pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/mlin/linux.git  about / heads / tags
Ming Lin kernel tree
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  kvfs         kvfs: draft prototype (2016-11-05)
  nvme         nvme: split pci module out of core module (2016-02-08)
  vhost-nvme.0-ext google ext fix (2015-11-30)
  dio-wip      direct-io: rewrite based on immutable biovecs (2015-11-22)
  vhost-nvme.0 nvme-vhost: add nvme queue handlers (2015-11-19)
  nvme-google-ext nvme: improve performance for virtual NVMe devices (2015-11-17)
  nvme-split/virtio nvme-virtio: port to nvme-split (2015-10-13)
  block-generic-req Documentation: update notes in biovecs about arbitrarily sized bios (2015-08-10)
  block-generic-req-test BIO split statistics (2015-07-23)
  block-dio-rewrite xfstests/xfs/080 fix (2015-07-09)
  block-generic-req-reorder Documentation: update notes in biovecs about arbitrarily sized bios (2015-05-26)
  bcache       In bcache_init() function it forgot to unregister reboot notifier if bcache fails to unregister a block device.  This commit fixes this. (2015-05-15)
  dio-3.10-rc4 nullblk for 3.10-rc4 (2015-05-11)
  block-prep-simplify PM: submit bio in a sane way in cases without bio_chain (2015-04-23)
  target-cleanup target: clean up get_fabric_proto_ident (2015-04-10)
  tcm_aoe      tcm_aoe: Initial skeleton commit (2015-03-31)
  zpodd        acpi: run _OSC after ACPI_FULL_INITIALIZATION (2012-07-12)
  acpica       function header (2012-07-12)
  block_pm     [SCSI] sd: change to auto suspend mode (2012-07-06)
* master       Merge branch 'fixes' of git:// (2012-05-17)

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