pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/linville/wireless-legacy.git  about / heads / tags
Historical git tree relevant to 802.11 feature development
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  at76         cfg80211: keep track of supported interface modes (at76) (2008-09-05)
* master       Linux v2.6.27-rc4 (2008-08-20)
  rtl8180-2008-01-21 rtl8180: remove calibration error message for rtl8225z2 (2008-01-16)
  ath5k-2008-01-21 ath5k: remove duplicate bssid variable (2008-01-16)
  mac80211-dungeon [PATCH] mac80211 [HT] 802.11 code compiles under CONFIG_MAC80211_HT (2007-10-25)
  mac80211-attic [PATCH] mac80211: remove scan struct from hostapd_param (2007-10-25)
  ath5k        [PATCH] ath5k: Internalize Atheros Turbo modes (2007-09-24)
  wireless-dev-2007-09-24 Merge branch 'p54' into everything (2007-09-17)
  wireless-dev-2007-08-10 Merge ../wireless-dev-legacy into wireless-dev-2007-08-10 (2007-08-13)
  tiacx        [PATCH] TI acx100/acx111: Make debug level selectable in configuration (2007-06-11)
  prism54usb   prism54usb: more fix for wireless Kconfig changes (2007-06-11)
  adm8211      [PATCH] adm8211: fix build breakage from skb->mac.raw (2007-06-11)

git clone