pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/martin.lau/bpf-next.git  about / heads / tags
Martin random patches
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  skb.tstamp_type changes on test_tc_dtime (2024-04-25)
  tw_netbw     selftests/bpf: Adapt hbm to selftests (2024-04-16)
  interpreter.kmsan bpf: Mark bpf prog stack with kmsan_unposion_memory in interpreter mode (2024-03-27)
* master       bpf,arena: Use helper sizeof_field in struct accessors (2024-03-27)
  struct_ops.images bpf: struct_ops supports more than one page for trampolines. (2024-02-23)
  qdisc-ideas  bpf: Trying out ideas for qdisc (2024-02-01)
  tcx_warn_fix tcx: Fix splat during dev unregister (2023-07-27)
  sock_destroy.v8.kafai bpf: allocate btf_kfunc_filter_t on demand (2023-05-19)
  local-stg-mem-alloc bpf: Check freeing sk->sk_local_storage with sk_local_storage->smap is NULL (2023-02-28)
  test_veth_perf bpf: A veth perf test (2022-11-14)
  for-next     selftests/bpf: Fix wrong size passed to bpf_setsockopt() (2022-08-24)

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