pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/song/linux.git  about / heads / tags
Song Liu's fork of linux.git
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  test-bpf-tramp-to-prog-pack x86, bpf: Use bpf_prog_pack for bpf trampoline (2023-09-26)
  bpf-next-test-build Merge branch 'exceptions-1-2' (2023-09-16)
  vmalloc_exec dummy (2023-06-20)
  klp-module-reload (devel) livepatch: Clear relocation targets on a module removal (2022-08-31)
  klp-module-reload-v6 (devel) livepatch: Clear relocation targets on a module removal (2022-08-31)
  test-perf-event test-perf-event (2022-08-26)
  get_branch_snapshot_in_vm config file (2021-10-26)
  bpf-find-vma bpf_find_vma (2021-10-24)
  bpf-for-each-vma bpf_for_each_vma (2021-09-30)
  bpf-vma-iter selftests/bpf: add test for bpf_iter_task_vma (2021-01-26)
  perf-dash-b  debug (2020-12-28)
  task-ls-for-tracing bpf: enable task local storage for tracing prog (2020-12-04)
  raw_tp_preempt_fix bpf: fix raw_tp test run in preempt kernel (2020-09-29)
  bpf-map-pin  tools/bpf/bperf (2020-08-10)
  ministrobe   ministrobe: workaround perf_event with precise_ip = 2 (2020-07-01)
  pmu-share    perf: Sharing PMU counters across compatible events (2020-06-18)
  lbr_issue    ministrobe binary (2020-06-18)
  bpf-per-prog-stats bpftool: fix typo in bash-completion (2020-03-04)
  md-next      md raid0/linear: Introduce new array state 'broken' (2019-08-19)
* master       Merge tag 'tpmdd-next-20190813' of git:// (2019-08-13)

git clone