pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/mcgrof/crda.git  about / heads / tags
Central Regulatory Domain Agent
# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
v4.15        v4.15 (2022-07-26) tar.gz
v4.14        CRDA v4.14 - compiler fix warning (2018-01-05) tar.gz
v3.18        Its been a while since a release, now that Seth is the new wireless-regdb maintainer this merits kicking a release out. (2014-12-10) tar.gz
v3.13        Been a while since we do a release, lets kick one out, now we synch to match the kernel releases, just as iw does. (2014-01-24) tar.gz
v1.1.3       Linux distributions are using nl-genl-3 now so make a release to get this to work for them right. (2012-12-11) tar.gz
v1.1.2       libnl-3.0 is the version used for Ubuntu Oneiric, so give it a new bump (2011-08-09) tar.gz
v1.1.1       Now with dynamic key reading for openssl (2010-01-26) tar.gz
v1.1.0       openssl works now - thanks johill (2009-05-12) tar.gz
v1.0.2       v1.0.2 (2009-04-17) tar.gz
v1.0.1       Just some final Makefile fix (2009-01-24) tar.gz
v1.0.0       1.0.0 yippie (2009-01-23) tar.gz
v0.9.5       Some enhancements on building by Diego, fixes openssl build (2008-12-01) tar.gz
v0.9.4       install regdbdump (2008-11-24) tar.gz
v0.9.3       Renames dump to regdbdump (2008-11-24) tar.gz
v0.9.2       Separates db from crda, uses John's key (2008-11-17) tar.gz
v0.9.1       Ships its own nl80211.h now (2008-10-30) tar.gz
v0.9         Everything seems to work except openssl verification (2008-10-29) tar.gz

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