pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/jkacur/tuna.git  about / heads / tags
John Kacur tuna repo
# tags:
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/tags \
	--format='%(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
v0.13.3      v0.13.3 (2018-05-09) tar.gz
v0.13.2      v0.13.2 (2018-05-09) tar.gz
v0.13.1      v0.13.1 (2016-05-31) tar.gz
v0.13        v0.13 (2016-05-24) tar.gz
v0.12        v0.12 (2014-05-23) tar.gz
v0.11.1      rpm: Release 0.11.1 (2013-07-24) tar.gz
v0.11        rpm: Release 0.11 (2013-05-22) tar.gz
v0.10.4      0.10.4 (2013-02-01) tar.gz
v0.10.3      0.10.3 (2012-08-24) tar.gz
v0.10.2      0.10.2 (2011-07-29) tar.gz
v0.10.1      0.10.1 (2011-02-23) tar.gz
v0.10        perf: Create the threads pidstat member when we notice the first thread (2011-02-01) tar.gz
v0.9.4       rpm: bump version to 0.9.4 (2010-05-17) tar.gz
v0.9.3       rpm: 0.9.3 (2010-05-10) tar.gz
v0.9.2       rpm: 0.9.2 (2009-11-12) tar.gz
v0.9.1       rpm: 0.9.1 (2009-09-03) tar.gz
v0.9         tuna: Handle 2.6.31 style threaded irq names (2009-08-31) tar.gz
v0.8.4       Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// (2009-02-13) tar.gz
v0.8.3       bump release to 0.8.3 (2008-12-17) tar.gz
v0.8.2       rpm: v0.8.2 (2008-12-01) tar.gz
v0.8.1       tuna-cmd: Add --version and --spread, that was missing in --help (2008-10-30) tar.gz
v0.8         rpm: 0.8 release (2008-10-27) tar.gz
v0.7         rpm: 0.7 release (2008-09-15) tar.gz
v0.6         rpm: we need at least python-linux-procfs 0.4 due to per process flags (2008-08-12) tar.gz
v0.5         rpm: 0.5 release (2008-08-07) tar.gz
v0.4         rpm: oscilloscope subpackage (2008-06-17) tar.gz
v0.3         [RPM]: Add oscilloscope to %{_bindir} and tag 0.3 (2008-05-16) tar.gz
v0.2.3       [TUNA]: Don't import all tuna modules in __init__ (2008-05-07) tar.gz
v0.2.2       [TUNA_GUI]: Fix the glade file location (2008-05-02) tar.gz
v0.2         [SPECFILE]: Fix Source URL (2008-03-31) tar.gz
v0.1         [TUNA]: Use /usr/share/tuna/ (2008-02-26) tar.gz

git clone