pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/pavel/linux-cip.git  about / heads / tags
Pavel Machek's fork of linux-cip.git
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  v4.4.179-rt181-cip34-rebase CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip34 after merge from stable (2019-06-23)
  v4.19.50-rt22-cip3-rebase CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip3 after merge from stable (2019-06-21)
  linux-4.19.y-cip-rebase CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip4 after merge from stable (2019-06-20)
  linux-4.4.y-cip-rebase CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip34 after merge from stable (2019-06-20)
  linux-4.4.y-cip CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip34 after merge from stable (2019-06-20)
  linux-4.19.y-cip CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip4 after merge from stable (2019-06-20)
  linux-4.4.y-cip-rt-rebase Linux 4.4.176-cip31-rt23 REBASE (2019-03-29)
  linux-4.4.y-cip-rt Linux 4.4.176-cip31-rt23 (2019-03-29)
  linux-4.19.y-cip-rt Linux 4.19.13-cip1-rt1 (2019-01-11)
  linux-4.19.y-cip-rt-rebase Linux 4.19.13-cip1-rt1 REBASE (2019-01-11)
  linux-4.19.y Linux 4.19.7 (2018-12-05)
* master       CIP: Bump version suffix to -cip28 after Renesas patches (2018-09-12)
  linux-4.4.y  Linux 4.4.155 (2018-09-09)

git clone