pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/ribalda/linux.git  about / heads / tags
Ribalda kernel tree
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  b4/mtk-usb   usb: xhci-mtk: set the dma max_seg_size (2023-06-28)
  b4/mt8173-fixup ASoC: mediatek: mt8173: Fix irq error path (2023-06-12)
  b4/xhci-deadlock xhci: Do not create endpoint debugfs while holding the bandwidth mutex (2023-05-31)
  b4/kexec_clang16 riscv/purgatory: Remove PGO flags (2023-05-01)
  b4/uvc-align media: uvcvideo: Explicit alignment of uvc_frame and uvc_format (2023-05-01)
  b4/ov8856-otp media: ov8856: Do not check for for module version (2023-03-23)
  b4/resend-hwtimestamp media: uvcvideo: Fix hw timestamp handling for slow FPS (2023-03-20)
  b4/guenter-mini media: uvcvideo: Release stream queue when unregistering video device (2023-03-09)
  b4/resend-meta media: uvcvideo: Add a unique suffix to camera names (2023-01-17)
  b4/resend-powersave media: uvcvideo: Do power management granularly (2022-12-06)
  b4/mtk-drm   drm/mediatek: Implement shutdown (2022-11-28)
  b4/kexec-noalloc autocmdline (2022-11-25)
  b4/instal    media: uvcvideo: Disable autosuspend for Insta360 Link (2022-11-01)
* master       Linux 6.0-rc6 (2022-09-18)

git clone