pub/scm/utils/cryptsetup/cryptsetup.git  about / heads / tags
The cryptsetup code repository.
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  main         Fix string.h, strings.h and stdio.h include in crypto backend. (2024-05-23)
* master       Fix string.h, strings.h and stdio.h include in crypto backend. (2024-05-23)
  spdx         Reorganize license files. (2024-05-13)
  fix-capi-plain Allow "capi:" cipher format for benchmark command. (2024-05-11)
  fix-retry    Fix interactive query retry if LUKS2 unbound keyslot is present (2024-05-10)
  hctr2-fix    Support aes-hctr2 mode. (2024-05-09)
  high-priority-flags WIP: Add support for high-priority dm-crypt flag. (2024-04-09)
  v2.7.x       Add warning about OPAL admin PIN to man page and release notes. (2024-04-09)
  coverity_scan Compile --disable-hw-opal variant. (2024-04-03)
  wip-luks2    LUKS2: add more sanity assignments to header code. (2024-01-18)
  v2.3.x       Update README. (2022-01-13)
  v2.4.x       Update README. (2022-01-13)
  v2.2.x       Add disable-luks2 reencryption configure option. (2022-01-12)
  v2_0_x       Redirect lib API docs. (2018-12-19)
  v1_7_x       Allow build branch v1_7_x in Travis. (2017-10-19)

git clone