pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/sailus/linux-firmware.git  about / heads / tags
sailus's fork of linux-firmware.git
# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
ipu6-2024-04-11-2 IPU6 firmware compat symlinks (2024-04-11) tar.gz
ipu6-2024-04-11 IPU6 firmware symlinks (2024-04-11) tar.gz
ipu2-2024-02-29-2 IPU2 firmware binaries (2024-02-29) tar.gz
ipu2-2024-02-29-1 Intel IPU2 firmware (2024-02-29) tar.gz
ipu6-2024-02-14-2 Move IPU firmware under ipu (2024-02-14) tar.gz
ipu6-2024-02-14 Move IPU firmware under ipu (2024-02-14) tar.gz
ipu6-2024-01-31 Intel IPU6 firmware (2024-01-31) tar.gz
ivsc-2023-12-18 Add Intel Visual Sensing Controller firmware (2023-12-18) tar.gz
20231211     This is the 20231211 release (2023-12-11) tar.gz
20231111     This is the 20231111 release (2023-11-11) tar.gz
20231030     This is the 20231030 release. (2023-10-30) tar.gz
20230919     This is the 20230919 release. (2023-09-19) tar.gz
20230804     This is the 20230804 release (2023-08-04) tar.gz
20230625     This is the 20230625 release (2023-06-25) tar.gz
20230515     This is the 2030515 release. (2023-05-15) tar.gz
20230404     This is the 20230404 release. (2023-04-04) tar.gz
20230310     This is the 20230310 release. (2023-03-10) tar.gz
20230210     This is the 20230210 release. (2023-02-10) tar.gz
20230117     This is the 20230118 release. (2023-01-17) tar.gz
20221214     This is the 20221214 release. (2022-12-14) tar.gz
20221109     This is the 20221109 release (2022-11-09) tar.gz
20221012     This is the 20221012 release (2022-10-12) tar.gz
20220913     This is the 20220913 release (2022-09-13) tar.gz
20220815     This is the 20220815 release (2022-08-15) tar.gz
20220708     This is the 20220708 release (2022-07-08) tar.gz
20220610     This is the 20220610 release (2022-06-10) tar.gz
20220509     This is the 20220509 release (2022-05-09) tar.gz
20220411     This is the 20220411 release (2022-04-11) tar.gz
20220310     This is the 20220209 release (2022-03-10) tar.gz
20220209     This is the 20220209 release (2022-02-09) tar.gz
20211216     This is the 20211216 release (2021-12-16) tar.gz
20211027     This is the 20211027 release (2021-10-27) tar.gz
20210919     This is the 20210919 release. (2021-09-19) tar.gz
20210818     This is the 20210818 release. (2021-08-18) tar.gz
20210716     This is the 20210716 release. (2021-07-16) tar.gz
20210511     This is the 20210511 release. (2021-05-11) tar.gz
20210315     This is the 20210315 release. (2021-03-15) tar.gz
20210208     This is the 20210208 release. (2021-02-08) tar.gz
20201218     This is the 20201218 release. (2020-12-18) tar.gz
20201118     This is the 20201118 release. (2020-11-18) tar.gz
20201022     This is the 20201022 release. (2020-10-23) tar.gz
20200918     This is the 20200918 release (2020-09-18) tar.gz
20200817     This is the 20200817 release (2020-08-17) tar.gz
20200721     This is the 20200721 release (2020-07-21) tar.gz
20200619     This is the 20200619 release (2020-06-19) tar.gz
20200519     This is the 20200519 release (2020-05-19) tar.gz
20200421     This is the 20200421 release (2020-04-21) tar.gz
20200316     This is the 20200316 release (2020-03-16) tar.gz
20200122     This is the 20200122 release (2020-01-22) tar.gz
20191215     This is the 20191215 release (2019-12-15) tar.gz
20191022     This is the 20191022 release (2019-10-22) tar.gz
20190923     This is the 20190923 release. (2019-09-23) tar.gz
20190815     This is the 20190815 release (2019-08-15) tar.gz
20190717     This is the 20190717 release (2019-07-17) tar.gz
20190618     This is the 20190618 release. (2019-06-18) tar.gz
20190514     This is the 20190514 release. (2019-05-14) tar.gz
20190416     This is the 20190416 release. (2019-04-16) tar.gz
20190312     This is the 20190312 release. (2019-03-12) tar.gz

git clone