pub/scm/utils/kernel/kgdb/agent-proxy.git  about / heads / tags
agent-proxy for kgdb
$ git log --pretty=format:'%h %s (%cs)%d'
468fe4c Makefile: Bump version number for fixes (2018-04-30)
	(HEAD -> master)
131135f agent-proxy-rs232: add missing baud rates (2018-04-30)
994f8b7 agent-proxy: improve error handling (2018-04-30)
7214f92 kgdb: kdmx agent-proxy: add status file feature (2014-12-11)
7428c55 kgdb: kdmx agent-proxy: add status file feature (2014-12-11)
621795d kgdb: kdmx agent-proxy: fix incorrect use of ptsname() (2014-12-11)
202fd1e kgdb: kdmx agent-proxy: use max path length from header file (2014-12-11)
e8b26d8 kgdb: kdmx agent-proxy: clean up error messages (2014-12-11)
bc9704e kdmx fails when 0xff is read from serial port (2014-10-23)
2543990 kgdb: agent-proxy: initial version of kdmx makefile (2014-09-11)
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
* master       Makefile: Bump version number for fixes (2018-04-30)

# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
agent-proxy-1.97 Makefile: Bump version for new release (2018-10-01) tar.gz
agent-proxy-1.96 Makefile: Move AGENT_VER to out of CC= for simple cross compile (2012-07-07) tar.gz
agent-proxy-1.95 Update to version 1.95 (2010-08-12) tar.gz
agent-proxy-1.94 Initial contribution of the agent-proxy 1.94 to GPLv2 Open Source. (2010-08-04) tar.gz

# associated public inboxes:
# (number on the left is used for dev purposes)
          1 u-boot

git clone