pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/mkl/linux-can-next.git  about / heads / tags
the linux-can-next git tree - based on davem/net-next.git
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  testing      can: mcp251x: Fix up includes (2024-03-20)
  main         cxgb4: unnecessary check for 0 in the free_sge_txq_uld() function (2024-03-15)
* master       cxgb4: unnecessary check for 0 in the free_sge_txq_uld() function (2024-03-15)
  rockchip-canfd can: rockchip_canfd: convert to use new CAN length <-> DLC helpers (2023-10-11)
  bcm          can: bcm: add support for MSG_CMSG_COMPAT (2023-05-23)
  mcp251x-hwfilter can: mcp251x: Add ability to use CAN ID hw filter (2019-11-07)
  men          net: can: Introduce MEN 16Z192-00 CAN controller driver (2019-11-05)
  c_can        can: c_can: use rx-offload for echo skb too (2019-11-05)
  mcp2515-async can: mcp2515: add spi_async driver for MCP2515 (2019-07-10)
  can-hw-filter can: framework for hardware filter support (2018-02-20)
  j1939-proc   j1939: proc: re-add proc interface (2018-02-08)
  echo-queue   wip (2017-03-03)
  flexcan-maxmb maxmb (2017-03-03)
  berr_limit   can: flexcan: add berr_limit support (2016-01-25)

git clone