules for hotplug support. (2010-04-09)
  devel-3.1    Release mdadm-3.1.1 (2009-11-19)
  devel-3.0    Release mdadm-3.0 (2009-06-02)
  mdadm-2      Create: add --reserve-space support to reserve space at the start of each device (2009-05-12)
  sles11       Assemble: don't auto-assemble if any arrays are listed in mdadm.conf (2008-11-20)
  mdadm-2.6.7.x Release mdadm- (2008-11-14)
  scratch-3.0  Stop: drop any partitions that may be associated with an array when stopping it. (2008-11-04)
  origin       Allow CONFFILE2 to be overridden during make invocation. (2006-06-02)
  stable-1     Fix assembling of raid10 in the face of missing devices. (2005-09-05)

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