pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/ogabbay/linux.git  about / heads / tags
ogabbay kernel tree
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  habanalabs-next Merge tag 'drm-xe-next-fixes-2024-05-02' of into drm-next (2024-05-03)
  habanalabs-next-6.10 accel/habanalabs/gaudi2: use single function to compare FW versions (2024-02-26)
  nic_upstream add text file with ascii diagram of aux_bus connectivity (2023-11-06)
  hl-net-next  net: tcp: remove call to obsolete crypto_ahash_alignmask() (2023-10-31)
  habanalabs-fixes accel/habanalabs: add more debugfs stub helpers (2023-07-17)
  accel-demo   accel: add accel dummy driver (2022-12-01)
  accel_v5     accel: add accel dummy driver (2022-11-22)
  accel_v4     accel: add accel dummy driver (2022-11-20)
  accel_v3     accel: add accel dummy driver (2022-11-06)
  accel_v2     accel: add accel dummy driver (2022-11-02)
  accel        Add accel dummy driver (2022-10-22)
  linus_fix_numa Linus fix (2022-02-16)
  numa_debug_5.17 Revert "mm: do_wp_page() simplification" (2022-02-16)
  numa_debug   Revert "mm: do_wp_page() simplification" (2022-02-15)
* master       Merge tag 'net-next-5.15' of git:// (2021-08-31)
  habanalabs-next-fixes habanalabs: register to pci shutdown callback (2020-12-14)

git clone