pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/kvalo/ath.git  about / heads / tags
wireless ath drivers tree, ath9k, ath10k, wil6210 etc
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
* master       Add localversion-wireless-testing-ath (2024-05-17)
  ath-qca      Merge branch 'ath-next' into ath-qca (2024-05-17)
  ath-next     wifi: ath12k: fix ack signal strength calculation (2024-05-17)
  ath-current  wifi: ath11k: Fix error path in ath11k_pcic_ext_irq_config (2024-05-17)
  master-pending Merge branch 'pending' into master-pending (2024-05-16)
  pending      wifi: ath12k: improve the rx descriptor error information (2024-05-16)
  pending-deferred wifi: ath10k: Fix an error code problem in ath10k_dbg_sta_write_peer_debug_trigger() (2024-04-24)
  ath11k-hibernation-support wifi: ath11k: support hibernation (2023-11-27)
  ath12k-split-phy wifi: ath12k: fix fetching mcbc flag for QCN9274 (2023-09-15)
  ath12k-testmode wifi: ath12k: Fill pdev id for fw test cmd (2023-09-13)
  ath12k-bringup wifi: ath12k: wmi: avoid copying invalid vdev key data (2022-11-14)
  ath12k-bringup-extras Merge ath-next into ath12k-bringup (2022-11-07)
  ath11k-qca6390-bringup HACK: Revert "mm/page_alloc: place pages to tail in __free_pages_core()" (2020-12-14)
  ath11k-qca6390-mhi Merge branch 'mhi-upstream-wip' of into ath11k-qca6390-mhi (2020-01-27)
  ath11k-post-bringup ath11k: fix indentation in ath11k_mac_prepare_he_mode() (2019-11-25)
  pending-ath11k trivial: ath11k: fix indentation error (2019-11-22)
  ath11k-bringup dt: bindings: net: ath11k: change license (2019-11-09)
  ath10k-pending-sdio-usb HACK: ath10k: high latency fixes for beacon buffer (2019-09-26)
  ath10k-stable-3.11 ath10k: add recalc RTS/CTS protection method (2014-03-18)

git clone