pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/mnyman/xhci.git  about / heads / tags
USB xHCI host controller driver support
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  for-usb-next usb: xhci: compact 'trb_in_td()' arguments (2024-04-24)
  for-usb-linus xhci: Fix root hub port null pointer dereference in xhci tracepoints (2024-04-04)
  rework_segment_lists usb: xhci: remove struct xhci_ring's pointers to first & last segment (2024-02-09)
  fix_eventhandling xhci: Decouple handling an event from checking for unhandled events. (2024-02-05)
  feature_interrupters xhci: sideband: add initial api to register a sideband entity (2024-01-29)
  fix_missing_td_event xhci: Handle mid-TD isoc error on the last TD on hosts with missing events (2024-01-18)
  port_check_acpi_dsm xhci: xhci-pci: use Intel specific helper to find USB3 LPM incapable ports (2023-01-11)
  delay_csc_clear xhci: hack, delay clearing CSC connect status change flag until device is freed. (2022-12-21)
  stop_endpoint_fixes xhci: run interrupt handler manually if timeout with pending interrupt (2022-10-17)
  bandwidth-debug xhci: support secondary bandwidth tracking (2019-04-02)
  stream_set_tr_dq_test1 xhci: TEMP DEBUG, add more custom streams debugging (2018-03-26)
  isoc_start_frame xhci: let class driver set urb->start_frame and try to shedule isoc at it. (2016-06-02)
* master       Merge git:// (2014-04-15)

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