pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/jth/linux.git  about / heads / tags
jth kernel tree
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  mcb-for-next mcb-lpc: Reallocate memory region to avoid memory overlapping (2023-03-30)
  mcb-for-5.14 mcb: Remove trailing semicolon in macros (2021-06-15)
  btrfs-integrity btrfs: add authenticated plus secondary checksum for sha256 and blake2b (2020-11-13)
  zone-append.v11 zonefs: use REQ_OP_ZONE_APPEND for sync DIO (2020-05-12)
  zone-append.v10 zonefs: use REQ_OP_ZONE_APPEND for sync DIO (2020-05-06)
  zone-append.v9 zonefs: use REQ_OP_ZONE_APPEND for sync DIO (2020-04-28)
  zone-append.v8 zonefs: use REQ_OP_ZONE_APPEND for sync DIO (2020-04-27)
  zone-append.v7 zonefs: use REQ_OP_ZONE_APPEND for sync DIO (2020-04-17)
  zone-append.v6 zonefs: use REQ_OP_ZONE_APPEND for sync DIO (2020-04-14)
  zone-append.v5 zonefs: use REQ_OP_ZONE_APPEND for sync DIO (2020-04-10)
  btrfs-misc-fixes btrfs: remove impossible WARN_ON in btrfs_destroy_dev_replace_tgtdev() (2019-12-05)
  close_fs_devices btrfs: reset device back to allocation state when removing (2019-12-04)
  close_fs_devices.v4 btrfs: reset device back to allocation state when removing (2019-12-04)
  close_fs_devices.v3 btrfs: reset device back to allocation state when removing (2019-11-25)
  close_fs_devices.v2 btrfs: change btrfs_fs_devices::rotating to bool (2019-11-13)
  close_fs_devices.v1 btrfs: remove final BUG_ON() in close_fs_devices() (2019-11-12)
  btrfs-raid-cleanups btrfs: remove pointless indentation in btrfs_read_sys_array() (2019-10-18)
* master       kthread: make __kthread_queue_delayed_work static (2019-10-16)
  btrfs-xxhash64.v4 btrfs: sysfs: export supported checksums (2019-08-27)
  btrfs-xxhash64.v3 btrfs: sysfs: export supported checksums (2019-08-23)
  btrfs_xxhash64 btrfs: sysfs: export supported checksums (2019-08-23)
  btrfs_xxhash64.v3 btrfs: sysfs: export supported checksums (2019-08-23)
  btrfs_xxhash64.v2 btrfs: sysfs: export supported checksums (2019-08-22)
  btrfs_xxhash64.v1 btrfs: sysfs: export supported checksums (2019-07-25)
  btrfs-csum-rework btrfs: add sha256 as another checksum algorithm (2019-06-03)
  btrfs-csum-rework.v4 btrfs: add sha256 as another checksum algorithm (2019-06-03)
  btrfs-csum-rework.v3 btrfs: add sha256 as another checksum algorithm (2019-05-22)
  btrfs-csum-rework.v2 btrfs: add sha256 as another checksum algorithm (2019-05-15)
  btrfs-csum-rework.v1 btrfs: add sha256 as another checksum algorithm (2019-05-10)
  nvme-tp-fix.v4 nvme: trace: add disk name to tracepoints (2018-06-11)
  scsi-results scsi: introduce struct scsi_result (2018-04-18)
  iscsi_DID_REQUEUE fixup! fixup! scsi: introduce set_scsi_result (2017-10-16)
  s390-kprobes samples/kprobes: Add s390 case in kprobe example module (2017-09-13)

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